467 Tasting Notes
We are having another dull rainy day. Hey, at least it’s not freezing or snowing! I wanted a light tea this morning. Wasn’t in the mood for a nice EG. Went to completely the opposite end of the spectrum… Spice of Life combined with Strawberry Cream. Nice light, airy tea. No spice flavor as I’ve said before but enjoyable. There are so many yummy looking chunks and bits of stuff in the dry mix, it’s hard to believe there is so little flavor. I tend to overleaf, so I’m pretty sure it’s not that I under leafed. Oh, well… Seems to put a little sunshine in this dull gray day!
I received this lovely sample from the Tea and Card TTB! It is a nice mellow licorice tea. It has some really pretty star anise in the mix. I chose this tea because I need a non-caffeine tea for this late afternoon. This tea reminds me of something I use to drink long, long ago. Probably a Celestial Seasoning tea. That doesn’t make it bad, it just leaves me confused about what I had drunk long ago. I really can’t think of what it might have been. I guess I could go to their site and see which ones had licorice that I might have had (I’m talking about back in the late 70’s early 80’s, before all of you were even born!) I enjoyed this tea but wouldn’t seek it out.
Flavors: Anise, Licorice
I received this sample from the Tea and Card TTB. Thanks! I didn’t really know what to expect from the description but I guess I expected something with a bit of chai. Didn’t really taste any chai at all. I taste the black tea but it’s not overwhelming. It has an astringent but not bitter aftertaste. I can’t really taste much of anything distinctly. I used the brewing directions on the packet: 1.5 tsp/cup, 170 for 4 min. I’m sorry to say that I’m not enjoying it.
Oolongs aren’t my favorite teas but I keep on trying because I know there are lots out there and someday I might hit on one that is perfect for me. The aroma of the dry leaves is vegetal with an overtone of caramel. The initial sip is too vegetal with only a bit of caramel sweetness. After letting it cool a bit and adding a drop of stevia the caramel pops! I am not noticing any astringency or over-vegetal taste that I thought there might be when I first poured it. Nothing bad but nothing to rush out to buy.
Flavors: Caramel
I got this sample from the Tea and Card TTB. Thanks! Smells good and lots of coconut pieces. I was expecting a little bolder taste on both the coconut and black flavors. Slightly sweetened it brings up the flavor but still not as much coconut as I would like. It’s not going on to my wish list but it’s nice.
Flavors: Coconut, Vanilla
I enjoyed some nice Cheesecake matcha this morning. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have it today since it has gotten cold again, but I really wanted a special treat. I had two nice hot cups of Tardis blend and then set out to make my cold matcha latte. I used cold low-fat vanilla soy milk and a couple ice cubes. I put it in my Magic Bullet type blender and Voila! A perfect frothy cold latte. So I am sitting here bundled up in a blanket looking out at another cold cloudy morning enjoying my drink. It’s funny how even when you are staying indoors and the house temp is the same as always you feel cold if it looks cold and windy. The weather here has been going up and down like crazy… High of 25 degrees, next day high of 50, next day 42, next 18, next 4 inches of snow, next 38 and rain, it just keeps on going with no real spring in sight. I can hear the song birds singing outside, so spring must be getting close. The birds are probably all saying, Whose bright idea was it to start migrating now?
I feel your pain in the temperature changes and the longing for
Spring. I keep telling myself I need to get trying some iced teas, but can’t seem to want to drink anything cold while I’m at home right now.. Just seems to add to the chill.
Thanks for the reminder that I need to order this sample! I keep forgetting & I want to try me some matcha :)
Yea for Tardis! I think I would love anything named Tardis but this exceeds my expectations. The Earl Grey is lovely with a nice amount of bergamot and a hit of vanilla. I don’t really taste the berries but that’s okay. I can enjoy this while I sit and dream of DW starting up again in August. That is waaaaay too long to wait. :( The tea is good and I would keep it stocked after I have used up more of my EG’s.
Thank you to Naylynn and Brandon! I’m loving the Double Bergamot tea that you sent! I could just sit here all day and smell it. It’s even better when I actually drink it! Considering that a few months ago I had never had bergamot, it is really amazing how much I love it! Now I have something to carry with me when I go out to restaurants and other places. I never really like their teas. Of course, I might not get to sleep at night with all the caffeine . :-) Thanks again!
Nice red color, with mild orange aroma. Rooibos is gentle, not overpowering. I should have checked the package: there isn’t any actual orange. Orange flowers and flavoring isn’t the same. It’s an okay blend but nothing special. i will drink the whole pack (2 oz) but I wouldn’t order again.
I tried it again with just a little sweetener and a drop of soy milk. Tastes good but still nothing exciting for me. The soy milk brings out the"silky" flavor a bit more.
Back to my broken finger.. its very hard to type left hand only. My right hand needs to be elevated or it starts throbbing. BTW, have you ever tried to hook a bra with out my index finger and middle finger? If someone had seen me they would have died laughing. :-D
Flavors: Orange Zest
I love figs and have been drinking Fig Rose from Teavana. I got this sample of Summer Cherry Fig so I decided to compare them. One obvious difference … Summer Cherry Fig is a black tea and Fig Rose is an herbal. The aroma of Summer Cherry Fig leaves is mildly fig with a black tea background . Fig Rose jumps right out at you. This tisane has big chunks of everything and is quite lovely. After brewing the Summer Cherry Fig has a mild fig aroma and taste. It’s not a bad cup especially if I want a some caffeine. I would still choose the Fig rose for most times because it has more flavor and is so soothing.
Back to my earlier mention of my finger. Yes, it is broken. I spent a while at the Urgent Care Center. It is a simple fracture so they didn’t have to do any surgery. My index finger is buddy splinted to the middle finger. I will have to switch my tea drinking to my left hand and I hope I don’t spill too much. It looks like it will be splinted for 4 weeks. :( I may get out of some chores like washing dishes and I plan on milking this for all its worth. ;-D
Flavors: Stonefruit