Not bitter but hoppity. I feel like it bites my tongue even though I had it some time ago. Kinda seltzer sensation. But it’s not unpleasant to me. Maybe with longer steeps bitterness would come, but I play it safe with shortest possible and under oiling temp
Nice experience for sure
I have heard that Mangfei is pretty strong and bitter. I would think even more so in a young sheng.
Not bitter but hoppity. I feel like it bites my tongue even though I had it some time ago. Kinda seltzer sensation. But it’s not unpleasant to me. Maybe with longer steeps bitterness would come, but I play it safe with shortest possible and under oiling temp
Nice experience for sure
Yeah I have always wondered about Mangfei now I may have to get some! Blasted tea reviews!! :)
(no comment) :)
Wow now I’m reading rave reviews of this tea on Puerhshop .com