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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
73 tasting notes

Well, that was unexpected. Of all the lovely Mariage Frères teas sent to me by Ysaurella and cteresa, I seem to like Marco Polo the best. I feel I’ve let you both down. :P I was really wondering, after disliking Harney & Sons Paris so much, whether I just was losing even my very picky liking for flavoured black teas, but apparently not. Something about the hint of toffee taste that stops the strawberry from being that sharp note that strawberry too often is in tea (for me, anyway). I say strawberry, but only because that was the predominant fruit. I might manage a slightly more detailed tasting note in the future, but this is as good as it gets at the moment, unfortunately. Thanks again, Teresa – this is delicious!


cteresa loves this one too, I am more picky about Marco Polo maybe because my strawberry tea is clearly Prince Igor as I enjoy the mix with citrus.


Did you enjoy Mandalay, Pleine lune and rouge d’automne ?


Ysaurella, I did like them, but can’t remember now which one(s) I made tasting note on and which I saved one cup’s worth for the purpose of tasting note. And this morning my hall ceiling fell down, so today might not be the day for catch-up notes. :(


Not letting me down at all – I love Marco Polo! It is so very comforting!

ceiling?!? Oh my, poor you!


Right then, it’s just ysaurella I’m letting down, rather than you both – somewhat better! :)

Yes, came downstairs this morning to find it that way. I was (unsurprisingly!) upset, but we’ve known the house needs major work for a long time, just trying to get into a place where we can move out so it can be done. The important thing is that some of those chunks of plaster could have really hurt the puppies. Doug might have been able to move out of the way in time, but Bell not so likely. So anything else other than losing one or both of them that way doesn’t look so bad!

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I had a cup of this last night while I started working on my French again (Je suis une femme! That’s about all I learned. Oh and the repeated use of Les robes et la pomme sont rouges. Got old. Quickly.)

This one is good though not as awesome as the macaron one. It was chocolatey but subtle about it. The black tea blends in really well with the chocolate flavor, which almost borders more on the taste of cacao nibs or cocoa powder rather than like milk chocolate. I really wanted to add a little milk and sugar but got distracted, so definitely next time to make it a bit more like mousse. It’s definitely really, really rich and decadent.

Thank you shmiracles for this awesome tea!

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
448 tasting notes

While looking through my little sample box to see what I should have, the bad of this stuck to the adhesive on the box and ripped open. For some reason, I always look over this, so I took that as a sign I should finally drink it. So far, I’m glad I did. It’s sitting next to me, and I’m getting some lovely smells. There’s a very sweet, creamy, vanilla smell, and under that a bit of a fruity scent. I wasn’t super careful with the steep time, so hopefully that didn’t throw off the taste too bad.
Hmm, I’m not getting as much flavor as I expected. Perhaps I needed to steep it for longer. I’m definitely getting a bit of sweet, creamy, fruity flavor, but it’s a hint. I have had this for a while, so there is a chance it could be old too. How disappointing, everyone else seemed to really enjoy this one! Oh well :(

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

That’s too bad! This one has always intrigued me, and sounded like it would be bursting with flavour.


The scent definitely seemed like it was bursting with flavor as well! Like I said, I think there was a mess-up somewhere, whether it was me or just old tea. I definitely want to try this again sometime, it sounds like it’s a pretty good tea.


Ashmanra taught me to go easy on steep time and temperature with Marco Polo—a little less on both. That may help.

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Backlog from yesterday.

I don’t think I know what a macaron. Is it the same as a macaroon? If so, then I don’t understand this tea at all. If its something different then, it may be ok. I’m not sure what I think of this tea. I enjoyed it, but I didn’t love it. I only steeped it for about 2 minutes and still was a tad bitter.

Thanks shmiracles!


They look like this: if that helps. Ground almond, egg white, and sugar mixed up and baked into a crisp shell, then they’re sandwiched around a filling.


Yeah, that’s the same thing as a macaroon then.


