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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
314 tasting notes

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
314 tasting notes

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
314 tasting notes

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
314 tasting notes

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
314 tasting notes

I just got this in the mail today and was so excited to try it! It smells like Rice Crispies cereal with a bit of Fruity Pebbles mixed in—yummy!!! :)

The taste kind of reminds me of a Green Tea Latte from Starbucks (which is matcha with steamed milk—I ask for it without the melon syrup sweetener). There is a “Fruity Pebbles” element to this which is interesting—I’m not sure how I’m getting the fruitiness—maybe it’s the malt flavoring?

I really like this! It’s a milky, creamier genmaicha. I will definitely order more because I can see myself drinking this everyday.

52teas, please make this a part of your permanent collection!!

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
50 tasting notes

This is more like it.

In my first cup the flavours tasted a touch artificial, and there was a lot of dryness in my mouth, however since then I’ve splashed the dry leaves with cold water before adding the boiling and it seems to clear those issues right up (well, there’s still a little dryness, but I think that’s a honeybush/rooibos thing.)

Not quite at the level of TeaNoir’s Bangkok, but unlike most it’s at least playing in the same (Premier) league and will help stretch that precious last 2 ounces a bit further.

Edit: Chris has decided it sounds like a Bond Girl’s name and is now doing Sean Connery impersonations. My day is complete.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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I’ve tried it hot, I don’t like it; I’ve tried it iced by flash-chilling (make with hot water then pour over ice), I don’t like that either; I’ve tried it iced by cold brewing, and I don’t like that.

If I brew it for 5 minutes I can taste the cola, cherry and vanilla, but the tea has stewed and tastes unpleasant, if I brew for less time the tea tastes okay but the flavour mix is insipid. Basically, to me it tastes like watered down panda pop that’s been in the back of the car for seven or eight months (I was seven and I still remember that flavour quite clearly.)


205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

I tend to agree. I love cherry cola so when I saw this, it was a must-try for me, even though I was preparing myself for inevitable disappointment. I wasn’t quite as displeased as you, I was disappointed that I was that disappointed by it, if that makes sense.


I really don’t think I’m going to be able to bring myself to finish it and I hate not being able to finish a packet of tea. :( I adore vanilla coke, so the smell when I opened the it was great, it’s just the taste that’s the (severe) problem.

Southern Boy Teas

Maybe you would enjoy it more as a tea soda:

How to make a TEA SODA This is how we make them at Zoomdweebie’s Brew about 1/3 cup of strong flavored tea like our Cherry Vanilla Cola flavored Black Tea. Disolve 1/2 cup sugar into tea. Allow to cool or pour over ice. Finish with about eight ounces of carbonated water or “sparkling water”. Stir and enjoy!

I really don’t think the addition of sparkling water and such vast amounts of sugar is going to make a difference. And honestly, if I wanted that much sugar I’d drink an actual coke.


I tried something like that. My amounts were likely a little different, but in principle that’s what I did. It didn’t work for me.
But luckily I also like carbonated water plain (it’s like ordinary water but with a little kapow!) so it wasn’t a complete loss.

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
28 tasting notes

If you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain…
…or, well – nevermind the rain. If you like pina coladas, you’ll probably like 52teas take on them. Dry, the leaf hits you with pineapple – good pineapple (not runts-style fake fruitiness), then boozy rummy goodness all backed up by creamy coconut.
Pouring proved to be a bit of a problem as my coil-filter teapot was much too effective at holding back the big bits of honeybush, while clogging the spout and allowing some tiny bits to flow through. A second strain in the quickly rinsed pot rectifies all. I really like this pot. That’s the first time it’s experienced such a dilemma. Hmm.
Steeped and piping hot, I think the honeybush comes forward first (this is my first honeybush, but since my first-sip impression wasn’t pineapple, rum, or coconut, by brilliant deduction I assume it’s the honeybush).
As it cools, the pineapple is mellow-sweet and the coconut stays close on it’s heels, rounding out the flavors in my mouth. There’s a slight drying in the back of my throat and down the middle of my tongue, but it’s not enough to be unpleasant.
A splash of cream (yup, conveniently I have an open carton of heavy whipping cream – go big or go home) really takes this to the next pina colada level. Creamy, pineappley, coconutty goodness, and if I swish, is that caramelly sweet backdrop perhaps rum?
Though a bit too sweet to use as an everyday-tea, this will come in handy as a dessert stand-in. Kudos 52teas! (by the by, i just looked up the rest of the lyrics to Jimmy Buffet’s Escape (the pina colada song) – oh sad. and here i thought it was just about innocently throwing back a few blended beverages. boo. bad, jimmy. naughty naughty.)

