I love figs and have been drinking Fig Rose from Teavana. I got this sample of Summer Cherry Fig so I decided to compare them. One obvious difference … Summer Cherry Fig is a black tea and Fig Rose is an herbal. The aroma of Summer Cherry Fig leaves is mildly fig with a black tea background . Fig Rose jumps right out at you. This tisane has big chunks of everything and is quite lovely. After brewing the Summer Cherry Fig has a mild fig aroma and taste. It’s not a bad cup especially if I want a some caffeine. I would still choose the Fig rose for most times because it has more flavor and is so soothing.
Back to my earlier mention of my finger. Yes, it is broken. I spent a while at the Urgent Care Center. It is a simple fracture so they didn’t have to do any surgery. My index finger is buddy splinted to the middle finger. I will have to switch my tea drinking to my left hand and I hope I don’t spill too much. It looks like it will be splinted for 4 weeks. :( I may get out of some chores like washing dishes and I plan on milking this for all its worth. ;-D
Flavors: Stonefruit
Sorry about your finger:( Yay for not washing dishes!
Oh no, your poor finger! I wish you a speedy recovery!
(And also this tea sounds nifty – I like plain black teas with figgy undertones, so this actually sounds bang-on perfect for me. But mostly I hope your finger is better soon!)