1118 Tasting Notes
I’ve decided to make September my sample sipdown month. September Sample Sipdown! It’s fun to say and even more fun to sip. Ha! I’m going to drink exclusively from my samples stash this month to see if I can get it whittled down a bit. I’ve been sent some very generous samples this summer… and spring… and last winter (yikes)… and it’s time to really enjoy them. It’ll also help me plan my fall and Black Friday purchases. ;-)
This is an insanely delicious tea. Lots of biscuity notes today with a good hint of floral and honey. I put two teaspoon into my two-cup teapot and have been sipping on this tea for hours. Every time my pot is empty I fill it back up, and the leaves keep on giving me more yummy goodness. I wish I had better words to describe this tea, but frickin’ delicious will have to suffice.
I still have one teaspoon of this left, so it’s not a sipdown, but it did come from my samples stash.
This tea was too perfume-y for me. I got the apple, lemon, and even a little of the caramel flavor, but the floral perfume note really overshadowed everything else. That said, I did finish my cup, so there’s that.
This tea came to me via the lovely Blodeuyn. Thank you!
I’ve been curious about this tea for a while because it is in soooo many fan blends. I was also wondering exactly how Adagio would interpret cream as a flavor. Turns out with about a teaspoon of sugar this tea taste a lot like whipped cream. The base tea was smooth which added to the cream feel. I have to admit that I sipped my way to the bottom of my cup fairly quickly. This is a fun and easy to enjoy tea. I can see myself picking up more of it in the future.
This herbal is fruity and tart. Although there are apple and orange pieces in this tisane I can’t pick either of them out. Instead there’s just a generic fruitiness. In fact, once sugar is added it reminds me a of fruit punch which makes me think this would be great iced. This is the sort of drink I think a little girl would love to have at a birthday tea party or a teddy bear picnic.
Thank you Good Life Tea for letting me sample this tea.
This sample was sent to me by Good Life Tea. Thank you!
I am a fan of Earl Grey in most of its forms, so I was excited to try this sample. The scent of the dry leaves is mostly vanilla with the bergamot and a floral scent also being present. The instructions on the packet give a steeping time of 3 to 7 minutes, a huge range for tea. I decided to see what a long steep would do and set my timer for six and a half minutes.
The tea is dark in color but light in body. Given the long steeping time I’m impressed with the lack of bitterness. There is a bit of dryness at the back of the throat, but I don’t find this unpleasant. The bergamot note is most prevalent followed by the floral note and then the vanilla. I do wish the base tea had more body, but I like the flavor of the tea overall. It’s a lighter EGC, but also a nice one.
Flavors: Bergamot, Floral, Vanilla
Darjeeling, this Darjeeling in particular, had been on my mind lately. I’ll go to choose a tea, and this will always be one of the ones I consider, but I’ve been choosing other teas for various reasons. Well, today this one won out, and I’m glad it did. I still pick up on the muscadine flavor which always makes me smile. I think this is a great late summer tea, and I think I’ll be saying yes to it more often.
Last night I was tired and sore from some work I had done around the house. I offhandedly asked my husband if he knew how to make a proper cup of tea. The look on his face was priceless. He’s been a tea drinker far longer than I have, but he uses tea bags, Tetley tea bags to be precise. I guess he thought I impugned his tea honor because he made a beeline for the kitchen and was determined to make my tea. He asked me which tea I wanted and after choosing this one he banished me from the kitchen. The whole thing was really funny. Plus, I was served tea in bed. What’s not awesome about that?
The cup of tea he brought me was wonderful. Slightly smokey with a rich cocoa note. I also really like the strength of the malt note in this tea. It’s strong, but it doesn’t overwhelm the cup. So good! As a bonus, we both had a good laugh over the whole tea making process which made the tea even better. :)
Tea of the morning. I don’t have many of these left, so I’ve been hoarding them. Today I was up eariler than usual and thought it was the perfect time to enjoy this tea. There are so many flavors going on in my cup: cocoa, malt, raisin, bread, and a surprising floral note that I’ve never tasted in this tea before. It’s not a strong note, but it was enough to make me wonder. Regardless this is a wonderful little tea, and I’m glad it was my wake up cup today.
So good. The caramel and honey flavors are wonderful, and then the bread, malt, and raisin notes kick in, and oh, I am in heaven. Such a wonderful tea! I feel like I’m appreciating this one more and more as time goes on. I knew it was good the first time I tried it, but every time I drink it now I’m impressed by the layers of flavor, the chocolate-y smell of the leaves and the silky smooth feel as I sip. Utterly delicious.
Tea of the morning. Chocolate-y, baked bread, malty, molasses-y deliciousness. This was such a wonderful way to wake up. I’m sipping on the third steep of these leaves, and each cup is equally good. I’m thinking I need to have this tea in my cupboard always and forever.