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Backlog Advent/Sipdown
First tea this week to allow me a moment to think on it. My wife wanted to play a game of 500 Rummy and drink coffee.** It was nice to have a moment where we both had energy (physical or mental) to play cards. I will note that I’ll avoid rating this based on the last cup, due to getting all ‘bits’ and little tea. This was essentially sugar crystals, very very little leaf, and white chocolate flakes. If memory serves me well, I do believe I liked this whenever there was a better balance of material.
**Tea has been one of those automated processes which I do to manage. My wife has been sick since Tuesday (Urgent Care on Wednesday to find out the issue) and work wasn’t allowing me the time to get stuff handled. But that’s life, right? Thankfully she’s been on the mend and finding the energy to eat a little more and have her first cup coffee today. She said that when one feels as she has, Green Tea + Ginger + Honey is ideal, but once you’ve started to recover, it’s a mixture which makes you think of illness.
Sipdown, sort of. I only had enough for one cup. I pulled a bit out of the holiday sampler before leaving it behind at my partner’s parents’ house for Christmas. I really only ordered the sampler so I could try the Ho Ho Hojicha; I justified the purchase by making it one of the treats we brought with us when we went over.
I drank about half the mug hot and half iced. I do think it’s better iced. Hot, I get tart cranberry with a bit of sweetness. Iced, that sweetness is a more pronounced sweet berry flavor. Either way I’m not really getting anything effervescent, alas. It made for a decent tea soda when I added seltzer, but the tartness of the cranberry got washed out that way and it ended up being more of a strawberry soda that was a bit too sweet for my taste. Overall I think I prefer Davids’ Cranberry Gingerale for a cranberry soda tea from this company – the ginger helped temper the sweetness in that one a bit.
The tin of this tea in the office lunch room has been inexplicably missing for the last few weeks, but I noticed it was finally back (and full) a few days ago when I was eating lunch so I decided to take advantage and make this as an iced tea. Super rich and creamy while also having a lot of brightness from the sweet lemon curd and maintaining a bit of a lighter overall body from the white tea base. Definitely not quite so airy feeling when you make it iced, though. Still delicious and such a refreshing way to cool down during some of the heatwaves we’ve been dealing with here in Montreal.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this here on Steepster yet, but we recently made the decision to make this a core tea – something that pleases me greatly both personally and professionally because not only do I feel like this is a type of profile missing in our year-round assortment but it’s also one of the teas I’ve gotten to develop that most heavily overlaps with my own flavour preferences. I’ve been drinking it a lot, and I just think that the bright lemon curd note with the super creamy finish is that perfect balance of fresh and lively fruits with that decadent twist. And it just seems to fit so many different moods.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
It’s finally here!!
This is one of my all time favourite teas that I’ve gotten to develop and I’ve been so antsy the last year and a bit waiting for it to launch because I’ve just been so excited about it. I think I’ve also personally gone through almost 500g of it in the last year which, if you know how rarely I revisit the same teas in short time spans, is a lot.
Where to even start!? I guess with the taste which is this lively but smooth mix of bright, sweet lemon curd with really creamy meringue. We tried so many different versions of this blend in order to get that balance correct. I love what we landed on because both of those key flavours are so well represented but the overall cup still retains this lightness to it where you get to live in those really fresh and bouncy top notes and the airiness of the creamy finish. It’s not too sweet or heavy or acidic. The white tea base is awesome because it adds some body and gentle floral and fruit notes to support the overall profile. Honestly, I think this particular style of lemon would feel really thin without it as well.
Another big focus was making sure this was something you could add milk to. In general I believe that there’s room more more latte-able fruit blends in on the tea wall, and the moment I started working on this tea I knew it was something that people were going to make as a latte. There’s definitely still some acid in the blend, but we did a lot of testing and I can confidently say that 9/10 cups don’t contain enough to cause any curdling. It’s a bit like the now retired blend Raspberry Cream Pie in that way. Raspberry Cream Pie had hibiscus, but such as a small amount that it usually didn’t curdle. You’d have to get a super hibiscus heavy scoop or steep the tea for a LONG time to cause that reaction. Same thing here.
