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Thank you Teaequalsbliss for sending me some to try. This smells like mint with abit vanilla. I steeped this for a short time. This taste like a pleasant gree tea with spearmint and abit of peppermint and a touch of vanilla. I can taste all of the ingredients. None of them overwelm the other. Now I am not in to green teas much,except fruity greens once in the while,but this tea is extremely good.
I’m officially out of this now…it was good while it lasted. Today – since my taste buds are still off – all I can tell you is that it tasted like a VERY strong Black Tea. I know it’s flavored but because I’m sick I can’t really pick up on the actual flavor.
If you want us to reblend this tea, please comment here: http://steepster.com/discuss/334-reblends-you-have-been-asking-for?page=3#forum_post_17744
made a strong half mug, then added a tiny splash of milk. I know, I know… but it didn’t ruin it, and it did make the appearance match the flavor. It seems so weird to drink a tea that tastes creamy/milky and looks clear and grassy! Actually I think this would make a neat “green tea latte” (either hot or cold) if one could get the ratios right…
Smells just like its ingredients, and tastes just like it smells. This is a good thing. I think I’ll have to try a few more cups before I can assign a rating though. It’s a unique tea!
Yes…. I just found this in the back of my cupboard yesterday…
and it’s ok. The apple flavor is about as week as normal since no teas are as apple-y as I want them but, the cinnamon is nice and strong.
So I’m liking this better than other apple/cinnamon teas on the sheer niceness of strong cinnamon.
other than that though… bleh
I’ve been drinking this iced all afternoon. It’s very refreshing! My daughters also love it.
This has a delicious fruity flavor. The cinnamon is a bit muted in the iced version vs. the hot cup that I enjoyed last night, but, the sweet apricot flavor really commands the palate’s attention. Juicy and yummy.
Not my favorite rooibos blend (you all know what that one is by now, right?) but, it is certainly tasty.
I’m so glad to finally see a review for this tea on Steepster. This is probably one of our top five sellers in the shop, and HAS been for three years! We sell it as a hot tea, an iced tea, a hot tea latte, an iced tea latte, a tea soda a tea spritzer with sprite… it is just delicious IMHO. You should totally try it hot with a little cream and sugar.
I ordered this along with the Strawberry Zabaglione which arrived yesterday, thinking it would make a really yummy iced tea. But I decided to try it hot first…
The apricot flavor works really well with rooibos. I can taste only slight hints of the woodsy tones usually associated with rooibos – and none of the funky artificial-sweetener taste that I get with rooibos. The flavor is just very smooth and sweet – like an apricot.
The cinnamon is a sweeter cinnamon taste, not real spicy or hot.
This really tastes like “summer” to me… and I definitely look forward to enjoying it iced! In fact, I think I’ll brew some up tonight so that it will be nice and chilled tomorrow.
It’s not “iced” or even chilled exactly, but it has cooled considerably (had to go mow the lawn and left my cuppa on the counter) – it tastes really good. Maybe it’s just the need for liquid refreshment talking after mowing the lawn, but, it tastes really smooth and delicious. Definitely going to make some tonight for the fridge.
This just came in the mail today and I was so excited to try it. I always brew a first cup according to the directions it comes with and this tea said to brew between 150-160—I’ve never brewed anything that cool before…It smells wonderful but the taste is barely there. I"m going to let it cool more and hope the flavor develops some. Next time I’m going to brew it at around 170-175 the way I normally do a white. I’m really hoping the taste will live up to the smell!
On a side note-is there a trick to knowing what number rating you’re leaving? I just have faces and have to guess. I want this to have a 70-75 but have no idea how to do that.
I’m not sure exactly how this little bit of Strawberry Zabaglione found its way back into my stash… I was sure that I had sent the last little bit out somewhere. But, I’m glad I found it, because I wanted something like this so that I could test out my taste buds to see how they’re functioning.
