493 Tasting Notes
Gongfu method
5g 100ml gaiwan 205F
Rinse/pause/10/10/15/15/20sec etc
Revisiting this tea, but couldn’t find my previous note. It’s very nice. Chocolaty, lychee aroma, some muscatel notes, raw nuts. It reminds me Ai Lao Mtn teas or even Taiwanese teas. Delightful.
link for the review and pics;)
ok tasting again cause i had to prepare couple samples. So good. im so happy i picked the whole brick.
had a session last night. this is a sample fr Steepster friend – thank you.
it exceeded my expectations. The color and taste is like nothing i tried before – its like baking spices, maybe nutmeg, allspice, ginger and cloves. It doesnt have usual earthy profile.
Thank you so much for the sample, my tea friend!
6g 100ml gaiwan 212 F
rinse/ pause/ 5/5/7/10/15/20 sec
i know i reviewed this tea before. Steepster eats older notes… Sigh…
This time i’m tasting a new version. I liked the older one but this just blew my mind. It is liquid chocolate people. Without any sugar or maple syrup. You dont have to guess the flavors. Bold yummy chocolate, maybe some malt, but not much.
i still have an older one, and was hesitating if i should get another once. Im so happy cause this one is so much better and richer (not that anything wrong w/older one ;)
I just cant start my day without this tea. its awesome with eggs and cheese. i just cant think of other tea that would go so great with the breakfast. 205F @4min
yea, my taste buds changed a lot for the past year
The story how i got the sample of this tea you can read in my previous note:
Qi Lan (奇兰, English: “rare orchid”)
i didnt know what to expect since its my first Qi Lan. i was sceptical and pretty sure i wouldnt like it as much as DHP. I was wrong.
Leaves are gorgeous, long and twisty. very complex, juicy,sweet and roasted. its medium roast, doesnt overpower other notes, complements nicely. it is so aromatic.
Around 2-3 steep cannabis arrives. I’d say that hui gan is much stronger than in DHP. Sweet and minty, long lingering aftertaste, long after i stop my session. i had 6 strong steeps, but still keep the leaves. few steeps here and there yesterday and before yesterday. i suggest not to oversteep, it gets bitter easily. even when its bitter the aroma and sweetness is incredible.
my parameters:
6g 100ml gaiwan 195F
3sec rinse/pause/10/7/5/5/7/7/10sec etc
Thank you Joseph Wesley for the opportunity to try these incredible teas. im looking forward to when you decide to put them for sale!
I’ve had the reserve Qilan from Verdant, and a different one brewed for me at a tea club meeting. IT does bitter very easily, but so amazing if I can avoid it! Like peaches made of marble.
let me start this note by saying how happy i am being on Steepster. If i wouldnt be on Steepster, i wouldn’t discover so many facinating teas. I wouldnt come to NYC Coffee and tea festival. i wouldnt get bunch of teas including Joseph Wesley teas. And i can go on and on.
A few day ago i got 2 teas from Joseph Wesley to sample. These teas are not on website. I will include some Joe’s quotes.
“They were sourced for the restaurant is going to be a pretty special place. It’s actually been listed on numerous “most anticipated” restaurants in the US lists. When Michael Symon opened his first restaurant in Detroit his executive chef was the guy opening this new restaurant. Fortunately, the guy in charge of the front of the “house” is interested in tea and has very similar philosophy to tea as I do. Not only are they going to be serving a nice Da Hong Pao and my Dian Hong Congfu when they open, they are committed to serving seasonal teas, meaning they are only going to offer green and white teas within 4-5 months of harvest and will switch back to Oolong, black and dark tea in the fall and winter. We’re training the servers so that they can can properly prepare the tea table side. It should be interesting. Needless to say, I’m excited to see how it works. You can follow along here: http://www.seldenstandard.com/ Hopefully they open soon! I threw in a sample of another Wu Yi Oolong Selden Standard will be serving – Qi Lan Oolong. The chef, who is not familiar with teas, particularly liked this tea because of its aromatics. "
ok, this tea received my usual treatment for Wuyi Oolong
6g 100ml glass gongfu teapot 200F
3sec Rinse /pause/ 15/10/7/7/10/10/15 sec etc
its really hard to explain all the aroma. my vocabulary is limited.
Explosion of juicy stone fruits, raw nuts. it is not highly roasted , just right. so no ashy aftertaste. The tea is very smooth and surprising. each steep is unique. from 2-3 steep cannabis emerged. long lasting sweetness long after i stop drinking.
After that session i kept the leaves, just because . i did few steeps yesterday, before yesterday. I just hate to let them go.
Thank you Joseph Wesley for the opportunity to taste such wonderful complex tea. im not an expert, just tried few DHP, but as of this week it is #1 from what i tried.
I love Michael Symon’s ROAST in Detroit. I didn’t know they have tea, too. I may have to ask next time we’re there.
Cheri, it will be in Selden Standard. they didnt open yet. oh, you are so lucky if you can go there. they will have many other teas ;)
Cheri, boychik is correct. Roast does not have our teas currently. I was in discussion with them six months ago but the beverage guy I was talking with is no longer there. These teas will be at Selden Standard. Spread the word! As always, thank you for the nice words Boychik.
Joesph Wesley, that’s too bad. But I still love the restaurant. Maybe the new beverage guy would be willing to work with you. More restaurants need good tea.
Cheri, if you’re in the Detroit area come downtown next Thursday and Friday (Oct. 30 and 31) from 2:00-6:00 to Salt and Cedar on Riopelle Street in Eastern Market and join us for some tea at The Joseph Wesley Tea Den at Salt & Cedar. Lost in boychik’s story is the fact that I had posted the menu for the tea den on Instagram and she reached out to see if I would have available the da hong pao I am serving. I said that I could not, but that I could forward some teas I was using with Selden Standard. The teas for the tea den are of a quality that you’re just not going to find outside of China and, for all practical purposes, would be hard pressed to find within China. It should be fun and it would be nice to meet you! http://saltandcedar.com/
I may just have to skip out of work to try that. :) Does one have to be there the whole time, or is it a drop in whenever kind of thing?
you do not have to be at the event the whole time. It’s very informal and casual. Come, drink tea. If you like the tea, drink more tea. If you don’t like the tea, well, you can always walk down the street to the Detroit City Distillery and have a cocktail!