Not necessarily, this is another kind:


The outer shells of the first one taste almost identical to the second one, minus the coconut. They have the same texture and are mostly egg white and sugar. So I consider them two variations of the same thing, like how chocolate cake and vanilla cake are both cakes. One might be double layered and frosted while the other is simple and plain. They have different ingredients and flavorings, but in the end, they’re both still cake.

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drank Oriental by Mariage Frères
3294 tasting notes

No 11:
The dry leaf smells gently of mandarine & jasmine.
This was a pleasant cup, & I’ll probably give it another go before the box sets off to Canada.

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Another tasty treat from shmiracles. I read the reviews ahead of time and was planning a 2.5 minute steep but I was 15 seconds late and this tea gets bitter fast! Luckily it wasn’t too bitter and the creamy chocolate and caramel still shine through. I really like this. I would really think about ordering more of this.

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Sample Sipdown!

This is the final sample from my trade with Ysaurella, which was a wonderful trade for myself, but not so good for her, as the package I sent got stuck in customs…or drank by somebody there?

Tomorrow will mark a week that I sent a 2nd package. Everybody think successful thoughts, please? It seems like everybody else’s packages have made it through. Hopefully mine will as well!

This is a flavorful tea with just the right amounts of almond, vanilla, orange, cinnamon, & cloves. It does have a very celebratory holiday taste. Thank you so much, Ysaurella, for all of the lovely teas that you sent to me! :D


I got hers today, and really hope she gets mine soon, a little worried as I’m reading this!! Bad customs, bad, bad :-(


My package to ysaurella arrived without a hitch but I think it may have taken a little over a week if I remember right.


I tend not to worry until things hit the 10 business day mark (in Canada that’s mon-fri only). Also if you sent it ground mail instead of air, I know in Canada, depending on when the boat leaves that means it can take anywhere from 3 weeks to two months….which is insane IMO :)

Terri HarpLady

The post office said 10 days. So I don’t expect it to arrive before the end of the week.
What would be awesome would be if she received both boxes the same day, LOL.
But I’ll be happy if she receives one! Keeping fingers crossed…


Thanks for the info Sil, I did send airways so crossing my fingers she gets it, they said 7 to 10 days…
Terri, getting both your packages + mine on the same day would be like winning some type of tea lottery, right? I hope she wins!

Terri HarpLady

That would be pretty cool! It’s been a few months since I sent the first box :(


Terri you’re awesome to send me another parcel ! Well I never had any problem before so I expect to receive your second parcel + The Tea fairy’s one :) yes that would be a big lottery day if I get them in the same time.
Generally it always takes longer to receive in France the parcels from North America, all my swaps received their teas before me (one or 2 days) Except with Nicole, we always received our swaps simulteanously.
With Asia this is the opposite, I always received 3 or 4 days before my swap partner.

Terri HarpLady

Ysaurella, I just hope you receive it this time! :)


yes today or then friday because wednesday and thursday are bank holidays here :)

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So I wrote the above last night then left it because I don’t know. I drank the tea and then I wanted to roll around on the floor but I did not have enough space to do that but I wanted to. That was partially this tea and partially my favorite hockey team winning their division (which doesn’t matter, we are snobs who do not need silly division banners).

And then what makes me laugh even more is that Ysaurella found I logged it and is probably waiting to see what I have to say already!

So shmiracles being fantastic sent me some of the teas she picked up in Europe and AHHH this one, ahhh. A couple weeks ago I discovered the entire Héritage Gourmand collection on the MF site and I wanted them ALL. If I get to France next summer, that is most definitely happening now.

I had to try this one first, it’s just a fact. It smells amazing. It doesn’t smell as sweet as a macaron, but it has that same sweet almond smell. And it tastes so good! I don’t think it has the same macaron flavors as the Dammann Frères macaron tea (which has a green base not black), but I mean, I am drinking and enjoying a tea that is heavily almond. And tastes like a cookie at that, well, I do like almond cookies, but I have never had success w/teas flavored like them.


Oh I am in love I cannot wait to try the chocolate mousse one too, this means the one left that I really REALLY REALLY want is the financier one.

