I had loaned my small sample to a friend and almost forgotten about it. There are five of us at work who are obsessed with DAVIDsTEA’s so when we get a new flavour we offer to share them so that other’s can decide if they want that tea, and we trade off teas that we bought too much of and discovered we don’t really enjoy.
Anyways…. After getting this pouch back today I was quick to make some of this tea and pour it over ice. I should note that although the label calls for 1.5tsp I have only been using 1 tsp when hot or just 2tsp when pour it over ice, I find that because most of DAVIDsTEA’s can be steeped twice I don’t need much.
Because of the mint and peppercorns in this tea it is DELISH! cold! And certianly makes me feel “right as rain” after learning that my car will cost me $2100 to fix! (Stupid Mopar!)
Are ye sure? I’m not sure because hot… I doesn’t smell like it will be good iced… Hum!
The mint flavours really “kick you in the teeth” and is fair more enjoyable. I know that black teas are hit or miss as iced though, but this one I like… a lot.