1598 Tasting Notes
This is really good.
I love how I drink my light spring teas now that it’s Autumn. And I think I was drinking Pumpkin Chai in the Spring.
Anyway, this is very light and floral but.. not in a bad way? Sometimes I think Jasmine = YUCK, but it’s good. It’s not in your face, and it’s also nice and sweet too. I would definitely drink more of this, and I think that this would help promote more enjoyment of teas that aren’t just black. I should drink at least one tea per day that isn’t black… I have so much of it. :P
Thank you Angel for the sample!
This is great! The flavouring on this is distinctive and that’s exactly the right choice. I mixed hot water with the matcha to blend it up a bit, then added a ton of milk and frothed it right up.
The result is very pumpkiny and creamy and super satisfying. I can taste the cinnamon/nutmeg/other pumpkin pie spices quite clearly. I’ll have to try it hot too, but I wanted the easy way first. #lazy
Nooooo! Steepster ate this note, and I was applying for jobs earlier today but I sorta don’t want the one after all because I think they want me to dedicate more than 9-5 to it and they have a treadmill at work, and standing desks and free (healthy) breakfasts and I’m just a lazy tea drinker who wants to focus on stuff and get everything done, not drink all the free espresso and run around in circles.
But, someone liked my 8tracks mix and it was a stranger so that makes me happy. :) Let’s see if this note sticks.
Sure. :P http://8tracks.com/cavocorax/moody-days-and-sleepless-nights
I don’t normally make mixes, so it’s just exciting whenever someone else likes them. :P
This is perfect, and it’s even better because I’m drinking it in my Tardis tea pot. :)
The bad news is that it got cold before I could finish the whole pot. :(
You need a tea cosy! How about this?
Woo! I got my teas today! I had a split order with Kittenna and a few with Sil and I braved Toronto Transit to get to her place and scoop them up and meet her and her bf. I haven’t logged them all yet, but I had to start with this.
(I chose it because it had the biggest, most in my face bag. I have too many great teas here to chose from, so… why not that way?)
I feel like I wasted half my sample – I didn’t realize that I was supposed to steep this at 85C and so I dumped my poor leaves into boiling water as I would most black teas.
/0\ Ok. Never assume anything. Let’s move on.
This tastes fine by the way, but I’m not rating/reviewing until I do it “properly”.