1118 Tasting Notes
Tea of the morning. I received me Design-a- Tea order a couple of days ago, and they were kind enough to add some samples to my box. This one is coconut rum, and while it probably would have been best to save this for an afternoon tea I’ve been craving coconut lately, so I went ahead and steep it. The rum flavor is pretty strong. It’s fairly equal to the coconut flavor, but because rum is such a strong flavor it seems to dominate at times. As the tea cools a bit the coconut steps to the front more. This I like. The flavors are great. and the base tea is smooth and not astringent. I’m thinking this would be outstanding cold brewed. I’d also be tempted to make a tea cocktail with this one. It has lots of possibilities.
September Sipdowns: 16
This is a fun tea. Love the cantaloupe flavor and the creamy note. I probably should have shared this one with my daughter since cantaloupe is one of her favorite foods, but I was selfish and kept both servings for myself. I regret nothing!
September Sipdowns: 15
Tea of the morning. There has been a fair bit of Darjeeling talk over on the discussion boards, and it’s made me want this tea. I continue to love the sweet hay, muscadine, and floral notes found here. I find I can get three steeps out of it before it starts to lose its flavor, and I enjoy each and every one.
I was in desperate need of an afternoon pick-me-up (so tiiiiiired!), so I put the last of this sample into my infuser and settled in for a nice tea break. I added sugar and cream to my cup and ended up with a very whipped creamy tea. It was such a treat and just what I needed to help me get through the end of my work day, the kids’ homework, and all of the back to school forms that keep trickling in each day. Oy.
Thanks again for this one, Blodeuyn. It’s great.
September Sipdowns: 14
This was my before bed tea last night. I have to say this tea impressed me. I’m super picky about rooibos teas and teas that have chocolate in them, so I wasn’t expecting to like this one, but it was good. There is a rooibos flavor at the start of the sip, but it’s very mild and not medicinal. The chocolate note follows, and it’s creamy with a bit of depth. I added a little sugar to my cup which turned this into a very nice dessert tea. Something I’d happily drink again.
Thank you Good Life Tea for this sample!
September Sipdown: 13
Tea of the morning. This tea is cozy… comforting. It’s a Lapsang Souchong, so the smoked pine note is there, but it isn’t overpowering. A sweet honey-like flavor is there through the whole sip, and it mixes with the smokey note in such a lovely way. I’m definitely a fan.
Thanks, kimquat for sending this in our swap. It’s really good!
September Sipdown: 12
Another sipdown, and I have to admit that I’m not sad to see this one go. I’ve never been able to taste the oolong. The peach flavor is nice, but as a tea this one was a bit of a disappointment.
September Sipdowns: 11
This was a surprise sample sent by the kind people at Good Life Tea. Thank you!
There’s a lot to like about this tea. There is a nice vanilla flavor that’s simple and good with no artificial taste. It’s paired with a berry flavor that at first I thought was just generic berry, but as the tea cooled a bit I got a distinct blackberry flavor. It was fruity with a sweet/tart flavor that kept it from being candy-like. At the end of the sip there is a hint of a floral note and a lemony finish that makes me think the base is a Ceylon. Very nice as an afternoon tea. I really enjoyed this one.
September Sipdowns: 10
Tea of the morning. I’m using the last of my sample, and I have to say I’m sorry to see this one go. It’s really delicious. I slightly over leafed my cup, but the results were still great. I’m thinking it would be difficult to mess up this tea. Today there’s a nice biscuit note along with the stone fruit and honey, and I’m still loving the hint of spice right at the end of the sip. It brings all of the flavors together for me into a tasty little treat.
Another tea that will make a return appearance in my cupboard at a future date. For now though… sipdown!
September Sipdowns: 9
Toasty and sweet, that is this tea. I have loved every cup of this, and I love that this was my introduction to Jun Chiyabari Estate teas. I am partial to Single Origin Teas JCE tea more, but this one is still excellent.
Another happy sipdown.
September Sipdowns: 8