I told my boyfriend the other day that I need to buy a lottery ticket, I have never bought one. I really meant like the scratch off kind but this turned into me with $110 million and how I’d have to change my name and move to another state (Georgia does not allow you to claim anonymously). I was just like I can move to France. I’d send all of you my teas first.

Then I’d get there and buy all these. The end.


of course as you love Macarons so you’re going to drink Macarons ;)
I’m looking forward to read your review on this one – I have always hesitated to buy it (more expensive tins than the otehr MF – and only available in tins)
They have in the same collection a tea flavoured with madeleine, another with mousse au chocolat, one with a financier cake, cannelé, tarte tatin…MF wants us to get 50 kg more just by reading their tea names :D


i have macaron and chocolate mousse and i’m tempted to buy all the others goddamnit! oh noes. Mariage Freres is officially my frenemy.


I want them all too :x One night I went through their entire website adding everything I wanted to the cart. It ended up being 400 euros…

Those teas in the glass jars too, I want them. Of course they’re more expensive that way but so pretty!


yes I see the glass jars ! very beautiful.
But MF is annoying because sometimes when you buy a tea in tin, you just want to refill it…but it’s not possible for this collection, neither for the lily’s series etc…35% of the tin collections are not available in loose leaf ! It was my complaint ! I am French, I need to stick to our moaning reputation :D


omg…mousse au chocolat!?


That is a complaint I have too! I guess they want those teas to be more “exclusive,” but at the same time I don’t think I would want to buy something and have to get another tin if I already have it, even if I had an infinite amount of money for tea.


Sounds delicious! Going to France is my dream too, especially now that I’m in love with tea!!


I wish so much that MF had a reasonable shipping cost. Sigh. I guess if a bunch of people went in together on a huge order it would be doable.


whatshesaid…so i totally just emailed my parents who are currently IN PARIS! and added the mousse au chocolat to my list of teas i’ve asked them to pick up haha I’ve got 2 blacks and marco polo in my cupboard from my mom’s last trip to london but there are about 5-6 teas i asked them to bring back IF they get time. If i get anything from them, i’ll be happy to share since i’ll have likely 100g of each.


LUCKY Sil!!! I love the MF teas I’ve tried so far but that makes me sad because I know they’re so far out of my reach, lol

Schmiracles, meeeeee!! :)


Just saw Ysaurella’s comment above, Madeleine tea? Ugh! Want!


If anyone wants to try these I’d be happy to send some! Chat me up.


I stumbled across a bunch of Mariage Freres teas in Bergdorf Goodman in NYC. I’m not sure if that’s more accessible for any of you, but I thought it was pretty cool to find MF outside of France.


Oh god shmiracles…. Incoming pm lol

Charoma – not accessible to me, but ill check it out if I visit New York like I’m supposed to eventually heh


well : Dear Canadian cousins and American Friends why don’t you post on Mariage Frères FB page to ask where they have partnerships near your home ? Few months ago, a I saw a post of a californian woman who requested and they found a shop selling MF teas in her neighborghood…it may be true for you too !


Ysaurella – usually it’s the standard regular teas that are carried, not that it’s a bad thing. I just want an excuse to go to France and spend the day in the shop buying teas! :)


for information, when I send an envelope of 250 gr of tea to the USA or Canada or wherever in the world (Asia) it costs me 6.50 € maximum (without tracking) _ how much MF requests for sending costs ?


come come Sil and Amanda ! I have a lot of addresses to share with you :)


It’s 25€ :( They ship UPS only


Ysaurella – maybe we can figure out a way to split purchases some day. :)


Shmiracles – incoming PM from me as well! I am going to Paris in July and would love to try this one before I go so I can know if I need to get a tin! It sounds awesome!


No probs Sil, PM to tell me which you would like to buy and I’ll see if they are in my list :) – My shopping list is updated if you want to check

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drank Black Orchid by Mariage Frères
362 tasting notes

I am not going to rate this yet, because I am not quite sure what i think of it. My second time having it and not only my feelings changed from the first experiment, but my feelings are changing as I drink the cup.

