drank Typhoo Gold by Typhoo
3010 tasting notes

(Pooh. I’ve tried four times to get an image to stick to the tea description. It’s a box. It says Ty-phoo. It’s gold. How’s that?)

After a couple of un-winters in our little corner of Missouri, we’re due for a week of bona-fide real winter this week (highs by Friday might make 10 F), and I am going to need significant quantities of unleaded fuel at work. The fun started yesterday with improperly unpredicted freezing drizzle that chilled me through and made me weak. And the Tuesday Morning staff looked a little gloomy and lonely. So I bought this box to cheer them up. (That’s the story I am sticking with.)

I regret nothing. The online product pitch mentions African teas, but I would swear the box itself threw “Assam” into the combo, and you know Assam is my magic word. Whatever voodoo Typhoo do, they do it well. No rogue acidity, no bottom-of-of-the-bin bitterness, just one beautiful cup of dark, smooth, slightly bready morning tea.

Cameron B.

Ha ha, I fixed the image. Let me know if a different one is better. :P


Bless you! That’s it!

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Cameron B.

Ha ha, I fixed the image. Let me know if a different one is better. :P


Bless you! That’s it!

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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