With that said, I still personally almost always drink this hot and plain but I’ve definitely indulged in the odd latte this past year. I also want to say that I would highly recommend this blend to fans of either Lemon Pound Cake or Lime Gelato. Though different, I think there’s enough commonality for this tea to help fill in some of the hole that those retired blends have left. Fans of Jelly Donut too. Even though the bases and fruits are different, there’s an overall “blending style” that I think is really similar – though no stevia in this blend. Anyway – that’s Lemon Meringue! Clearly I’m hyped about it, I just hope other people are too…
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
One of the new teas that just launched as part of our most recent citrus themed collection! In some ways I’ve extra excited for this matcha purely because so much time and effort was spent on converting the existing matchas to organic that we haven’t had a new flavoured matcha in quite some time. Also, in some ways it’s just wild that it’s taken DT so long to reduce a lemon or lemonade flavoured matcha!
Honestly there’s not a ton of back story here – it just felt like a miss this wasn’t something we were carrying. It’s similar in some ways to the previously carried Yuzu Matcha, though this is a more “true” lemon type flavour. The biggest overlap is the fact both of these matchas are acidified for that extra sour kick that really emphasis the zesty pucker inducing taste.
Though you might assume the citric acid takes over the flavour, this is actually one of the most grassy and matcha forward flavoured matchas we have in our collection. It’s also not quite as sweet. Personally, I think the combination of the grassier elements with that bright lemon makes me think of childhood summer vacations where you’d quite literally roll around in the grass playing with friends and come home with heavily grass stained jeans to that ice cold pitcher of tangy lemonade. It’s weirdly nostalgic to me. To that effect, though I’ve had this hot a handful of times, I think this is a flavour that really sings when served iced. It’s just better that way. In my opinion, anyway.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
Day 12 Davids Tea Advent Calendar 2023
I picked this one out of the calendar because I could use some caffeine and the only samples left in the calendar didn’t seem appropriate. What a pretty tea! I knew I needed to break out my glass tea cup to see all the sparkle and shine. Today is the first day of school break and while I’m not off of work, I’m hoping to cram in all the fun on my days off. The rest of the fam, is rather slow to catch on to this, so I’m sipping this one while plotting out their staycation.
It’s a sweet, cinnamon flavor that reminds me of the cinnamon candies my grandmother used on her gingerbread man cookies. It’s interesting to me that I confuse the clove vs cinnamon taste. Possibly because they are usually mixed together in baked goods. It has a good lemony taste to it as well. While it is pretty, I wanted a stronger clove/cinnamon taste.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Lemon
The jasmine was too pungent for me. The rooibos base was decent, but the jasmine was too strong. I just wish it were balanced differently. Thanks for sharing, Cameron B!
Hmmm…. This seems like a weird blend to me. Do you think if it was mixed differently or with a better base it would work? My brain can’t wrap around this duo
I hate bergamot on a rooibos base, despite loving rooibos and bergamot individually. I imagine I’d feel pretty much the same about jasmine on rooibos…
Day 20 Davids Tea Advent Calendar
I loved how this smelled when I opened the tin. The spices were so fragrant and lovely. I do wonder if I should have steeped this longer as my cup just seems rather weak. Or perhaps it is the hibiscus that is off putting. There’s cinnamon and apple and a nutty flavor with this mug that I definitely enjoy.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Hibiscus, Nutty, Tart
Backlog and Sip Down
I drank through the remainder of the packet in two sittings on Saturday! I spent 90% of the day drinking tea and gaming with a virtual tea friend. I had the remaining bits of this tea (2 cups – 4tsps or so) during that time. I noted on the back of the packet, “Great seasonal tea. Really gets me in the mood for Fall.” From memory, I recall verbalizing that this reminded me of sweet potato fries with cinnamon butter.
