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I’m having the DECAF Version of this…I didn’t see if logged anywhere else so I am not sure if the original one I logged was DECAF as well, but…here goes!

I could really use a caffeine rush today so that’s not why I am drinking this one but moreso because I have a CRAPLOAD of Zoom-teas to drink and felt like Chocolate.

The Decaf version is really good. Prior to infusion it smells just like a Chocolate Cheesecake WOULD or SHOULD. The taste is not as spicy which I like for a chocolate cheesecake type…and I can taste the cheesecake comparison more with this version for some reason…

I would LOVE more chocolate but this is certainly nice, too.


Just curious as to why you logged it here instead of a separate database entry…


Because I wasn’t totally sure if there IS a CAF and DECAF version??? Is there!? If so…I could create a new listing for the DECAF Version…just wasn’t sure if there was only this version and it just wasn’t marked in the title


Yep- I have the caffeine (but unfortunately not flavor) containing version!:)


Funny you should say that…I think I like the DECAF better in this case…that must be a first for me! LOL


I will go ahead a log sep

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Forgot to log this this morning! I infused for a little less and noticed by doing so it resembles cheesecake a bit more and isn’t as Chai-E…



I DESPERATELY want to like this… but non of the flavors are strong (or really even evident) for me… even at a 5 min steep… :(


Yeah…at first all I could really taste way the Chai…but I guess it’s what you WANT to taste and how you play the times, ya know!? LOL

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Thanks so much for sending this to me!

I LOVE Cheesecake…

This smells like chocolate and chai and a creaminess which I will take as the cheesecake.

Post-infusion it’s like chocolate chai scented.

Taste is a bit mellower than I expected. It tastes like chai with a very little bit of chocolate-likeness. At first I was like “Where’s the cheesecake”??? But it gets you right at the end and more into the aftertaste.

If this makes sense…I like the end of the sip better than the beginning of the sip! Tastes more like Cheesecake and less like chai. BUT…I can’t complain because it IS actually Chocolate Cheesecake Chai! LOL – I’d LOVE to have a Chocolate Cheesecake Black Flavored Tea with out the Chai – but because this is a Chai…I will say I like it!


That sounds yummy!

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
371 tasting notes

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
371 tasting notes


That is all.


Completely agree!


i concur!

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
371 tasting notes

::happy dance::

I cold brewed this puppy and finally tasted the fruits of my Frank’s labor tonight. Thus the dance of happiness.

I smiled when I was scooping the tea into my pitcher since I think that from any other company I would’ve freaked out at the sight of a ginourmous hunk-o-something amongst the chippies. But since it’s a 52teas blend I figured that it had to be pineapple (it was).

It’s been years since I’ve had a pina colada, but most of me says that this tea captures a non-alcoholic version. But then I start second-guessing myself. I think the solution is that I need to find a real pina colada in the near future to compare it to ;)

What I can say for sure is that this is one of the best honeybush blends that I’ve had so far. It’s also one of the best iced teas that I’ve had so far. TG


I’ll do the happy dance with you. I enjoyed the last of this tea iced tonight also! It is SO good iced!




Oh I need to make a pitcher of this…it’s been too long since I had it (hot or iced).

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
328 tasting notes

Another winner! I was quite suprised how “creamy coconutty” this one tasted…With milk and sugar, this one was a dessert….

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drank Butter Pecan Black Tea by 52teas
328 tasting notes

Very mild tasting tea. Well so is butter pecan ice cream. The vanilla is very subtle. Pecan flavor is not bitter. W/sugar and milk., just some comforting goodness.

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drank Butter Pecan Black Tea by 52teas
328 tasting notes

Yum! First couple of times I did not get the steeping right but on the third time, with a little bit of sugar and milk, it really did taste like butter pecan ….In fact, as the nuttiness is quite subtle (and so is butter pecan ice cream), I have been having this as my morning brew for the past couple of days…

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I received this in a lovely swap! Thank you Meghann!This tea isn’t bad, but not my favorite. I was wanting a bit more chocolate and not as much spice. The spice is pleasant and reminds me of gingerbread. It’s a decent flavor, but I’m looking for chocolate and chai, not just chai or spice.

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I’m thinking that the cheesecake flavor may come across stronger thru vanilla than chocolate- or at least I hope it does.

Like the chocolate, this has no large green cardamom pods- so that’s a few points off right there. The aroma is extremely light- definitely not a “smack ya in the face” tea. And like the chocolate, the liquor is a light reddish brown- possibly lighter than the chocolate, but I’m not sure w/o doing a side by side.

1 heaping tsp (only 3.3g!)/6oz, hot and clean

Wow. This tea is disappointing. VERY little, if any, vanilla,…no cheesecake… very little spice. The black tea base has absolutely no problems coming thru the flavors- in fact it’s by far the strongest- but even the mouth feel and flavor are quite watery. A very smooth, light black tea w/ just a faint touch of spice. I hope these 2 are better w/ milk.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I definitely prefer it with milk, I think it brings out the flavors much better. What’s weird is that my tin totally has cardamon pods…suspicious! (suspicious of what? I don’t know. the cardamon pods I suppose. perhaps they are hiding?)

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I just got in some tea samples from MeghannM (Thanks Meghann!) and so I thought I would start my day off with some black tea. I selected this one and boy am I glad that I did it is buttery and nutty a very nice blend from 52Teas.