First, the scent – this has an extraordinary scent, a rich, sultry vanilla scent, totally different from cloying one-note artificial vanilla scents and a scent which reminds you that why yes, vanilla is a flower, an orchid (ok, yellow orchid which then creates a black pod, and yes, it´s the seed pod, but still vanilla is floral). Sultry vanilla caramel, that is it. This went on my wishlist the moment I smelled it. Right now I was in the mood for a vanilla tea, and I went on a walk which accidentally took me past the tea shop and well, it came home…

Expectations are funny things which get in the way of appreciating what we get instead. This tea is not truthful to the scent. It´s much more sedate, much less exuberant, maybe classier than its scent. No caramel after all. So I was underwhelmed at first, since it was so very different from what I expected from its scent. But if what I was expecting this as a lightly naturally flavored vanilla tea then well this is indeed lovely. It´s got an incredibly smooth base (thank you Mariage Frères, for not using the same base for *everything) which I think has some, but not a lot, of Assam on it. And a lovely aftertaste. I am getting to like this more each time I have it, I will make another taste note after I have it a few more times.

Angrboda, not sure this will be your vanilla tea indeed, but if you ever want to try it, let me know!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec

I’ve actually got that one on my list (along with a great many other things) for whenever I get around to making an MF order. Probably soon, I think. I’m feeling inspired to try shopping somewhere I’ve never shopped before. I can’t remember ever having had something with orchid before, but I’m not certain. I would not be opposed to a swap.


This is a very interesting vanilla tea, though not sure if it will be what you want. It´s a natural, background like sort of vanilla. And the orchid is just vanilla, vanilla is the orchid of this title – LOL the orchid pod, but I think they do not add blossoms or anything. Black orchid = vanilla.

In Turkey they use a flavoring made from orchids called salep, though I think they use the roots (like iris roots) and it is has this light floral (even if it is from the roots!) flavour, it´s lovely! Salep would make for a very interesting flavoured tea.

I would love a small swap!


Oh, of course! I forgot vanilla is an orchid plant. That makes sense. :)

I’m afraid I don’t have an awful lot to choose from, but have a look if there’s anything you would like. Otherwise, I’ll just make something up. :)


Sent you a message, was writing it! You know, your pick sounds great, surprise me – scented, natural, it is all tempting!

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

So warm and comforting this morning! Perfect amount of malt with a feel of chocolate. So glad I figured out how to steep this and wrote it on the side of the tin!

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Three minutes at 200… a touch of bitterness creeps in, but I’m getting a heartier taste out of the base. The bitterness is only a slight distraction because I’m looking for it, otherwise this cup is pretty good and I’m enjoying it without additions.

2.5m at 200 will be my next experiment. I’m nearing the bottom of the tin and am STILL toying around to get the perfect parameters! Fussiest. Tea. Ever.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

2 minutes at 200. 2 minutes at 200. I have to remember that!

It has been a long road and this is the first time I have been able to enjoy this tea without any additions! I may try 3 minutes at 200 next time, but I feel like I’m finally right in the sweet spot with this tea. There is no bitterness, it seems to have a good amount of flavor although I think some taste from the water is coming through. I think I would enjoy it having a little heavier of a base like a breakfast tea would have, but this is pretty good.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Horrible with coconut creamer! Don’t try it again, self. You will ruin the whole cup.


Always good to know.

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

This has been one of the most challenging teas to try to get an awesome cup out of! Today after going over my past notes I decided to go for 195 for 2 minutes. There is no bitterness and it is quite nice, but it still doesn’t have some of that malty depth that the bitter cups had. Is it possible to get malt without the bitter? I love this tea, but I’m starting to wonder if it will ever be as wonderful as it smells and as I hope to taste.

On a brighter note, I found a super low price for it! Market Hall Foods sells it for $13.50 for a 3oz refill which is MUCH less than the $30 I shelled out for a tin!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Oh my word! I’ve been wanting to try this tea for a while now. Couldn’t figure out where to get it-but that is a cheap price. :O Think I’ll have to get some :O


Thanks for the heads up!

