Yunnan Sourcing

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Huh, kind of surprised by this one. The reviews speak of it so highly, but I found it kind of middle-of-the-road as far as Yunnans go. Of course I have yet to meet a Yunnan I don’t enjoy, but this one is just kind of ‘meh’. There’s a bit of malt, and some spicy orange notes. But overall it’s weak and forgettable. I’ll happily drink the rest of what I have, but certainly won’t pick up more whenever I get around to placing another YS order.

Flavors: Malt, Orange Zest

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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Brewing this in the Gaiwan, 10 grams with a short rinse and about a minute rest period for the tea to open up. This is nice thick and pungent tea. It starts slightly sweet very full in the mouth with a hint of tobacco and bitter melon with a good bit of bitter at the end. Mang Fei teas of good quality always seem to carry this well into the brew. Very nice for now for those with the strong upfront qualities. I will look forward to see how this progresses in the years to come. A very upfront tea for sure.

Flavors: Bitter, Bitter Melon, Sweet, Tobacco

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Brilliantly clean and brisk, this young sheng displays a light golden color and notes of apricot and citrus. Bold flavors of dried apricot and fresh tobacco dominate the palate with hints of tangerine and a brisk astringency that seems to bounce flavors around your mouth playfully creatings an uncommonly long finish that highlights the “raisin” aspect of the tobacco notes. Multiple steepings are possible and the astringency tapers off along with this. I was most pleased with this sample from Yunnan Sourcing.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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I’m starting to think that I need to start using two numbers to rate pu-erh tea. The first would be the flavor rating that I use for all other teas, and the second would be the psycho-active rating, or cha qi.

This tea is a great example. I don’t really like the taste, which is still pretty bitter at the 6th steep. However, halfway through this 6th cup (first cup this morning) I have this relaxing “buzz” going on that is probably what people talk about as “tea drunk”. I’m not going to provide a rating on steepster (or seriously propose a two-point system) but my internal rating system for pu-erh become based upon a combination of flavor with qi, but it would be better to use two numbers. This is not the only tea that I enjoyed for qi but didn’t care for in flavor. Of course, a few special teas have both.

So, on to this tea: It starts with a grassy flavor, which is my preference in a green-style tea, but with a little more veggie than I like to see. Very soon into a sip, a very powerful bitterness starts to build and it dominates the taste to the point where very little else is noticeable. I steeped at 185, which I would think would produce less bitterness than at boiling, or my ususal black tea temperature of 200. I’ll try at 175 degrees next time just to see if that makes a difference.

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 30 sec 3 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

I like a tea with good qi.

Dr Jim

It was just what I needed this morning.


I prefer to do flush steeps at 200F. It will be less bitter. Also have you noticed any sweetness after bitterness ?

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All of my tiny teapots have been staring at me for months, showing their feelings of neglect for lack of use. I’m sorry little teapots, I longed to drink from you, but my life was crazy.
Now that I’m back to being self-employed again, life is so much better. (My next CD should be called, “Doesn’t work well with others”.
Anyway, I spent most of yesterday & today drinking wonderful gongfu sessions with this one, using my lovely little yixing that I dedicated to Dian Hongs, & working on the re-release of one of my CDs, Zen Breakfast. I had to redesign the cover, because the original cover art files were corrupt, so I used photos of my beautiful blue lotus pot & cup (Which I got from Mandala), and I’m pretty pleased with the results! Check it out on Instagram OR my FB


Looks nice!!


Way to go Terri! I saw it on Ig earlier.

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First tea of the day, a lovely session while I was fixing breakfast.
Now, to try to get a few things done around here!

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I’m sitting here with an ice pack on my hand, wishing I could drink more tea.
My surgery is scheduled for 4:00 this afternoon. No food or beverages after 7am, so I got up extra early to have breakfast & tea, & plenty of water.

My first tea of the day was a gongfu session with this one, which is gentle & sweet, a real pleasure to drink.


May your surgeon have a steady hand and a brilliant mind, and if they are a tea drinker all the better.

Terri HarpLady

I agree!


+1 on that! May everything go well and quickly, and may your healing be fast and pain free!


Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Terri HarpLady

Thanks you guys! Im already starting to get hungry, & really wish I could drink a big glass of water!

carol who

The waiting is tough. I hope the surgery and recovery goes well. How long will it be until you can play your harp again?

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Fantastic tea. Deep red color, clear, thick. Smells boozy, dried fruit and wood aroma. For some reason reminded me Port wine
The price is great: $12 for 357g is excellent every day choice. As I’m drinking it has some drying qualities but nothing major.
6 g 100 ml gaiwan 212F
Rinse/pause/5/5/7/10/15sec etc

Thank you tea friend for helping me discover amazing and affordable teas.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Ha ha. I have reviewed this tea so many times. It is my go to non-caffeinated tea for a cold winter evening. It’s getting awfully close to the end of the bag (YS Sourcing order is calling me…) Finally got my Steepster cupboard up to date this evening. The last few evenings I have gone through my excel tea file and rechecked all my teas. I thought I would remove some I hadn’t taken off. I didn’t find too many of those but found a few I hadn’t logged. Wouldn’t you know it? Okay so I can’t find my Golden Snail Tea from Whispering Pines. I logged it on my excel sheet when I got the order. I remember seeing it and I put it with my black teas. I’ve been through ALL my teas and I can’t find it. Little gremlins must have hocked my Golden Snail! Where oh where can it be?

