Mariage Frères
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Marco Polo, why have I treated you so wrong? Lost in the back of my tea cupboard, I found you this morning.
Yum yum. Fruity, vanilla, floral. The lower temp (an accident – I was impatient) worked well. A touch of honey, and I have delicious tea.
Thanks, CrowKettle!
(Tasting note 900! Wow.)
So the notes on this one are that it’s a “floral and fruity black tea”. Again, from CrowKettle.
Dry, it doesn’t smell like much, but as soon as I added the water, the fruity and floral scents started coming through. More of a general berry scent, really. I can’t identify anything specific, although I’m holding out for strawberry flavours!
And I can already tell, just taking the basket out of my mug, that it’s oversteeped at 3 minutes with non-boiling water. Sigh. Foolish, finnicky teas.
Oh man. If I hadn’t almost ruined this cup I’d get strawberries. Not strong, and more the smell of growing strawberries – blossoms and ripening fruit – than the STRAWBERRY flavour I’m looking for in a black tea.
Hopefully I remember to steep for 2:30 next time. This has potential (But yeah. Really expensive.)
Yeah, this one is very finicky. I still haven’t worked out the perfect way to make it yet. The leaves are cut so I try to treat it like a bagged tea or a green sometimes.
Good (expensive) teas shouldn’t be so terribly finnicky! :) Oh well. It’s unlikely I’ll ever do an order from them, so that’s fine. I still have to try the Yuzu one, but since it’s a green I need to get out my thermometer…
Everything violet flavored just makes me wish I could live in France already.
I think I prefer Violette to Kusmi’s Violet. It seemed to only taste right when I prepared it a certain way. This one smells so much stronger, which I was worried about at first. As it steeped, the aroma carried over to me and it was just SO GOOD.
So of course actually drinking the tea was amazing too. It’s far more floral, but not like soap at all. It’s sweet and smooth.
There needs to be more violet flavored things around here. I think there is a gelato shop here that does flower flavors, they must have one. I just have no idea when it’s ever open! And of course one of my favorite cocktails is the Aviation with creme de violette.
Thank you for sharing this with me, Ellyn!
adore violet.
Next tea for you : Violette from Dammann Frères ? Iskandar from Mariage Frères ? both are so delicious
Ooh I didn’t know Mariage Frères has another. The description doesn’t really say it is violet but it sounds amazing! I definitely need to try the Dammann Frères one. I have some of their Macaron Cassis Violette and it is one of my favorites.
No notes yet. Add one?
I did not manage to log a review the first time I brewed it about one month ago, as I had to go out and have almost not been home since. It was a surprising experience on a few aspects… Not exactly what I expected.
I’ll brewed another one in a near future and post while drinking.
Just know that I did not have any difficulty to finish the 1 litre tea pot, with a slight help from hubby.
Another lovely tea from France, thanks to Ysaurella!
This is a delightful earl grey, not too heavy on the Bergamot. This cup was proceeded by a cup of Sinharaja, which is a stronger tea, so at first the tea base seemed thin. BUT about third of the way through the cup, something balanced out in my tastebuds & it really began to be a very nice experience, & especially wonderful after each sip, as the bergamot in this tea is not so cloying, & left a pleasant aftertaste in my mouth & throat that lingered, so that I could really relax & sip slowly.
First Sip down on the day!
This was sent to me by Ysaurella, & it’s a very interesting tea.
It is a strong Assam, laced with a very buttery caramel & topped off with bitter chocolate. To me it really tastes like there is a shot of expresso in there too, because of the bitter edge.
I drank 2 cups of this. The first one was plain, & the 2nd with stevia.
I love them both!
Thanks again Ysaurella!
This tea has a very strong, almost coffee like taste! I followed Ysaurella’s suggestions to only steep for 2 minutes, & I’m thinking caramel latte.
Of course, being a fan of strong teas, I like it! It’s bold, but smooth. The flavoring is deep Assam, with caramel floating throughout, and a hint of bitter chocolate to round out the cup. I drank part of the cup plain, & then added some stevia, & both were satisfying.
Thank you, Ysaurella. I’m enjoying my ‘tour’ through the teas you sent!
Discovered this by accident because there was a shop in my town owned by a local Francophile, she used this blend for the ice tea. When they closed up the business, I bought it in bulk from her cafe inventory and had no idea of the brand because it was in a plain bag. Forward ahead 18 months on a visit to Dean & DeLuca in Napa and I found myself in the tea section, where I spot Mariage Freres Cornflower Blue Earl Grey. Could it be the same brand as the unlabelled but amazing French brand I had for ice tea? It was and ever since then I’ve been buying it mail order from Market Hall Foods. The beautiful blue flowers are an added nice aesthetic touch, but it’s honestly the best Earl Grey I’ve ever tried. In fact I love it so much, I’m afraid to spend my precious dollars on any other types of Mariage Freres tea for fear it won’t be as good.