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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Just like the other reviewers are posting, this tea tastes just like buttered cinnamon raisin toast! I drink mine just plain and hot. My first cup was a little over-steeped, but the second cup was perfect. The cup itself is wonderfully aromatic, only making the experience better. I highly recommend this if you like flavored black teas!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Champagne Mojito Green by 52teas
53 tasting notes

A subtle smell of spearmint hit me when I opened the package, and something else that I couldn’t define.

While steeping, I could smell the spearmint and a hint of citrus…that would be the key lime. That’s the taste I got, too. Not too grassy, which is good because I don’t like too grassy. I think the something I can’t define is the essence of champagne? It’s funny, the aftertaste has some of that dryness that I get when I drink champagne. Part of why I love champagne! It could be that my palate isn’t refined enough when it comes to green teas, since I usually go for blacks and rooibos. I’ll need to work on this.

I was looking for something light, not too flavourful but not too bland, something soothing while the rain pounds the windows. This was the perfect tea for the specific moment.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Meghann M

Glad I could read your comments about this tea. I have some on the way and am looking forward to trying it even more!


I tried to “mojito” some tea on my own last summer by adding mint and a squirt of lime…I think I started with a dragonwell and it all ended up tasting like dirty socks. Further imagination/experimentation needed. Then again, I could just get some that someone else has perfected.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
104 tasting notes

Let me just start by saying: This tea’s leaves smell AMAZING!! The coconut aroma is incredibly strong, and the hints of vanilla work really well together.

Thankfully the tea’s taste lives up to the expectation that the aroma sets, because this is a tea that aims to please. The coconut flavor has a unique sweetness that’s almost like caramel, and the vanilla adds just a hint of flavor to the experience.

This one’s a winner, and I’m looking forward to the next cup!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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I was slow to taste this. Firstly, I do love cucumbers and I love melons. They are clearly related in texture and affect: how they do love to return! Green tea is not my favorite. But yesterday I had an impulse to try this. 52teas has never led me astray nor have I ever had one of their teas that was not flavored brilliantly.

And this is another winner! The green tea leaves are large and unfurl beautifully. The melon and cucumber tastes nicely complement each other. On a cold February day, it felt like a perfect antidote to the grey-flannel sky.

The tea is remarkably full-flavored for a green tea and it will have me revisiting my prejudices about green teas. 52teas has done it again. They never stint on flavor.

3 min, 0 sec

“…it felt like a perfect antidote to the grey-flannel sky.” I love the way you write!

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It’s growing on me. I’m getting the raisins the most but, I’m getting hardly any cinnamon or toast.
If you put milk and sugar in it it is much better. I think that was my problem the first time around.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I don’t normally put milk in anything but chai and I only sweeten my maple sugar black w/ maple syrup- but I can totally see where those additions would make it like a raisin cinnamon roll or cinnamon raisin french toast. Maybe try maple syrup next time? Brown sugar? Sugar in the raw?

Madison Bartholemew

hmmmmm maple syrup! that might be a fantastic winner!

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I’m trying to like this tea…
theoretically I like everything in it but something about the way the raisin works with the tea is just hitting me really wrong and making my face go into sweet tart position…
I’ll keep trying until I can take it anymore but I don’t think I like this one at all… It tastes like a worse version of vanilla date to me.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
359 tasting notes

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Slurp. I’m not a tisane drinker by any means. I’m no great fan of rooibos. I like my real tea. Thus, I’d never tried honeybush, and I was pretty sure I never wanted to. Then I read all the great reviews about this, so I decided to give it a try. I’d like to have a caffeine-free option available. So, I brewed it up, and wow! It really does smell like a pina colada. It tastes like one too. I can’t really figure out what the base honeybush flavor is, but whatever it is, it was overshadowed by the pina colada-iness, which is just fine by me. Now, if this flavor could be added to a black tea, I’d be in total tea heaven.

