1118 Tasting Notes
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
Meh. The base tea is good, but the plum flavoring taste fake. It actually taste more like a grape flavored Dum Dum lollipop than plum. While this isn’t a winner for me I do think I’m warming up to white teas a bit more.
From the Round 3 Here’s hoping TTB
Everything about this tea is soft… subtle. The peach flavor is consistently present but not in a knock your socks off kind of way. The flavor of the white tea is hay like and has a brightness to it. I didn’t even notice the base tea’s flavor at first, but as the tea cooled a touch it became much more apperent and blended with the peach flavor beautifully.
Glad I got to try this one. I’m not a huge white tea fan, but this one is nicely done.
It’s heading towards noon, and this is my first tea of the day. Must. Have. Tea. I didn’t even need to think about which tea I wanted because this is one of my no fail/I-will-always-love-it teas. Today there are lots of floral and honey notes along with a good biscuity note and… molasses?. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted molasses in this tea before, but it’s yummy. I love how the flavors in this tea can morph from one steeping to the next, but it’s always delicious.
Back to work… right after the next steep….
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
Before bed tea. This has a definite caramel flavor, and the rooibos isn’t all that detectable (a plus in my book). With some sugar and milk I think this would be a real treat but I don’t like to doctor my bedtime teas too much. This is the second rooibos blend form Georgia Tea Company that gets a thumbs up from me. I don’t see myself ordering this one, but the next time I’m shopping for herbals I’ll stop by GTC to see what other caffeine free goodies they’re offering.
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
Something about this tea is off. There’s a strange plastic-y feeling on my tongue, and I feel like I squirted perfume in my mouth. I don’t know if the flavoring agent is going bad or if this tea and I just don’t get along, but the rest of this cup is going down the drain.
I have some of this but I haven’t tried it yet. Mine is relatively new, so hopefully it tastes okay.
I’m starting to think I might be having an allergic reaction to it. My throat and the inside of my mouth is itchy. I went ahead and took an antihistamine just to be safe.
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
I usually try to drink new-to-me teas from any ttb I participate in, but every now and then I find a tea that I want to revisit. This is such a tea. It has a good, fruity blueberry flavor and a full bodied base tea that compliments the berry flavor from start to finish. Today I added some sugar and cream to my cup. The sugar brought the blueberry flavor out even more, but I think the cream distracted rather than added anything to the tea. I’ll have to remember that for future cups ’cause this tea is going on my wishlist and (eventually) in my cupboard.
From the Round Three Here’s Hoping TTB
Tea of the morning. This is a nice, bright tea. Kinda fruity with a citrus finish, and very clean with no aftertaste or lingering notes. This isn’t a tea I see myself keeping on hand, but it was a nice change of pace from my normal heavier, more malty teas.
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
This is a middle of the road chai. The base tea is ok, and the spice blend is good, but it’s mild. Not a memorable chai, but it’s a nice enough cup.
After my previous not-so-earl-grey Earl Grey I really wanted a nice bergamot-y cup of tea, do I reached for my favorite EGC. It’s so deliciously well balanced between the base tea, citrus, and vanilla. Still one of my all time favs.
From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB
I don’t know if it’s because it was in a TTB or if there is some other factor, but the bergamot flavor is completely
missing from my cup. After looking at other’s thoughts on this tea I realize that this isn’t normal for this EG, so I’m not going to give this a rating right now. I will say that the base tea is very nice. A little brisk, but it has nice body.
I’ve been cold brewing this one. It’s nice that way.
That’s a good idea. Is the flavor more plumy as a cold brew?
I thought it tasted less fake that way, anyway.
The base tea is so good… I’m tempted to snag the rest of this out of the box and try it as a cold brew now!