Marco Polo, why have I treated you so wrong? Lost in the back of my tea cupboard, I found you this morning.
Yum yum. Fruity, vanilla, floral. The lower temp (an accident – I was impatient) worked well. A touch of honey, and I have delicious tea.
Thanks, CrowKettle!
(Tasting note 900! Wow.)
Scary! :) I drink and log 2.34 teas per day (math!), but I drink way more than that. Multiple steeps, 2-3 liters of herbals instead of water, etc.
I’m nearing 400 and I thought that was scary. :P You know, you should look at like a public service – you’re letting us all know about these teas!
900! Awesome.
Scary! :) I drink and log 2.34 teas per day (math!), but I drink way more than that. Multiple steeps, 2-3 liters of herbals instead of water, etc.
I’m nearing 400 and I thought that was scary. :P You know, you should look at like a public service – you’re letting us all know about these teas!
Grats! :D
Wow, that’s great!
Yep, low temp is the magic bullet with MP. Luscious, isn’t it?
It was so nice!