Steeped for 6 minutes, in 10oz of purified water, at a temperature just less than boiling (office hot water dispenser.)
Dry smell is sweet, citrusy, and pleasant. Exactly what you might expect by the description.
Bright, lovely-light, offering a bold but delicate feeling on the palate. A great deal of citrus fruit mixes with syrupy sweetness on the finish to bring the tangerine front and center.
Looking at the blend on the box, I feel this tea offers a great melding of Assam with herbaceous flavors while offering a great pick me up especially when compared to a weaker drip brew coffee or K-cup level of caffeine. That green tea extract packs a punch without negatively affecting the flavor whatsoever.
Since I used a tea for one set for this infusion, I will be experimenting with double infusion when two bags are used at a lower steep time.
I am also limited by the fact that my water source is just less than boiling.
Overall, I feel that this tea offers a tremendous value when it comes to a coffee replacement. It is a run of the mill mass-produced tea but with that comes the convenience of availability and low price. Would keep in my rotation to buy again! Especially compared to some other Yogi teas.
Flavors: Fruity, Smooth, Sweet