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I am enjoying this buckwheat tea. It’s roasty toasty buckwheat that’s got a nice sweetness too. A wonderful cup of non-caffeinated tea for late afternoon. It does kind of give you that warm cosy feeling on a cool day.

Flavors: Roasted, Toasty

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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So quick note!
This one is delicious also! Tastes strongly of sweet potatoes. Lovely tea.
Can’t write too much more since I’m super exhausted. But going to enjoy the rest of this sample.
Thanks, Boychik! :D


Glad you liked it :-)


Thanks again! :D

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A really lovely ripe pu-erh. Nothing is out of place, the flavors are deep and clean, and the impression for me is of a cake that was well made from good materials. Very pleasant tea.

Flavors: Chocolate, Earth

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 7 OZ / 220 ML

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I took some of this from the Lewis & Clark tea box before it went on its way. I love the other gold tea I tried from MzPriss’ Unflavored tea box so much that I HAD to buy some (the Imperial Mojiang Spring 2014). There you go tea companies: a sale from a traveling tea box.

The leaves here are somewhat curly but also somewhat sickle shaped. I definitely did NOT steep this the right way somehow, as there was a plastic-like scent. I’ll have to work with it. I took a few teaspoons out of the tea box as there was SO MUCH there! The steeped tea actually has a muddied gray color. The flavor at the top of the mug is like tomato soup, then there is some sweet potato. There is a lot of starchiness. Maybe that somehow reminds me and other tea drinkers of sweet potato on its own? Or the starchiness is the sweet potato flavor? The second steep tasted exactly the same, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. But it seems like this cup should be so much better than how I steeped it.
Steep #1 // 2 tsps.// 9 min after boiling // 3 min steep
Steep #2 // 8 min after boiling // 2 1/2 min

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Dry the little black needles smell almost like a green tea (They don’t look quite like the picture. They are very tiny and very black.). I’d say a Bi Luo Chun but with a hint of molasses scent to it. I brewed Gong Fu. 195F -15 sec and added 15 sec to the second. For the third I kept it at 30 sec because the 2nd cup seemed a bit strong to me.

This is a yummy malty tea. I’m picking up molasses sweet taste in it and also cocoa notes (which was more pronounced in the first two infusions). There’s something about this black tea that reminds me of a green- again I think of Bi Luo Chun. Perhaps it’s something in the aroma of it brewed. It works for me anyway since I love greens. This black tea is an excellent tea!

Flavors: Cocoa, Malt, Molasses

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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It’s a cool , damp, & drizzly day, & it seemed like shu would be the perfect fit, & it is, although it I’d though it through I probably would have gone with sichuan caravan, or maybe some chai, but this is a really nice rich cup of sweet earth.

This has been a rough week for me. I broke a finger on wednesday & am having surgery to repair it on monday. There will be no harp playing for 4 – 6 weeks! I’ve been able to set up replacement harpists for the weddings I was supposed to do tomorrow & next saturday, but the other 3 performances had to be cancelled, because I’m the only jazz harpist around.
Financial losses for the next 10 days alone is abut $1000. I haven’t done the math for november yet, in part because I’m hoping for a miraculous healing, LOL.
Denial runs deep!
I’ve been through the 5 stages of grief several times in the last few days: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, & acceptance.
Life goes on.


That’s got to be the worst! So sorry! Hope it heals quickly!!!


Hurting for you! (The damp weather probably doesn’t help the hurty part either.) Will be praying for speedy healing!


Oh no! Terri, I am so sorry to hear it. Praying for a quick healing and that you won’t even feel that financial because something good will just take of it.

Terri HarpLady

Thanks ladies.


Oh no, that’s too bad! Best wishes that you heal quickly and that everything works out.


I hope you heal quickly! Sorry for your misfortune.


Ouch, so sorry! Feel better soon


Oh dear. That’s rotten for you. :( I hope you heal quickly and won’t have to dig too deeply into your savings.


Terry , I’m so sorry and I hope you will recover quickly.


wishing you a very quick healing Terri. So sorry to read this.

Terri HarpLady

Savings? LOL, what savings? :)
I’m just a musician who makes enough money to not qualify for medicaid, but not quite enough to qualify for any of the Affordable Health Care incentives. So no insurance, but usually no need to see the dr either. I haven’t seen one in years, until this week. Anyway, I pd my surgeon up front $1200, which was a greatly reduced rate, & will be billed by the hospital after the fact.I’ve been told I’ll probably get some kind of a scholarship for at least part of the fees. I have an affirmation that has served me well over the years, “All of my needs, dreams, & desires are abundantly fulfilled.”
The Harp class teaching job wasn’t something I really wanted to go back to, but when they offered it, I did, because I learned a long time ago that the Universe knows what I need & provides it. So whatever I need will come from wherever it is right now :)
Maybe people will order a bunch of my xmas CDs to give for gifts, or start downloading my other CDs from itunes, or whatever. I know I’ll be ok! And as Sil will confirm, I have lots of tea to drink (& I didn’t even show her my crazy secret hoarded stash), so I’m definitely covered there!
And gratefully, I have all of you, sending good vibes my way!
Thanks everyone!


