I love wild teas of Dehong. i tried Light Roast, regular roast, Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha Wild Tree Purple Black tea Yunnan Sourcing offerings. i tried 2005 Wild Tree brick of Dehong (humid storage).
This puerh has some notes not found in other sheng. its sweet,nutty, herbal, smooth and delicious. Not bitter. Soup is bright yellow . it was a pleasure to drink for 2 days.
I got this sample from Mandala along with others because YS US site currently carry only sample size. they sold out on bricks. But Mandala still has them. I have to have this tea. its a must in my cupboard!
200 °F / 93 °C
0 min, 15 sec
6 g
3 OZ / 100 ML