I was a little worried about what the black tea in the background would taste like but I was pleasantly surprised when I tasted it to find that it is a very smooth cup and I don’t have to add sugar or milk. It is nice all on it’s own! Thanks again Meghann!!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Razzleberry Green by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Needed something sweeter and not as caffeinated as a black tea to cleanse my palate after the pleasantly surprising Rose White tea. This tea fits the bill, although it does still have caffeine, so I hope I will sleep alright, but I have no decaf/rooibos teas I felt like drinking at the moment.

Love the fruity berriness of this tea, wish it was a little less buttery. Elderberry is still my favorite 52 teas green tea. This is a close second, tied with Champagne Mojito Green. Short note tonight, just want to enjoy the tea.

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Ok. What the heck. My order is here ALREADY- only 3 days after being shipped! Why do my orders from KS take either 3 days or 3 weeks…? lol. Anyway. Time to dig in!

I’m a little disappointed I don’t see any huge, gorgeous, green cardamom pods when I open my tin- that’s one of the many reasons I love their Mayan Chocolate Chai. It smells smooth and chocolatey, but I’m not getting the cheesecake. Which is fine, I don’t know what the heck cheesecake smells like anyway lol.

1 heaping tsp (3.75g)/6oz just below boiling water.

The liquor is quite dark in shade and a reddish brown in color. It’s not completely translucent do to the chocolate and spices.

The aroma is rather chocolatey, although not CHOCOLATE! like a baking cake would be. There’s a hint of spice. No cheesecake (again- all good).

hmmm… chocolate, check.- Although I wish it was as chocolatey as the Mayan Chocolate Chai. It’s not. Spice- a bit. I’ve had stronger. No cheesecake, but there is a smoothness to it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the cheesecake, so it could very well be in there. I think I need to taste Zoomdweebie’s cream cheese flavored black so I know exactly what I’m looking for. This reminds me of a lighter version of Numi’s Organic Chocolate Pu Erh. All flavors (especially the cheesecake) need to be stronger. Oh yeah, it needs cayenne too:)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I hope they make this one again, I’d really like to try it. Can’t believe the last package was snatched right out from under my nose. :-)


this sounds delicious! i have got to try it…

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drank Black Satin by 52teas
50 tasting notes

Drinking Black Satin because the air is that chilly tonight 0_o

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drank Black Satin by 52teas
50 tasting notes

Can always count on Black Satin to wake me up.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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drank Black Satin by 52teas
50 tasting notes

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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Black Satin by 52teas
50 tasting notes

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2 min, 45 sec

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I brewed some of this yesterday for iced tea today.

This is A-MAZ-ING iced! So much so that I think I will even increase my numeric rating for it. The fruit flavors really come into their own when it’s chilled, it is refreshing, and fruity, but not so much that it becomes like a tropical fruit punch.

Light and lovely. I love it!


I agree completely. It’s one of the very few teas that I think is also good on ice and that says a lot. :) Extremely picky Ang is extremely picky!

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So, I had to order the final installment of the trilogy of white teas that 52Teas released during the week of February 24. The other two were pretty darned good, so I figured I had to give this one a go too.

Wow! It looks like I have a new favorite in this trilogy!

This is delicious! Fruity, sweet, and light tasting. The coconut is the most prominent flavor for me, but I can also taste the pineapple, as well as a bit of banana in the background. It is so yummy! Like a tropical fruit salad! YUM!

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Isn’t it? I was so shocked at myself for how much I liked it. It was so unexpected that I still feel the need to say that everytime the subject comes up.
Tip, if you also have the black currant one, I found they worked quite well in combination for iced tea. I don’t usually find iced tea interesting enough to bother with, so that should give you a clue as to how impressed I was with the result.


I do have both teas, so I will give that a try! sounds intriguing!

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I don’t know but maybe because this was one of the “12 Teas of Christmas” it just tasted a whole lot better this time around. Very yummy indeed, especially after the day I had yesterday. Low tire pressure, crazy at work, sick child that only had a little over 4 hrs of sleep and that means I did too. My body hurts so bad but after drinking this jem I did drift to my happy place for a very special moment.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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Yay 100th Tasting Note and I thought I would continue with the tropical theme. This is the second time I am having this and both hot. I swear I will do this cold once. This time when I grabbed my heaping teaspoon I got the biggest chunk of pineapple, boy was I excited. Even the 2nd time around this is delicious although I do get more pineapple in it this time around for obvious reason. I really do enjoy this cuppa.

Boiling 8 min or more

Congrats on your century mark!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Thanks! I am feeling good for my age too. LOL :-)


Congrats, congrats!






Yay on your 100th! I got some honking pineapple chunks too on this one—it’s great! :)

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Wow, delicious delivers what it promises. I will love to try this iced I bet is it amazing. It truly provides the essence of a true Pina Colada minus the alcohol. Yummy!

Boiling 8 min or more

I’m so excited: I bought some of this too and plan to have it tonight! Iced sounds like it’d be fantastic :D

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I didn’t get a strong vanilla flavor nor a cheesecake feel. It was there but I had to really concentrate. I usually prefer keeping my thoughts at a minimum while drinking tea. However, if it was labeled with a different name say… Creamy Smooth Chai I would have agreed. Don’t get me wrong this tea is yummy but not what I expected based on the name on the label. It is has a medium/light body, super smooth, not a hint of bitterness, and just mellow. The chai spices are blended perfectly. However, I am giving it a lower point value only because it wasn’t what I expected based on the label not because of the flavor, it was good.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Sad day! I have this coming too.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Oh don’t be sad….it may work for you. Maybe my taste buds were lying to me. I will try again next week and see what happens.

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