PS. Despite reviewing this already, that was a small sample from the Advent calendar. This was a random unopened packet that was in the sip down pile. I don’t recall purchasing a full bag, but I guess I did! If this pops up again this Fall, I’ll get two bags!
Advent Backlog/Sipdown
The aroma was quite lovely, as it reminded me of caramelized yams and cooked pecans. The flavor matches the smell, but there was an added marshmallow flavor. Yum. However, it was too sweet and I wasn’t feeling the Fall tea today. Definitely a good seasonal tea, but not for today.Flavors: Marshmallow, Pecan, Yams
This is very herbaceous. I also taste too much licorice. Cold, I find the flavor a bit interesting, but I really wish the licorice were toned down more. The second time I had this, it was less herbaceous, maybe edging toward fruit or mint, but it was a little boring. I really wanted to like this one, but it sadly wasn’t for me.
Day 17 DAVIDs Tea Advent Calendar
It certainly smells like s’mores while steeping. The flavor it light but it does give off a s’mores taste. Definitely sweet with marshmallow and the hazelnut reminds me of graham crackers. Other’s noted that there’s a spiciness to it but I don’t sense that at all.
Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Graham Cracker, Marshmallow
About a year ago I got a bunch of this tea through a glitch….have given a few bags to my gals at work, but still have plenty of it.
Had a nice cold brew 20 oz DT tumbler of this today at work (cold brew for two days since was drinking other things yesterday so didn’t have time for it) — love the flavors working together the lemon, clove, and black tea and now will have to remember this as I work to sip down the stash I have of this!
I had about 5 tsb leftover, so I tossed the remainder into a 64oz pitcher. It’s still cold in Ohio, but the sun is out, so I needed to brew something cold to encourage these feelings of gratitude. This happened to be the next one in the sipdown pile…It’s a great iced tea….I needed to caffeinate for work. Win-win-win.
I realized today that this is VERY sweet. I had to water it down a lot, on top of the ice, to really tame the sweetness. I get very strong cherry notes (which is grand since I’m all about cherry flavoring, whenever it’s done properly). The black tea base gives it an extra something (body/texture?) which reminds me of cherry stems, I guess. shrugs
On the last note, my wife noted it’s like cherry cola; which makes sense. I’ve not had soda in 12+ years, but I can see what she means.
Flavors: Cherry, Cola
I found this in the sipdown bin and decided to top it off. I’m not really sure if this was the cup for me. I like the idea of a chocolate orange tea, but this was one of those cups that really depended on the day. This last cup was inviting by the smell, but the flavor seemed muted. There was a touch of orange chocolate, and maybe the risk of adding milk may have been worthwhile, however, I never took the chance to try it out.
Flavors: Chocolate, Orange
Day 6 DAVIDs Tea Advent Calendar 2023
My first suprise was the muddy color after steeping. I thought someone had added milk to my tea while I was out of the room. This is a very sugary blend! Not as minty as I expected but sure does remind me of a candy cane crushed topping. I enjoyed this tea. Not sure I would purchase gain but definitely would drink again.
Flavors: Candy, Candy Cane, Creamy, Mint, Sugar
TeaTiff TTB. David’s Tea is the new Teavana. Great for people breaking into the tea world but for others … idk. I just haven’t been too thrilled. Rinsing once because I am not sure of the age of this tea. I really wish tea companies would add the year to their packages. And also because I want to help these leaves open a bit more. Apricot on the wet leaf. Quite nice actually. More apricot notes mixed with compost leaf pile when steeped for about a minute. Soft mouth feel. As you steep longer the compost notes coincide with some bready/toasty notes. The second infusion is less stellar with more astringency.
It’s too sweet for me. I find that when DAVIDs uses stevia, they are usually unnecessarily heavy-handed with it.
I rather like the lavender and buttercream flavour. If they would have just stopped there, I think I would have preferred it but the stevia just takes it too over-the-top and I’m not loving the fruity notes either (apple, pineapple.)
Not bad but not destined to be a favourite.
Flavors: Frosting, Fruity, Lavender, Sweet, Vanilla