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drank Black Satin by 52teas
55 tasting notes

This is an interesting tea- it smells mostly like cinnamon, but tastes mostly like licorice. That’s fine with me, I enjoy licorice teas. This one almost tastes a bit like rootbeer, but it’s not sweet at all. This isn’t a tea I would want to drink everyday, but it fills a niche.

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What the hell, this tastes EXACTLY like buttered cinnamon raisin toast! So much so that its actually blowing my mind (and its taking all my restraint not to type this tasting note entirely in caps). Did 52teas make cinnamon raisin bread, toast it, butter it then cut it into tiny tea-leaf-shaped bits?!? Either that or magic are they only reasonable explanations for the bang-on flavour of this tea.
The aroma of buttered cinnamon raisin toast was present in the dry leaves, with the resulting brewed tea being a bit more buttered-raisin on the nose and first sip, the cinnamon-toast comes through on the aftertaste. Its even more perfect if you add a splash of milk!

This was my first tea from this company (they were awesome enough to give shipping to New Zealand a go) and it will definitely not be my last. Gah, I still can’t get over how amazing this tea is!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Personally -I’d go with the Magic! theory ;)


Miss Sweet- I have an order coming in the mail and I couldn’t wait to get it before but after reading your post I am even more excited.

Miss Sweet

Yay! You won’t be disappointed :D

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
67 tasting notes

Seriously, this is my new favorite tea. 52teas manages to knock it out of the park again and again with these kickass tea blends. This chocolate chai is no exception. I’m drinking it now with soy milk and sugar and the play of heat, spice, warmth, and chocolatey goodness is intense and delicious. After each sip, I breathed in cool air to cool my mouth, then felt it seep out my pores in tiny goosebumps.

Yes, it was that good.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Salad in a tea? Cucumber and melon don’t go together do they? Well… yes they do, who would have known.

It’s a very fresh tasting green tea, not massively cucumbery (that’s a good thing) but you can definitely tell its there. The lovely sweet melon comes through and works well.

I imagine this would be really nice as an iced tea but am yet to try it.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
50 tasting notes

This comes very, very close to the Kauai orchid oolong I posted ages ago. But in a completely opposite way. I opened the bag and was pleasantly assaulted by a whiff of sweet, malty goodness. Undertones of something baked and nutty. I can’t pin down the scent exactly, but it makes me think of some delicious baked sweet that I probably wasn’t allowed to eat as a child.

Since it was so (wonderfully) overwhelming, I steeped shorter than I probably could have. Next time I’ll try it for a little longer, because while it is completely pleasant as is, I could have used a stronger taste. Pale celadon color, and some of the sencha fell through the very fine filter. The scent is just a weaker version of the bag, but instead tending towards a wheat, rice smell, overriding the sweet malt. No bitterness and nothing too herbal or grassy tasting in this lovely flavored green tea, and while it may not be as heavy or creamy as I may desire, it is definitely a new favorite!

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Wild Cherry Black Tea by 52teas
23 tasting notes

Very disappointed in this one. The cherry flavor is pretty blah and leaves a chemical/plasticy aftertaste in my mouth. The black tea component was standard for 52teas, so no surprises there. Didn’t absolutely hate it, but if you’re looking for a GOOD cherry tea, I’d recommend the Bing Cherry Vanilla from the Republic of Tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Chai With Chocolate by 52teas
23 tasting notes

I was very excited to get this one after all I’d heard about it. It’s very very similar to the Mayan Chocolate Chai, but minus the cayenne, for which I am grateful. Not real heavy on the chocolate flavor, which is a little bit of a bummer, but fairly well balanced. This is my new go-to tea since I’m out of the coconut vanilla chai from NotJustTea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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