630 Tasting Notes
This was pretty good. With the emergence of some fall like weather (though not today, or this week, apparently) I have suddenly mentally switched to fall it seems. Comforting, sweet flavors, and spicy scents for candles and perfume are where I am at now. I just have a few more warmer-weather candles to use up, and then the two fall ones I just got will be busted out. I mention this because the one is a chai candle I got from Target. I’ve gotten it before, and it smells sooo creamy and sweet and spicy.
I digress. But with a splash of almond milk, I would definitely enjoy this on a fall morning, though the butterscotch flavor is fairly subtle.
I wasn’t the biggest fan of this – it was alright, but chocolate teas and I just make me crave the real thing, and this one tasted kind of artificial. I actually got a pretty strong mint note though, which I was surprised to taste. I liked that. Perhaps a mint rooibos is what I really need.
This was really good. I have taken to enjoying Earl Grey in the mornings, in various forms, now that I realize how much I love it when it is tempered with milk. Without milk, it tastes soapy to me. But some really strong ones need a lot of milk, while others seem to taste soapy without but no bergamot comes through with just a splash of milk either. This one is definitely in between. A splash of milk was just right for a big mug to make it creamy, but the flavor still shines through easily.
I enjoyed drinking this a lot – this was my first week of student teaching, and it was a really rough week. Everything went well, and my kids and cooperating teacher are great, but the 12 hour days so far are killer. I made this each morning from a sample I had to take in the car with me and it was great. I didn’t get any caramel flavors, but it was definitely spicy and very good when prepared with a little honey and almond milk like traditional chai. I have a 30 minute drive to my placement each day, and this makes me think chai will need to become a very regular part of the morning routine.
This was very tasty and fragrant, but I think I won’t be making straight tea out of lavender anymore. It is so intensely floral that it ends up tasting kind of soapy…but I am very excited to use this for baking, and cold steeping in lemonade and other things.
This was super super good. I am into chai, particularly on chilly days and mornings. This morning was pretty cold (in fact, a ton of mornings this summer have been downright cold – here’s hoping it isn’t a predictor for another hellish winter), so I brewed this up. I made it pretty strong, and added a drop of honey and some unsweetened almond milk and I was SO impressed at the strength of the spice. It is definitely very spicy – it even made my tongue feel a little burn-y. Just a teensy bit, enough to make me impressed. It would be perfect if it had more vanilla flavor to compete with the spice a bit more, though I can taste vanilla when I drink it as is. If you don’t like very spicy chai, stay away. If you are like me, give it a taste.
This was pretty good, but I have to say, I don’t get a strong pecan flavor out of it. It is nice and sweet and dessert-y, and I definitely taste the “baked pastry” type flavor…but the nut for me was totally missing. I liked it best with some almond milk to make it taste creamier.
This is really really tasty. It is buttery without tasting oily (which I hate in tea, usually found with coconut for me), sweet, and creamy, but balances with the veggie notes really well. I also like that it is so full flavored after just one two minute steep, leaving it available for more. The leaves are long and flat and cool looking too, as a bonus. I love pretty tea.
This was perfect to drink on a rainy day like today. It is tasty hot, but also tasty as it cools. I am usually multi tasking, and I rarely drink my whole cup before it cools, so this is important to me. It is a little astringent, but not enough to put me off, and tastes like a deep fruit. Like dates (which I am also eating for breakfast). Very nice.
Hi! Just wondering if you have any of this tea available to swap? Its one of my all-time favs and I’m trying to get my hands on more of it since it has become unavailable =(
I love peach. This is one of the most delicious peach teas – great hot and cold. I got two solid steeps out of it, very peachy both times. The oolong was flavorful too, it was green but not too grassy. The oolong and peach were balanced to me on the first steep, and pretty well balanced the second with the oolong flavor becoming a hair more prominent than the peach. Still delicious.