1598 Tasting Notes
Why does this make me think of coffee? I keep emptying my cup before I fully review it. Good thing I stopped for the last few sips!
So I am getting a nice black base, hazelnut and vanilla, and a bit of creaminess which I assume is from the coco bean? It’s very smooth and luxurious, and only a little astringent. I really enjoy this.
I’ve really enjoyed a lot of these flavoured Bayswater teas. Sil and Kittenna – you guys better like them too because I might want to order more and want to split the shipping cost! I split your samples up, double-baggie’d them, and then wrapped them in tin foil for MAXIMUM freshness. :P Now that I’ve done this, I can fit my parts into my travel box and drink them all before I see you guys.
This one makes me think of coffee too! Heather said it might be the burnt sugar smell. I really want to mix this one with some of the nougat tea tonight.
I steeped this at the lower end of the recommended 10-15 minutes and I won’t be so meek next time. This is enjoyable as it is, but either because of the tea itself, or just because I’m too exhausted, I find it too mild for me at present.
I get a lot of honeybush, a bit of sandalwood, and some orange undercurrents. I like it, but I just want more WHAMMO.
Side complaint: Why is it that when I type in the tea I’m searching for, the box that drop down immediately shows the one I want, and then it quickly hides it and replaces it with a bunch of teas – some of which are barely related to my search? :| It’s annoying.
And on to this tea! I tried to give this away for the meet-up, but no one jumped on it. I wasn’t sure if I should keep it, but after steeping it I drank the whole cup, so yes. Yes I should. It’s one that I like but never expect to.
Tea, why are you so complicated?
that’s been bugging me…. but here’s a new one, try typing in ‘indian’ as in ‘indian nimbu’ and read what pops up 7th from the top. i was underwhelmed.
should we rewrite the information? offer scathing ratings? i did tattle, but i imagine jason’s been busy debugging stuff lately. seriously unbelievable that they would think to advertise here!
Hmmmm. I thought I’d better drink this up because everyone is talking about autumn this, and pumpkin that and cantaloupes don’t really fit in there, do they?
I am completely ready to embrace the new fall teas, but I should maybe drink more of the spring ones I bought. Oh well. I drank Pumpkin Chai in March, I can drink grassy greens in November.
This one is nearly done though. :(
I have a Pumpkin spice tea from Tealux that I swear tastes like cantaloupe. I think I actually compared it to Butiki’s Cantaloupe and Cream.
This is another one I picked up from the Steepster Meet-Up! I’m setting a bit aside for Sil and Kittenna as it’s pretty good, and I’m certain my 25g will not last long.
It’s Earl Grey, but not overwhelmingly so, and the grapefruit balances it out nicely. I… well, I guess I drank my cup too quickly to properly review it, but that’s not a bad sign is it?
I snagged this and the Mint Julep pitcher packs just because I have no willpower when I see things on sale sometimes. I don’t regret it though – this pitcher will last me we move, and then I’ll make the Mint Julep in Vernon so I have something chilled there as well.
Gotta load the truck up Friday morning. I’m going to have to pack my tea survival kit soon. I don’t want to pack my tea up, but… well, I’m going to have to at some point! Maybe on Wednesday after I check out the new Fall Stuff at DavidsTea! (Then buy more than I should and hide it away in the box so no one notices it! Bwahahah)
OMGsrsly drank this earlier so I thought I’d better open my pack up and have some too.
This is a greedy tea! It says “2 heaping tea measuring spoons for 1 cup of water”. Well, 50g will not last very long then! I am leaving at least a cup for Sil and Kittena to try so that we are prepared if we ever want to order any directly from the company.
And maybe we should? As a fruit tea, this is very good. I don’t really mind the hibiscus – as the tea cools a bit it fades into the background. I’m tasting apples and spices and a bit of tartness. And orange; there’s a bit of orange too. I’ve never had Christmas Stollen, but it does sorta remind me of glogg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulled_wine#Nordic_gl.C3.B6gg). Like OMGsrsly says, this tea is a bit like fruity booze.
I don’t think I would drink this one too often – it’s not an everyday (every evening?) tea for me – but I could see it being a popular one around Christmas.
Apparently my bf has invited 4 people to have Christmas with us in Toronto since we’re away from our families, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this number grew. I could use this tea on hand as a refreshment for guests!
I guess? Haha. He’s just hanging out with a few members from his Honors class before they all start their Masters at different schools – a few in ON. So he’s hoping to keep in touch.
We are not big on Christmas otherwise! Haha.
But I love the idea of just brewing it for the scent. It smells so delightful!
Oh wow!
I dragged my best friend off to the mall yesterday and made sure we stopped in at the local DavidsTea to see what was on sale for summer clearance. She’s not a huge fan of DT because of all the crazy blends, but she has found a few that she likes.
Read My Lips is not one of them. :P
She found this one though, and so we asked to smell it and take it in a go cup. We weren’t far from the store before we decided that it was freaking amazing and we ended up splitting 100g. :D (So she could get the tin).
I love the licorice and fennel and anise and PEPPER. How neat is that? And it’s not that crazy strong a blend or anything either. It makes me feel alert, yet calm with the peppermint. It might be soothing for a sore throat too.
So, this was a surprise purchase but I’m happy she found it because I’m such a green tea snob I would never have though something called “North African Mint” would be this delicious.
I made a cup of it as soon as we got home, because the sips I had from hers weren’t enough.
ETA: I’m drinking this again today, even though it’s 1 AM. Who needs sleep when there’s packing and cleaning to do!
Mom’s Apple Pie is spicier, I think.
:) I’m curious to smell/try Mom’s Apple Pie when it comes out.