493 Tasting Notes

revisiting this tea. I got it from a Steepster friend – thank you so much.
Last time i tried i wasnt sure what to expect. i was in the beginning of my pu journey.
This is solid shou pu. Strong, smooth, delicious. mrmopar suggested on Instagram that its deep, dark and delicious. i agree. from now on i would call it triple D.

8g 100ml 212F
rinse/pause/7/5/3/5/5/7/10/15/20 etc


Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I have the 2010 version and I have enjoyed it :)


you need a sample of 2006 to compare :)


Ha – we can definitely swap if you want… :)


Coming your way :)

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Shou time of last night.
i start drinking shou every night. it soothes me and I sleep very well after drinking it. it just wraps you in a warm fuzzy blanket. this tea is no exception. Comfort tea.
The color is very bright and burgundy. clear, smooth, no funkiness ( not that i mind;)
For me it wasnt just like regular earthy taste. i find it quite rich, some wine flavors, spicies, cloves maybe. As I’m drinking now it has some minty cool notes and very sweet aftertaste.
Anyway, it was a great experience. thank you tea friend for letting me try this tea. i really appreciate it.

7g 100ml 212F
rinse*2/pause/5/5/7/7/10/15/20sec etc


Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 100 OZ / 2957 ML

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i got my BF order very late last night. no matter when I’m very happy. really hate to go to mail jail.
Man, i wish i wouldnt be so stubborn and just make it per Garret’s suggestion.
I made it my usual gongfu parameters. 5g 100ml porcelaine gaiwan 200F
rinse/ 10/ 15/30/ 60/sec
with this method i probably go with 20 sec next time.
this tea has absolutely gorgeous dreamy leaves. long, wiry, golden silver, fuzzy.
complex, tasty. I’ve noticed some malt and wine. Yes, this tea is kinda Keemun-y to me. i maybe wrong trying to get the perfect cuppa. and i did get it.
Also few minutes after i experienced very strong sweet aftertaste like when i drink some puerh .
Garret, i promise to try it your way next time ;)





5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML



Nice pictures!

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drank Traktir by Kusmi Tea
493 tasting notes

Tea of the morning. 1tsp 8oz 200F 3min, resteep 6 min. ( good resteep)
i couldnt get up today. i blame it on weather. we have very sudden temp fluctuations. yesterday was in upper 60’s today is in lower 40’s
Anyway, opened a tin. this tea seemed appropriate to get moving
And i really like it. it is smoky, but not harsh smoky. it blend beautifully with citrus and spicies. it is not chai kind tea. this tea is delicate and refined, but not short on flavor.
As i was drinking i thought it would be really nice to add tiny bit of maple syrup. i ran out of it. But found Nonna’s mini biscotti ;) perfect combo.
i even got my fancy Russian tea ware. Seemed appropriate for this kind of tea.



200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML


Terri HarpLady

Lovely pics!


Thank you Terri ;-) Miss ya


Is this a new one? I don’t remember seeing it before


No, it’s not new. Just not popular.


plans are in motion for march….now to save…and find a hotel…and flights…. that is all. lurk lurk lurk


Sil, that would be so much fun ! Guaranteed !


I honestly thought you meant Russian Tea Glasses, but that set is just beautiful!


thank you @*Flyawaybirdie*. its famous Lomonosov Porcelain plant. its very thin see thru


Boychik, beautiful pictures — I like how the warm tones of the table reflect in the light parts of the porcelain.

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This tea was part of November Yunnan Sourcing Tea Club.
my usual gongfu parameters for sheng
5.5g 100 ml porcelain gaiwan 200F
rinse/pause/5/3/3/5/5/7/10sec etc
I keep sipping. i like this tea a lot. Some earthiness, hay, sweetness. overall very smooth and easy to drink. no off taste or smell. i really like the color !



I just had this for the latest TeaDB inbetweenisode! Agree with your notes. Nice, full tea.

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drank 2014 Jingmai Raw by Mandala Tea
493 tasting notes

I got home to a wonderful package fr AllanK.
I had to have this tea right away. So my usual gongfu parameters for sheng
5g 100ml porcelain gaiwan 200F
Rinse/ 3/3/5/5/7/10sec etc
This sheng is very creamy. Like fruity cream of wheat. I really liked first 5 steeps. Then it got a little more bitter and astringent . Also some sour notes creeped up. Nothing major, nothing unpleasant . I just wish it stayed the same as first steeps. I really enjoyed those.




I’m glad you liked it. Did you find it strong?


Hard to say if its strong or not. I think you used more leaves and higher temp. I still want to try it @ 195F.

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backlog fr yesterday
i got my new chawan and tin of new Classic Chinese recently. MzPriss inspired me to use the new chawan.
Its not only beautiful to look at but such a pleasure to hold in hand and sip tea. The thickness is just right.
I tried the new version before but its been a while. i had to refresh my memory.
the tea is delicious. Its not strong kick ass as original. in fact it tastes like a different tea. it is the same but different grade. Leaves are very thin like silk thread and delicate. i thought that 195F would be appropriate. usually i steep Chinese blacks at 205F.
its very smooth, not earthy, kinda nutty with slight tint of longan in the background. i think its perfect as afternoon tea.
brewed western 3g 5oz 2min
im sure that Taiwanese black teas lovers would like this tea. it has some taiwanese flair of fruits and nuttiness.



