230 Tasting Notes
Today is the last time I will make this tea until I purchase more, 6tsp into my 8 cup botum and I will pour this over ice because I just LOVE this iced! It is all I have been drinking in the afternoon on ice at work!
Can you see my pouty face? Maybe I should be 200g next time, instead of just 50g…
Second steeping
I am going to forgo the milk as this is more green tea in taste than black. There is quite the kick of caffine and I am buzing around the house getting little things done. I definantly like this tea and despite the apparent expense, it is really cost effective!
This is my first jump into oolongs that are not flavoured with fruit or chocolate or vanilla beans and… WOW!
When I walked into Janet’s Special Teas, I noticed that she only had 4 oolongs on her tea list. I explained that I was new to loose tea and wanted to know which oolong was best to try; she instantly without hesitation told me that she had just opened a fresh bag of Osmanthus and that I should try this first. She was also very careful to explain how long to steep it and how hot the water should be. She was so careful with her instructions that I will be going back when I want to try burgamonts or straight black or the like!
First Steep was for only 1 minute, and at only 87C and I found the tea had a slight peppery taste, and the original “mouldy grass” smell to the leaves was tough to over look but once steeped all I can smell is the Osmanthus flower that give this tea it’s name.
I think that I might try a touch of milk for the second steeping.
This tea was a successful first leap into the world of Oolongs, and I am not looking back!
I am an evil person, I bought 50g of this stuff, and have been eagerly sharing it with people to the point that I think there is JUST enough for me to have some tonight!
Getting people hooked on DAVIDsTEA, one cup at a time. I am terrible though, the co-worker who is getting a cup of this today is going to Hawaii on Saturday and will either have to hope to run into a DAVIDsTEA there, or wait impatiently to get home! hahahaha!!
Oh… Wow… I have never found a chai that I like (unless it is that syrup-y Starbucks Chai Latte)
I had this one iced today with my ice bath to cool down after a long day stuck in a hot bus carting sweating pre-pubescent children around from place to place, and wow, I can’t place all the flavours I am tasting, but it has a pleasant after taste that is more enjoyable, I think the next time this would be great with a few tablespoons of heavy cream… or perhaps with some spiced rum… …. hummm.
This tea will definantly have a permenant place on my tea shelf!
2 tsp
8 oz of hot water
steeped 4 mins
poured over ice in a 20oz cup
leaves steeped a second time and added to cup later.
This tea has now been left at work! it is just too easy to over steep, and too easily scortched when adding water and the horrible orange rind taste of this tea just just vomit inducing! I feel awful since it is a delightful smelling tea.
This looks like a blend just asking for trouble. Black and green teas have wildly different steeping times and water temps, and hibiscus can take over a tea so easily….blegh. Have you tried cold steeping it? Leave a tsp in an infuser or teaball in a mug of cool water in the fridge overnight? It would prevent scorching, but the hibiscus might enjoy the long soak too much. Anyway, it’s worth a try!
it’s just a write off for me, there is no tea left and there was no help from anyone at Teaopia about what to do with this tea… Oh Customer Service Where have you gone?
I think those of us who start our looseleaf tea journey with DavidsTea get spoiled and we just won’t put up with terrible customer service from anywhere else.
I had loaned my small sample to a friend and almost forgotten about it. There are five of us at work who are obsessed with DAVIDsTEA’s so when we get a new flavour we offer to share them so that other’s can decide if they want that tea, and we trade off teas that we bought too much of and discovered we don’t really enjoy.
Anyways…. After getting this pouch back today I was quick to make some of this tea and pour it over ice. I should note that although the label calls for 1.5tsp I have only been using 1 tsp when hot or just 2tsp when pour it over ice, I find that because most of DAVIDsTEA’s can be steeped twice I don’t need much.
Because of the mint and peppercorns in this tea it is DELISH! cold! And certianly makes me feel “right as rain” after learning that my car will cost me $2100 to fix! (Stupid Mopar!)
Mmmm, I tried a new messy twist today.
I had this baby iced, but rather than discarding the papaya with the used leaves I dug them out, rinsed them off and put them into the iced cup, they continued to steep as the morning wore on and beat out the chicory taste.
Still my favourite week day pick me up!