I want to see the secret stash……I will trade pictures of mine for some of yours.

Terri HarpLady

LOL, a photo tour?


I hope you heal quickly!

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ok tasting again cause i had to prepare couple samples. So good. im so happy i picked the whole brick.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

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I love wild teas of Dehong. i tried Light Roast, regular roast, Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha Wild Tree Purple Black tea Yunnan Sourcing offerings. i tried 2005 Wild Tree brick of Dehong (humid storage).
This puerh has some notes not found in other sheng. its sweet,nutty, herbal, smooth and delicious. Not bitter. Soup is bright yellow . it was a pleasure to drink for 2 days.

I got this sample from Mandala along with others because YS US site currently carry only sample size. they sold out on bricks. But Mandala still has them. I have to have this tea. its a must in my cupboard!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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OMG this tea is so good. Chocolate & sweet. Smooth not bitter or astringent. Yum! Been brewing this gongfu this morning and on my 3rd tiny cup. I would put this on my list to reorder but I have plenty for now. What more can I say? Big slurp Mmmmmmm

Flavors: Chocolate, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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Rinsed leaves smell fantastic. Deep creamy Vanilla orchid aroma, and a hint of ‘cookies and cream’ of all things.
Taste is vegetal-orchid.
Nice dark large leaves take a while to expand.

Flavors: Orchid, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 60 OZ / 1774 ML

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brewed probably 5-6 grams in Gawain.
It was much better this time.
During first several infusions leaves have a nice aged aroma of wet earth and raisins, with a faint hint of camphorous complex aged puerh aroma and much much less storage smell than before.

First few brews did have a bit of of that eukalyptus/camphor that boychich mentioned.
The tea is thick, almost coffee like, which is nice though its also somewhat muddy/murky.

From the three recently sampled aged shengs, this would take second place, after the yong ping hao. Both have some notable qualities, but I would rather pay more for a sheng with stronger, more obvious flavor and aroma, and with notable enhancement of well being and state of mind.

This morning I transferred the samples to small mugs with puer-paper & rubber band seals at the top. Will see how they fare in a couple of weeks or months.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

Glad it was better this time. it’s sold out anyway. I do really like 2008 version.

Asaf Mazar

Seems like both 2005 and 2008 are out of stock now. there is 2012 for $35.

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Dry leaf smells dusty and musty, a bit like mold spores actually. Since its from a reputable site I am not worried about sampling it.

I rinsed twice. All the infusions are dominated by a strong storage flavor. The brew itself is a bit sweet, faintly aged-fruity and lacking vitality.

Well, 3 out of 3 semi-aged sheng samples that I ordered are all rather disappointing to be honest. I see good review here so perhaps I am doing something wrong. Again, lets see what happens after they breathe for a few months.

Flavors: Musty

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 90 OZ / 2661 ML

it was first wet stored for me but i liked it. maybe because i live in a very humid climate. Couple days ago i tried 2008 wild tree Ye Sheng cha. nothing like this one. bright yellow soup, not bitter at all. sweet. highly recommended. available fr Mandala Tea

Charles Thomas Draper

I always enjoy your honest reviews.

Asaf Mazar

Thanks Charles. Its challenging to be accurate when rating a tea, especially aged puer. So many factors seem to influence the experience. This is why I have put aside numeric ratings for now. Perhaps its best to assign a score to a tea only after about 4-5 sessions with it.

Asaf Mazar

boychick, I am hoping to get some of that menthol that you mentioned. Its one of my favorites qualities in puer. Fortunately you left precise notes.I will try again using the same parameters.


I agree on lettung the tea “breathe” also. Since shipping can be slow and it is sealed most of the time I allow it to "acclimate’ to my environment.

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After rinse there is a somewhat pleasant aged aroma. there are some hints of rubber in there.
I found some decent aged notes in some of the brews, though by and large, its not something that I feel like drinking much of, and has this cooked artichoke water somewhat bitter flavor that is not too exiting. Maybe its my (filtered) tap water, who knows.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

Nah, sounds about right. I was hoping for a bit more sweetness out of this one when I tried it. Try giving it a good rinse and letting it rest for a longer time. I did this a followed by brewing with water at 200-205 and ti was a bit better. Not great though. Cheers!

Asaf Mazar

JC, Its always fin to compare notes. I will try it with a longer rinse and rest.

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Dry leaf aroma has fruity tangy notes. After rinse the aroma is not that pleasant, perhaps a bit like aged rubber but not quite. The tea itself has a dulled-out aged barely fruity taste with some storage notes. Not much vitality in this one.
Perhaps it needs to acclimate for a few months.

After my experience with the ‘ancient spirit’ cake from YS, which seemed dull wen I first received it and is now an excellent tea, I can’t really judge a tea from an initial tasting right out of the sample bag.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 80 OZ / 2365 ML

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