493 Tasting Notes
Revisiting and raising my rates. It is 100. Bitter sweet chocolate like 90%. Super smooth, doesn’t have usual earthy smell, more like farina. Agree with ifjuly , it’s like strong espresso with dark chocolate on a side. Exceptional
I used 5 oz gaiwan+2tsp rinse/30/45/ etc
omigoodness, this sounds delicious…wow! i love espresso & dark chocolate…i think the observation on farina is very nice… so more of a grain/wheat smell than earthy? i think i would really like this..
No earthiness, no mustiness, no mushroom or leather. Very unusual. I wouldn’t say grainy, very often I pick up like rye bread notes. Like hot cereal of wheat to me;). I picked 1oz only but when I run out of it will get more.
fascinating! i’ve only had 1 pu’erh and it’s Chocolate pu’erh by Numi (lol..have yet to try my first cake!) & while it’s not my favorite kind of black tea, i do enjoy it, esp with the cocoa note. So you get a rye bread note from this one? wow…i love rye/caroway…and fennel, aniseed…lol i’m going off the charts here ;) so hot cereal/cream-of-wheat type smell? i normally think ‘grain’ when i think farina, but upon ur explanation, i must perfect my senses! :)
hahaha ;) i definitely would not mind that happening…something tells me Mandala’s Special Dark will do just the trick!
I like smoky teas. But last time I brewed it western method it was too much for me. I could not get rid of smoky flavor for long time after I finished my cup.
Today I decided to brew in gaiwan. 5oz+1tsp+1/1/1. i combined all steeps in one cup.
This way smokiness was minimal and tea was so sweet
Here we go. As always I start with shortest steeps possible like 5 sec and slowly increase the time.
This shu is amazing. Clear amber color, leather smell but not strong. Very easy to drink. I do feel sparkling. My palate is not trained yet to recognize all the notes. All I can say I really enjoyed it.
Thanks. I didn’t write a note yet. Playing with my phone. I think it’s fun to add pics. Shu has so many shades. I’m obsessed …
Yes. My cup and my glass gongfu pot;). Review will come soon. You inspired me to drink this tea and wanted to take a pic. Thanks caile;)
+1 on the shou obsession. Almost for got, need to stand up for this. Speech is as follows “Hi I am mrmopar and I have a problem with shou puer, I guess I am a shou addict”.
Anyone with a severe shou addiction, to lessen your temptation for shou please box it all up and ship to ….. just kidding!
Free sample w/purchase – thank you. I wasn’t into sheng but wanted to try. It’s nice, some astringent but pleasant. After I had 3 cups there is a tingling sensation in my mouth, kinda cool and minty.
Not bitter but hoppity. I feel like it bites my tongue even though I had it some time ago. Kinda seltzer sensation. But it’s not unpleasant to me. Maybe with longer steeps bitterness would come, but I play it safe with shortest possible and under oiling temp
Nice experience for sure
Thank you TeaExplorer for your generous sample. This tea is sweet, bold, cocoa and stone fruit notes. I like it. I was drinking it side by side Yunnan Dian Hong Golden tip by Teavivre. I find these teas similar but Teavivre’s has honey notes more pronaunced.
short steeps 5/5/10/10/15 produced light yellow green broth, no bitterness, very smooth. enjoyed it a lot. Thank you TeaExplorer for your generous sample. on my shopping list
I’ve been meaning to try this one for a while. Would you describe it as a gentler Xiaguan or does it still kick a bit?
Surprisingly pretty mild. Tell you the truth I was afraid to try it but was curious at the same time. If it would be unbearable I would just dump it. I used small chunk( no scale yet). Brewed in glass gongfu pot not filled to the top, 200F and 5 sec steeps. I steeped it today started yesterday. Increased time to 1 min. Still very pleasant. Some peppery smoky notes, but nothing extreme. I noticed I was kind of sleepy last night after it which is a plus for night drinking
Thank you so much TeaExplorer for sharing this fabulous tea with me. Your notes are great and I can only add that I love it. It’s clear red sweet and not boring. I’m on 7th steep. Only short steeps like 15/15/30 sec. On my shopping list 100%