726 Tasting Notes
Once upon a time I was bored so I decided to go to Epcot. It was a slightly chilly day and I was at The Tea Caddy and the lady at the till was talking to a guest saying how the Christmas Tea was really good! I was intrigued, but I wasn’t about to spend money on bagged tea because.. I just don’t like bagged tea that much? Yeah it was buy 3 boxes for $20 but… I just won’t drink it.
I ended up just finishing up the world showcase and right at the Port of Entry, Canada side, there was a stand where you can get drinks and things for their Holidays Around the World! I ended up just buying Christmas Tea. Of course it was overpriced, but hey, that’s Disney for you.
Drank me some Christmas Tea as I finished up my Christmas shopping and I sat on the bench right by the Christmas tree :) It was actually pretty good for a bagged tea! I drank this like Dec. 15th so I forgot the aroma and how it actually tasted, but it was a decent cup of tea :)
((I just read a couple reviews of this tea and a lot of people said it had a weak flavour and was slightly bland. Well I actually like my black teas weak and my whites and greens strong soo… this tea was decent for me. Not complete disappointment, but also not praise-worthy. It is tea and it did its job))
Because my roommate is sick and I think I sloooowly might be getting sick. Throat Coat to the rescue!
It’s actually pretty good okay. Like I would totally drink this tea if I was in the mood for it, even if my throat wasn’t such a butt.
I figured I’d actually go for a caffeine-free because I totally stayed up till 3am because of all the freakin black tea that I drank.
Because I’ve steeped and steeped my oolong till it lost its taste, I needed a tea to fill that emptiness!
Yeah. Black tea at 11pm because no class tomorrow but lots of online homework to be done! And it’s due tomorrow morning so… yeah. Gotta get that finished up before the due time so looks like I’m in for a loooong night! Good thing I’ve got my tea to keep me company :)
Oh yeah. And THIS TEA. This is probably one of my most favourite black teas from Adagio okay. The colour is just so nice and the taste is smooth and good and robust? ish? I DON’T KNOW. IT’S LATE. CAN’T WRITE. TEA GOOD.
Ohhhh wow. Now ///this/// is tea!
Nice and sweet and delicate and just… oh it’s just perfect.
Drinking oolong because I don’t have class tomorrow and who cares if I can’t go to sleep tonight because of caffeine! If it’s good tea, it’s worth it :)
I don’t think I’ve had oolong before? Well if I have, it was probably in some of the blends that I had.
But yes. Oolong. Don’t really know the difference. I just like tea and oolong is tea so I know it’s good :)
OHHH I REALLY LIKE HOW THIS SMELLS. From the bag, it smelled like dust and antiques and like the good old book smell! Brewing it’s more… ashy? The colour is really nice as well. A bit like light amber? Naww scratch that. It’s more of a lightish gold.Steeping longer and it smells more like smoke.. don’t know if I like it? Ahh well, here it goes!
Okay it’S GOOD. It’s a wee bit smoky. It tastes more like the tea in the bad, not as it’s brewing. I don’t know. I just know I like it :)
Wanted to drink tea as I finished the rest of my quizzes and this was staring me right in the face.
Yes yes good good. Is it weird that I kinda wanna take a bath in this tea? It’s like the perfect bedtime tea okay and I really like it :)
Opening the pack, I can smell the apricot and mango.
Steeping, it definitely takes on a fruitier note.
Don’t know how I feel about this? It smells like… medicine-ish. But the last time this happened to me I actually really liked the tea! Smells very much like the Elrond blend, especially since Elrond used this tea in the blend :)
Takes on an amber colour.
It tastes… decent. I like it! Probably have to steep it longer though. But yeah. This tea is good :))
(I kinda sorta rushed this tasting note because 4 quizzes due in a couple hours wow shouldn’t have procrastinated)