195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

You inspired me to GET the chawan – and I agree I love it, feels so nice and it’s so pretty. Typical Joseph Wesley level of class.


Thank you MzPriss. Im glad you are happy with it. I agree that everything I’ve tried fr JW is classy. Great customer service. They started selling tickets for the NYC Coffee and Tea Fest . Do you want to come ? ;-)


I really, really, really want to come. Sadly, that is during my busiest time of work and I get less than zero time off :( but I’m GOING to the one after that. And we shall have tea together


We should ;)

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last night session
last time i had this tea i probably didnt use enough. it was ok but nothing special.
this time i decided to increase the amount to 8g. it made a huge difference. this tea is rich smooth and creamy. i’m happy to have it in my cupboard.





Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

That’s a favorite of mine. I think its a clear cut above most of the rest of Menghai’s ripes.

I have maybe one more session with my mini-cake. Wishing I stocked up more!

Red Fennekin

The photos are amazing! The liquor in the final shot looks divine… :D


thank you Red Fennekin. the brew is thick strong and creamy. i dont think its very caffeinated. i had 4 steeps around midnight and fell asleep immediately ;)


this is a winner….


Thanks! Is that where you bought it from?

It may just be the cynic in me, but their price is beneath the Chinese market which has left me concerned about it being a potential fake. I’d feel a lot more confident knowing someone has gotten the tea and it was pretty alright.



i bought it at Mandala. but i placed couple orders with them. its not fake what i received. You can ask mrmopar and Dignitea. they ordered fr them as well. Look at Tuocha Tea, their prices are low too
i got fr Angelina’s 2006 Haiwan * Peacock Quest * Ripe
2008 Menghai “Hong Yun” Ripe Pu-erh Mini and something else i dont remember. All authentic


Mandala doesn’t carry these anymore but I definitely trust them, don’t know much about Angelina’s tea however. I got my 2009 from Jas-e tea but they’re also out.


James – I have purchased several things from Angelinas and I have been happy with each one. I picked up one of these Zi Yuns but it is my second so I’ve not yet tried it. Today I am enjoying a 2005 6FTM MengSong purchased at Angelinas last year. It’s a good one.


@DigniTea – great, now I want one :P

Terri HarpLady

I almost drank this one today :)


Terri, the day is not over yet. You can still make it cause its awesome! Unless you have other plans ;)


The “Dayi Hong” is good and similar to this.


@DigniTea @boychick Thanks for the notes on Angelinas! At less than $10, the risk is certainly not enormous.


Indeed, I have been looking for this for a while. If it is the real deal I will definitely stock up! If anyone can verify that Angelina’s is carrying this same cake, it would be very much appreciated!


Oh, I see, Angelina’s has the 2008 version, not 2009. I am wondering how they compare.


Rich, I got one 2008 Dayi Hong fr Mandala and one fr Angelina. They are absolutely the same.


Oh, thanks for checking! So the wrapper from the Angelina’s cake says 2009?


I misunderstood you Rich. I bought this tea fr Mandala. I also bought 2008 Red Rhyme fr Mandala and 2008 Red Rhyme fr Angelina. Those cakes are the same. But last night I ordered Zi Yun fr Angelinas. Hopefully next week I will tell you if they are the same. They ship pretty fast.


I think the one from Angelina’s is actually from 2009. It looks legit though.


Ok. Got it. Very impressed. Placed an order on Wed , got it Sat . Don’t forget that it was Thanksgiving week. It is 2008. Looks exactly like 2009. Box, menghai sticker. Looks good to me.


that is so funny, I ended up ordering one too. Just have to go to the post office to pick it up next week. :))


Sorry for being enabler, TeaBrat ;)


Based on this thread I placed an order with Angelina’s to get that Zi Yun. It is legit, and tastes just like the one I got from Mandala. However… I bought an Adorned in Red cake and a couple loose leaf teas that were HORRIBLE! Tastes like they were stored in a fragrant environment and the odors soaked into the tea making it pretty much undrinkable. I might be able to air it out over a couple months and save it, but I was not pleased. The Zi Yun comes in a box in addition to the wrapper which may have saved it from succumbing to the same fate as the open cake and loose leaf tea. Buyer beware.

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Ok i dont want to whine, but seriously. i couldnt not open the tin. Period.
As much as i appreciate tight covers on the tins this is too much. No wonder i havent open it since the end of June. Who has time to struggle in the morning ?!

back to the tea. I really like it. bready, chocolaty, rich, strong ,nice, sweet but not overly. lovely. Made it Western. 3g 8oz 205F 3min. resteep @7min.





205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

Maybe time to re-home the tea in an easier container :)


Steph, you are right as usual. I got plenty of empty tins. But I had to open it at least first time :p

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I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D

Puaddict flirting with Taiwanese teas at the moment





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