230 Tasting Notes
Must get more…
Must buy larger container next time…
I had quite the day, Dr’s with poor “bedside manner” and jerk like atittudes meets this tea… everything almost seems okay now.
Maybe I am starting to understand the more subtle notes of “black teas” but today detected floral scents under the manderine and spice. Soothing to the soul and the fractured sense of self – gotta love Dr’s and their ability to make one feel not only fat, but lazy all at once, and all because of a swollen, black finger… that is what I went in for and I came out with a sense of fat and lazy.
Delicious tea, to the point that I think I might be ready to venture into tasting straight blacks, no added flavours….
Hopefully the lab will garner conclusive results and show the Dr that he should stick to teh concern at hand… my puffy black finger that needs attention, and not my body fat, apparently my puffy black finger is a sign of high cholesterol… WFT?!
But I digress, this tea is delicious… I should buy more, soon.
Mmmm, maybe I am biased but this is still so yummy! And so pretty to watch as it cold steeps in my glass of lemonade and ice! All that gorgeous magenta coloured liquor slip-sliding over ice to pool like bright red silk at the bottom of my glass, waiting to be stirred and consumed… Savoured while I click through the pages of the latest book that I have put on to my Kobo!
Oh did I mention there is a great sunset to watch too?
I think I am starting to become aware of the scent of rooibos and honeybush teas, because when the tin is opened you are hit in the face with a distinct honeybush scent followed closely by red rooibos. As for orange or caramel scent there is nothing there, but I have never been let down by a Safeway product yet; so onward I trudge.
I went for a cold steep today, since it is FLIPPING hot out and I can wait for this while I sip what is left of the passion tea lemonade I made yesterday.
This tea is pretty to watch as it cold steeps, all the loverly amber colourd liquor slip sliding around the icecubes to pool at the bottom of my glass is almost mesmerising (I even forgot about the knife I was holding while making salad for din-din) Once I stirred and added a little simple syrup, I was fully let down by the lack of orange and caramel flavours I was waiting to taste.
But I will not shelf this one indefinantly just yet, as I am thinking a hot steep tonight will bring out the caramel and orange flavours.
Same teabag, steeped with hot water, as soon as the hot water hit the leaves I could smell caramel and orange… My rating just went up!
This was the tea that I chose today, when I purchased my lunch at the Roost.
You can smell the orange, although I did not notice any vanilla it was still tasty, fragrant and floral. … I had this tea at 6am, I should go and get some more so I can better define how delicious it is.
Damit! Contrary to popular beleive tea cups do not bounce, but luckily this one did not shatter! and I was able to rescue the teabag and use it for another successful steep. Though the sticky mess I had to clean up left me insanely miffed! and I mean MIFFED! No one wants to have to move a heavy fridge to clean underneath it on a hot Summers day!
That being said I am really, really impressed that I am able to get three steeps out of these powerhouse bags, especially when I start with a cold steep first!
Tazo and Starbucks, you maybe over priced but this resteepablility of this tea certianly makes up for it! Time to make more lemonade! :o)
First off, this is not the tea to drink when you have even a hint of the flu! I had this last weekend while I was sick and took one wiff of the anaise and thought I was going to die! Licorice NOT tasty and does NOT smell delicious when one is ill.
Also why are all the teas with Anaise or licorice of some sort so… so… UNappealing?! BLECK!
I am sitting here, waiting for sleep… and this is the only herbal with any real pull tonight. I blame my wakefulness on my day off, and the nap I had this afternoon…
The bright contrast of green and red rooibos in my cup is pretty to look at, and the horrendous wind outside continuously moves the scent of this tea my way, while it steeps. Though I do not enjoy steeping this tea with my tuffy basket, it is all I have right now and I will just have to live with the little twigs that escape into the liquid.
Not very spicy today, there is a hint of creamy caramel to this tea and I am hit with the realisation that I dumped the last of the dreaded creme brulee rooibos into this tin in my hast to get rid of it… Uh-oh, I sense this may have been a HUGE faux pas! We shall soon find out….
This versatile tea is amazing! I was worried, as most people are, that the cost would out weigh the benifits of a full leaf tea in a bag, but I successfully steeped this bag three times!
First steep: Done cold.
Fill cup with ice, add half cup lemonade and fill with water, add teabag and let it sit.
This tea started steeping almost immediatly! and was sippable straight away.
Second steep: Done cold
Same as above, but took longer to steep, and not as intense of a flavour.
Third steep: Done with hot water
Left the bag in until the water cooled, still flavourful! Can’t wait to add ice and lemonade tomorrow morning!
This is a full leaf tea I will be keeping on the tea shelf over the summer, each summer!! It tastes like liquid cherry pie and has less of a hibiscus taste that is so prevalant in the syrup they use when you ask for this tea iced at Starbucks! Mmmmmm!
Note: The steep time is for the last and final steep.
Oooo. My. GAWD!! This oolong will be a part of my permenant collection! Peaches, apricots, creamy oolong!
I can’t brag enough about this tea!! And since I’ve been having a lot of tummy trouble this weekend, this one and Happy Kombucha have been my staples with toast and peanut butter! I am not so upset that I can’t eat full meals yet, so long as I can sniff and sip this delightful nectar; and the best part is that I can keep the kettle by the bed and send the hubby to refill it and my cup when I am ready for fresh leaves and more water!
Definantly buying more of this stuff soon, and when I do it will be a “fill up this tin please!” purchase, rather than a “Ummm, just 50g’s for now please”..
I hear ya sistah! I’m a healthy, active, vegan who is.. well, let’s say curvy. My doctors never cease to hastle me about about loosing weight. One had me talk to a nutritionist, which I was pleased to do, and low and behold I have an exceedingly healthy diet and my bloodwork looked great. Assholes! ((((hugs))))
eeek! Me to. Doctors suck sometimes.
I have naturally high cholesterol, created by my body, not the food I intake. I eat a very healthy diet and exercise often yet I still have the pot belly!
No matter— I have tea :)
I wanted to tell the Dr. to eat S…T! because all 10 vials of blood work came back fine AND my cholesterol is lower than the “expected average for my age, and weight”
ahhh, that would have been priceless… the look on his face. Maturity begone, sometimes people deserve a little wakeup call! :)