1118 Tasting Notes
Tea of the morning. God bless Brenden and the Whispering Pines Tea Company. They really do make the start (and often middle and end) of my day so much better. I didn’t even realize how much I wanted this tea until the first sip. It’s all chocolate and cherries wrapped it a nice thick tea. Such a nice way to greet a Friday morning!
Lots of woody and sweet notes in this tea. The muscatel flavor comes out as the tea cools, but it is not a strong flavor, and it is never at the forefront of the tea. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s nice change of pace from some of the other Darjeelings I’ve been drinking lately. There’s also a caramel flavor that threw me for a loop at first, but I’m enjoying it now. It’s so different from the Darjeelings I’m used to drinking, but it’s nice and absolutely enjoyable.
September Sipdowns: 21
Ooh, I like this one! Lots of lemon flavor with the holy basil and spices making an appearance towards the end of the sip. I added a little sugar and am really enjoying the sweet/savory combination.
Thank you, Just Organic Teas for sending me this sample. It’s great!
September Sipdowns: 20
I really enjoyed the apple flavor in this tea. It was simple and fruity, and it was sweet without being candy-like sweet. This was a fun tea to have in my cupboard, but I’m happy to be able to call this a sipdown.
September Sipdowns: 19
Ah, this tea. I love it. I love the balance between the bergamot and the vanilla. I love that the base tea has significant body but is still wonderfully smooth. I love that even without cream this is a very creamy tea. So very good.
I’m running really low on this one (three, maybe four, teaspoons left in the tin), and I’ve been trying to talk myself out of ordering more because I honestly have too much tea. Then, while I was sipping, I realized it’d be silly of me to not order more. This is one of my happy teas. I’ll always drink it, and I’ll always (eventually) see the bottom of my tea tin again.
This one is a keeper.
Tea of the morning. Having this one again because it’s just that delicious. I’ll admit that I’m sad this is a sipdown, but I’m really glad I got to try it. Once my cupboard is under control I’ll definitely pick up more of this.
September Sipdowns: 17
I either have a the start of a cold, or allergy season came in with a bang. Either way, I’m feeling less than stellar today. Several cups of this have been sipped on to help my throat feel better. I’m wishing i had some honey on hand, but even without it this tea is alright. There’s a bright lemon flavor and a little heat from the ginger in the back of the throat. Yay for sick day teas!
Tea of the morning. I used four pearls and had a robust cuppa full of bread and malt notes. Definitely worth waking up for. I only have three of these pearls left, so my next cup of this will be a sipdown, but this will be reordered. No doubt this one deserves a spot in my permanent collection.
Tea of the morning. Oh, but I love this tea. There are so many wonderful flavors and Assam-y notes, but this isn’t an in-your-face Assam. It’s quieter, more dignified in its delivery of the caffeine I need so badly. Delicious.
This tea has quickly become one of my favorite breakfast teas. I love the way it smells while steeping. It reminds me of a morning campfire with its smokey notes but there’s also something a little bright and clean about the fragrance. The taste is chocolate, smoke, sweet with a hit of citrus right at the end. It’s a grand way to start the morning, and as fall weather starts peeking in I’m finding myself enjoying this tea even more.
I’m glad this is yum for you today :-)
Little known fact: WPT is just me. haha
Also, this tea is getting an upgrade reaaaaaal soon :-)
For a one man show you do an amazing job!
… and an upgrade? Can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Why thank you! :-)
Yep, and it’s quite delicious! :D
Don’t see how you could really upgrade it. ’Tis already my new fave Autumn tea.