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

This time I did 175 at 3 minutes. Still feeling like there is room for improvement. Maybe a slightly higher temp next time to bring out a little more depth. I’m having this with cream and sugar and it’s pretty tasty. Chocolate, a little bit of malt, some cream. It’s tasting pretty good.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Two minutes at 175F is making for a really light and smooth cup! There is no bitterness to be found! I would like it a little heartier like I was getting in other cups, but I think I’m on the right track now. I enjoyed this cup much more than any of the others!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Awww, my computer spazed out and lost my note! Still struggling to get the perfect cup out of this tea and haven’t made notes the last few times I have tried it. This time is a lot closer than before with a short steep and lower temp. It was still a little bitter, but adding sugar took care of that and let the rich caramel flavors come through. I may try an even lower temp next time.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Trying this again and playing around with time and temps.

1st steep was at 195F for 2.5 minutes with 1.5tsp in 10oz water. It was much less bitter than before. Only a little hint of bitterness, but the flavor wasn’t super strong. I sweetened it a little, then decided to try some cream, but the cream took over and dominated the flavor.

2nd steep was at 195F for 2m. I added maybe 2/3 of a tsp more to try to amp up the flavor. Just reread my last notes and Whatshesaid suggested an even shorter steeping time, so I may try that next. There is little bitterness in this cup, but not as much flavor as I was hoping for either. In an attempt to up the flavor, I added too much sweetener.

3rd steep was at 212F for 1.5 minutes. It may be a little less bitter than the other cups. I may try this steeping like this with new leaves next time. These have been good cups, but I’m not getting the smoothness and flavor I have come to expect from French teas. I’ll keep trying tho!

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drank Wedding Impérial by Mariage Frères
1780 tasting notes

Three minutes in boiling water make this black tea bitter. I wish these teas came with brewing instructions on the box or tin so I wouldn’t have to guess. It smells really nice, a chocolate scented tea. The bitter taste is less as it cools, but it is still not smooth. I’ll have to try a lower temperature next time. For some reason instead of dumping my cup and trying again I’m making myself drink it. Penance for ruining a cup of expensive tea? Life is too short for bad cups of tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec


I tried this for about a minute and a half because I heard it’s pretty strong and easy to oversteep…. Seems to be pretty good at that time :)


Cool! I’ll have to give that a go. Did you use boiling water or a lower temp?

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drank PÊCHE by Mariage Frères
2291 tasting notes

Another from CrowKettle. Also, sipdown!

Dry, this tea smells like dusty floral sour dried apricots.

Steeped, the tea smells like floral sour dried apricots.

Honestly, I’m a little scared to take a sip.

Huh, that’s not bad. Not bad at all. It’s not sweet candy like many of the stone fruit teas I’ve had, but the flavour is pretty good. Definitely sour apricot or peach (I know, it’s supposed to be peach, but I like my peaches ripe and my apricots sour).

This one is really hard to describe, as it’s sort of sour dried apricot, but then not really. But I don’t know what it reminds me of other than that.

It didn’t go bitter or astringent like Marco Polo. The black base is delicate, yet present. I should have probably steeped 4 minutes, but I like 3 for unknown black teas.

I added a little milk and sugar like always (seriously a little. 1 tbsp creamer and 1/4 tsp sugar for a 20 oz mug). It works, but I think I’d like it better without the milk.

Definitely a tea I’d like to try again. Not buy… try.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I like how the name is like yelling at you or something. PEACH, DARNIT, PEACH!


That’s a C&P from their website, because I fail at French keyboarding and couldn’t find the lower case accented letters! I’m a bad Canadian, I know… ;)


Ah, I didn’t even realize you were the first to review this. It’s ok, I can’t speak French. I’m a bad Canadian too haha.


I’m a bad Canadian too. I also like the idea of trying all the mariage freres teas without buying them. Btw, this is indirectly from ToiToi :/

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
2291 tasting notes

FINALLY this last cup tasted SO MUCH like strawberries! What on earth! If it was this good every time, I’d buy more. As it is, this is a lovely send-off for this tea. :)

Over ice, with a little sweetened condensed milk.

Thanks for the really old sample, CrowKettle! This is from the Victoria meetup last year!


I wish it wasn’t so finicky!



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