This is another tea sample from Ysaurella! Thank you!
I initially thought I would add some stevia to this cup, but when I smelled the tea, which smells rich & sweet, I decided to leave off with adding anything & enjoy it plain. It is very tasty! I like chestnuts, but have never had them candied, & that sounds interesting!
I love vanilla as well. There is also a hint of spice. Maybe I’ll sweeten the next cup, & see if it enhances the flavors. Then again, maybe I won’t! :)
if you add stevia please use white one…I hate the green one as it gives an aroma of licorice to any meal! and licorice +chestnuts is just so weird ! brown crystal sugar is perfect with this tea (but maybe you prefer not use real sugars) I’m happy you like this one too !
This is a sipdown of the generous sample sent to me by Ysaurella!
It is delicious, & when I place an order someday with Mariage Freres, this will be on it! It is a tasty almond sugar cookie!
Thanks again Ysaurella!
Another tea from Ysaurella, thank you!
THIS is an almond sugar cookie! It is honey coated almonds with a thin dusting of cinnamon. This is SO delicious! I’m loving it!
The almond flavor is just right, & it’s nicely sweet!
I picked a little tin of this up in a tea store in Nice this summer and forgot I even had it until yesterday. The dry leaves smell of cinnamon, clove, almond and similar to Pleine Lune except more cinnamon I think. The wet leaves lack the same strongly spicy aroma but the nice tea base is more evident. I don’t smell much vanilla (maybe due to my tea’s age?) even after the tea is brewed but I do pick up some of the orange scent.
Tasting the tea itself the first notes are cinnamon and clove with orange following and almond lingering. It is a happy little cup of Christmastime.
I finally had Pleine Lune sans additions (mmmmmm). Does it remind anyone else of Nina’s Marie Antoinette? It could be my cold, but boy, I thought that they tasted so similar. Nina’s has more green apple, but the fruit and spice and maybe even a little floral? is there for me. Nuts? Maybe I’m the one who is nuts!
I keep trying to pinpoint the flavors of this tea, but being exact doesn’t do this tea justice. It has a bit of magic to it. Almond, cherry, spice. Floral on the end on the sip. Something sweet.
Nope. Still doesn’t describe the experience. How all of the flavors dance together to make something indescribably delicious. It tastes more like a liqueur — no. A dessert — no. A candy — no.
I think this is one you have to taste yourself.
The nicest treat I had all week. Thank you Ruby Woo Scarlett!
October Sipdown Prompt – Art Day!
I have been hitting Simpson and Vail’s Almond Black hard, and this morning I remembered that I had just enough of this similar tea (almond heavy) left for one pot.
As for the art, I haven’t created it yet, BUT my daughter had a themed gift at the table for me again today and this time is was not tea but art supplies!
When I got my cancer diagnosis in August, I decided it was time to try watercoloring. I am not a good artist by any stretch of the imagination, but our local cancer center offered free art nights once a week to patients and their families back when I had my first diagnosis years ago. At the time I was much busier and much more worried about not being good at it so I didn’t participate.
They still offer it, but when I mentioned I might try it for stress relief my friend bought me the Emily Lex workbooks to get me started and I made enough headway to make a few greeting cards that were good enough to send.
Now thanks to my daughter I have some tube watercolors, a tiny travel palette and paper holder, and a whole stack of good paper, as well as a pot of good tea to sip while I wait for inspiration to hit. And who knows? This time around maybe Ashman (who is a VERY good artist) and I might participate in an art night or two.
December Sipdown Challenge – a flavored black tea
This is not a sipdown, quite the contrary. It is a freshly opened tin of tea that I received for Christmas from Superanna and her husband. When I added it to cupboard, I saw that the first time I had it, it was a gift from her then-fiancé eleven years ago.
I had this with breakfast. I love almond flavor and this is one where it is mimics slightly tart cherry so well. This is a tea with presence, good to go with food and good for mornings when you want to NOTICE the tea you are drinking.
Lots of happy deep sniffs of the cup. Thank you to Superanna and her husband!
900! Awesome.
Scary! :) I drink and log 2.34 teas per day (math!), but I drink way more than that. Multiple steeps, 2-3 liters of herbals instead of water, etc.
I’m nearing 400 and I thought that was scary. :P You know, you should look at like a public service – you’re letting us all know about these teas!
Grats! :D
Wow, that’s great!
Yep, low temp is the magic bullet with MP. Luscious, isn’t it?
It was so nice!