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meant to grab the Pina Colada Honeybush since I hadn’t had it in a while, but accidentally picked up this bag and scooped some into my IngenuiTea without realizing it until I saw the cocoa nibs. Oh well – I wanted a decaf dessert tea, so this will do just fine! :-)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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This tastes best piping hot!

4 min, 0 sec

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2 tsp in 12-16oz water; added a splash of silk vanilla almond milk. Very nice.

I can’t believe I don’t own any plain rooibos. This is as good as it gets. Not a complaint against the awesomeness that is “CCBRb,” I just need to buy some Stash Red & White fusion for those times when I just really want a soothing cup of warm red tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Since some people (myself included) seem to taste hints of banana in the Malted Chocomate, and since Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana Rooibos is great, but could use a bit more chocolate, I decided to combine the two into a malted choco-banana rooibos mate concoction. Since they have the same steeping parameters, I just used 1 tsp of each with 16 oz boiling water. Meant to stop steeping at 4min but got distracted, so it was somewhere between 5-6 (not 5:30 exact). Anyway, I added a splash of almond milk to cool my big mug down. It’s chocolatey and banana-y and sweet (no sugar added). It looks and feels almost as rich as a mug of hot chocolate, but without the heaviness. Perfect for a rainy evening!

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having a cup w/ a piece of carrot cake. Yum!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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good with a splash of almond milk – the nutiness complements the banana. Again, the chocolate is just a hint, but that’s ok with me.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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I got a well-blended spoonful this time so I can taste the chocolate! It’s not overwhelming, but balances out the stronger banana flavor. No sweetener needed, but a spoonful of half&half made it rich and creamy.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I think this was my 100th tasting note! (I missed it!) But if I counted backwards correctly, this is it. Not a bad tea for it!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Happy 100th, Janefan!

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brewed for 8 min. Smells like banana with a hint of chocolate. The taste is not as strong as the scent. The rooibos does not completely overpower the choc/banana, but it is definitely there – I know I’m drinking rooibos. Overall I like these flavors, so I prefer it to plain rooibos.

It’s a good solid quality enjoyable offering from 52teas, but it didn’t make me go “wow!” For my tastes, their pina colada honeybush is much better, and the malted chocomate is more impressive.

Boiling 8 min or more

ok next time I’ll try the 4-5 min range, which seemed to work best for karsh and chana

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Tried this one again. Loved the flavor although still can only detect the peanut butter slightly. Great w/milk and a little sugar….


And I see I rated it a 56 and really I did not mean to rate the tea that low….

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Hmm… not as chocolaty as 52 teas Chocolate Rooibos- just a nice solid black tea w/a chocolate flavor- not sure that I taste the peanut butter…

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Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

When I see this I think of white peony which has a buttery taste when steeped for 7 min…

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I made this my ground hog order because I wanted something different. I love dessert teas and I love savory teas so my theory was I should love this. Dessert (pie), check. Savory (pumpkin), check.

After getting all hyped up about this, my expectations were shot in the tea cup as soon as I looked at the ingredients. Pumpkin is never actually mentioned. Could that be covered in “natural flavors”? Maybe. But if something is mentioned in the name of a tea, I like to see it listed in the ingredients.

The raw leaf smells like pumpkin pie. I just hope the cinnamon isn’t too strong… cinnamon can be a very selfish flavor.

2.25g/6oz water just below boiling. Hmmm… that’s interesting, a lighter liquor than I was expecting and more red. It smells almost exactly like the raw leaf which is good, but it doesn’t smell like a pie was just taken out of the oven.

Wow… I can barely taste the cinnamon! While that’s good (I was hoping for more pumpkin and less pie or spice), I can also barely taste the pumpkin. I can taste it, but I’m not sure I’d be able to name it if I drank this not knowing this was supposed to be a Pumpkin Pie flavored tea. I’ll try preparing it like a chai next time.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

2nd infusion, 6 min. Lighter liquor (that of pumpkin pie actually) and smells like pumpkin pie as well. A decent black tea w/ hints of pumpkin pie.


3rd infusion, 7 min. Almost identical to infusion 2 except the aroma is much more of nutmeg.

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Goodness gracious, I do love this. It tastes like apple pie and creamy ice cream, with added tea. It’s warm, comforting, sweet, and oh so delicious in the evening. It goes down so smoothly and deliciously. I think it’s time for me to brew another cup.

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This really is like a low cal dessert in a cup w/a sinful banana flavor and no need to add sugar…It was perfect for my mid-afternoon treat…Come to think of it , this would be great w/chocolate milk….


ohh, chocolate milk is a good idea! My one complaint on this one is that the chocolate doensn’t have quite as much presence as I would like.


I agree it needs more chocolate flavor..but other than that, this is a fun tea w/no caffiene…

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Had a straightforward sweet banana flavor. Although the chocolate taste was not strong, it gave a richness to the rooibos teas.


Had this again today- and I liked it even more- definitely more of a banana taste than chocolate….

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