This one came with my order today too! It was hard to decide which to try first, the Dreamsicle or the Strawberry, but my love for Darjeeling won out.
OK… so I’ve never had zabaglione… but I have had custard… and this has a very creamy, custard-ish flavor to it. The strawberry flavor is softer in the beginning, but at the end of the sip you can really taste it.
YUM! It is very good.
Frank… if you’re reading this (and I know that you are… yep… I can see you) next week make something that I will not be interested in. Please. I should not be buying any more tea for at least a couple of weeks. So make a pu-erh or a Lapsang Souchong blend. OK? Or even a Salvadorian Dung Beetle flavored tea. Something that I’ll have no interest in purchasing. OK? Thanks.
This tea is awesome!
Hehehehe. Sorry, no dung beetle tea. I’m afraid it is going to be another delicious blend. Don’t tell anyone, but it will be a fruit cocktail green tea with real pear, peaches and pineapple with natural pear, peach, orange, pineapple and maraschino cherry flavors. I just got finished blending it. It smells AMAZING.
by the way, Frank, did you see this?
I hadn’t seen that, but thank you VERY much! I was pretty happy with the Pineapple Upside-down Cake too.
Hehehehe. Sorry, no dung beetle tea. I’m afraid it is going to be another delicious blend. Don’t tell anyone, but it will be a fruit cocktail green tea with real pear, peaches and pineapple with natural pear, peach, orange, pineapple and maraschino cherry flavors. I just got finished blending it. It smells AMAZING.
Oops. Did I spoil the surprise?
only for those who read the comments :)
(expletive) why Frank? Why? Why must you do this to my wallet?
by the way, Frank, did you see this?
It’s just part of the five year plan—world tea domination one tea drinker at a time…
I hadn’t seen that, but thank you VERY much! I was pretty happy with the Pineapple Upside-down Cake too.
oooooo i wondered about this one!! :P