I’m feeling so much better than I was, my ears are still what I want to call “cloudy” – where it feels like I’ve got ear plugs in my ears or something because everything sounds muffled. My throat feels better, my eyes are still very itchy and it takes every ounce of willpower that I have (and I haven’t a lot of it) to keep from rubbing them. I still have the occasional cough, but, really, the most difficult thing for me is my taste buds, because I have tons of tea to be tasting and reviewing here, and I need my taste buds to be functioning!
Well, I can definitely taste the strawberry and the creaminess of the custard. It’s yummy, although, it does still taste a bit muffled. sigh I guess no reviewing for today. But, it does give me hope for tomorrow. I think by tomorrow, I should be back in the saddle. At least I hope so!
Ah darn and I thought you were so much better. Did I send this to you? I LOVE this stuff and usually always send it to people :)
No, this one isn’t from you. It was still in the original pouch… so it must have gotten hoarded by me! LOL
Thanks everyone… I’m getting there. My taste buds are almost there … just not quite.
Following mrawlins2 lead, I decided to brew some of this with just a pinch of Tippy Earl Grey from Golden Moon. The result is a completely different tea! I can’t believe how different this tastes with the addition of so little of the Tippy Earl Grey. It’s fantastic (of course, it was fantastic without the addition too).
This cup is creamy, custardy, strawberry goodness! YUM!
Enjoying a cup of this today. It’s been a little while since I’ve had some of this.
Lovely strawberry flavor, I love the creamy custard flavor with it… a really beautiful tasting tea! Even though the days are definitely getting cooler, and autumn is almost here (this past week, it seemed like it was here)… this tea reminds me of the best of summer!
This one came with my order today too! It was hard to decide which to try first, the Dreamsicle or the Strawberry, but my love for Darjeeling won out.
OK… so I’ve never had zabaglione… but I have had custard… and this has a very creamy, custard-ish flavor to it. The strawberry flavor is softer in the beginning, but at the end of the sip you can really taste it.
YUM! It is very good.
Frank… if you’re reading this (and I know that you are… yep… I can see you) next week make something that I will not be interested in. Please. I should not be buying any more tea for at least a couple of weeks. So make a pu-erh or a Lapsang Souchong blend. OK? Or even a Salvadorian Dung Beetle flavored tea. Something that I’ll have no interest in purchasing. OK? Thanks.
This tea is awesome!
Hehehehe. Sorry, no dung beetle tea. I’m afraid it is going to be another delicious blend. Don’t tell anyone, but it will be a fruit cocktail green tea with real pear, peaches and pineapple with natural pear, peach, orange, pineapple and maraschino cherry flavors. I just got finished blending it. It smells AMAZING.
by the way, Frank, did you see this?
I hadn’t seen that, but thank you VERY much! I was pretty happy with the Pineapple Upside-down Cake too.
I ordered the reblend of this tea back when it was reblended because this was one of the more memorable teas that I’ve tried from 52Teas, and it’s been a while so I wanted to taste more of the Dreamsicle goodness.
Unfortunately, the reblend just doesn’t seem to live up to the memory of the original. I’m not sure if that’s because the memory has somehow become exaggerated with the passage of time or because the reblend just … isn’t quite as good.
There’s a lot of orange flavor to this, but, the vanilla notes seem to be a bit too subdued. That said, the Darjeeling notes are quite nice. Crisp, wine-like, fruity notes, and wood tones.
Overall, it’s good, but it just isn’t as good as I remember the original being.
Yay! My order arrived today! 52Teas has the fastest FREE shipping ever! Woot!
OK when I first heard about this tea (Thanks Stephanie for alerting me to it!) I knew I had to try it. I LOVE Darjeeling… and there really aren’t a lot of flavored Darjeelings out there (yeah – they don’t really NEED flavoring because they’re so complex and flavorful without the flavoring, but, I’m always interested in trying something a little bit out of the ordinary … in case you haven’t noticed from my tasting note archives).
Mmm… creamy… mmm… sweet and orange-y … mmm… Darjeeling! This is really good!
It tastes like someone dropped a Dreamsicle into my cup of Darjeeling! YUM!
a dreamsicle is a popsicle brand frozen treat on a stick – orange sherbet on the outside, vanilla ice cream on the inside. :)