1118 Tasting Notes
What a lovely fall tea! There is a wonderful balance between the pear, the cinnamon, and the base tea. The pear flavor is poached, juicy and sweet. I’m impressed by how well it stands up to the cinnamon, which has a good flavor but no heat. The lack of heat is a good thing. I also like that while the cinnamon is present throughout the sip it never overpowers the other flavors. The base tea is strong, but there’s no bitterness or dryness. It’s really nice , and it carries the pear and cinnamon flavors well.
I’m glad I picked this one up. The next time I have it I may add a little honey to my cup to make it a full blown dessert tea. I’m thinking that will happen sooner rather than later.
First tea of the morning. I woke up at four o’clock this morning because my brain decided it need to keep thinking about a couple of big projects I’m working on. If I have to be awake that early I’m going to have really, really good tea in my cup. That would be this tea. So many layers of flavor – malt, chocolate, and cherry as usual, but there was also a deep molasses note today that was super yummy. The second steep didn’t have the molasses note, but the stone fruit note (cherry and plum) was much stronger. Also super yummy. I steeped the leaves a third time, but my daughter asked for tea on her way out the door, so I put the last steep into a travel mug for her since there was no time to make her a cup of her own. If I had to guess I’d say that was also a yummy cup.
Tea of the morning. I’m not usually a morning oolong person, but today this sounded so good. The tea is smooth and buttery with a light strawberry flavor and a good bit of floral. It’s a lovely tea, and since I can get at least four infusions out of it will see me through most of my morning. This is also a sipdown which is nice!
On a different note how is it the first of October?!? I just got myself settled into September!
I was in the mood for an Earl Grey this evening, and I choose this one because there was only one teaspoon of leaves left in the bag, so it can count as a sipdown, too.
The lavender in this tea is nice, but it’s not something I want on a regular basis. I can see myself possibly ordering something like this next spring if I’m in the mood for floral teas, but between now and then I’ll stick to the other EGs in my cupboard.
September Sipdowns: 32
And this one is finished. I really like the pear flavor mixed with the spices. The spice flavors have mellowed so much from when I first purchased it, but I find that to be a good thing because it really lets the pear flavor stand out. It’s a great fall tea, so I’m a little bummed that it’s all gone, but this is definitely a tasty last cup. I added cream and sugar and am enjoying.
This is something I might repurchase at some point in the future, but there are so many tea/flavor possibilities at Design a Tea that I think my next custom creation will be something new to me.
September Sipdowns: 31 (I didn’t log a lot of my sipdowns because Steepster has been so derpy.)
Tea of the morning. Mmmm, I like the deep malt and raisin notes paired with the sweet honey flavor in this tea. There’s also the flavor of good crusty bread. The combination is swoon worthy! It’s always such a treat, and it never disappoints.
Still blissfully in love with this one. It’s a sweet, smokey, spicy chai. So good. Even though I try lots of other chais I keep coming back to this one. I’m liking the longan fruit note more and more. It adds a light note that keeps the tea from being too dark and heavy. Such a great blend. This is another tea I’m guilty of hoarding, but now that autumn is here I’m sure I’ll drink my way through it fairly quickly.
Ah, Monday. I forgot to turn on my alarm and slept an hour and a half longer than I should have. This meant my daughter also overslept and missed the bus. By the time lunches were packed, kids were finally at school and I drove my husband to work (we only have one car and I need to do the weekly shopping today) I was feeling rather frazzled.
Rather then head straight to the grocery store I decided to come home to make a cup of tea and get myself properly ready for the day (hair, make-up, something other than sweatpants…). This turned out to be a good decision for a few reasons. First, I desperately wanted tea and a moment of quiet. Second, I looked like I just rolled out of bed which is not an appealing look for me. In fact it’s, um, scary. Third, I noticed that my daughter forgot her lunch, so now I can run it up to her before I go shopping.
The high point of my day so far is this tea. It’s hearty and full of malt and bread notes. I added sugar and cream, and I’ve been happily sipping on it while getting ready for Round 2 of my day.
Hope your Monday is going better than mine. Whether it is or isn’t I hope you have really good tea to drink today.
Sigh. I need more tea… and maybe a nap and a Do Over button. I doubt the last two will happen, so I’ll be extra thankful for the tea!
Used my last bit of this this morning. As far as I’m concerned this is the Mary Poppins of tea – practically perfect in every way. It’s delicious as always, perfect as a breakfast tea, and resteeps beautifully. I’ll definitely order this one again (and again and again).
Tea of the morning. Every time I drink this I wonder why I don’t drink it more often. It’s so good with its notes of malt and cocoa. There’s a sweetness, too, and just a whisper of something smokey-like at the end of the sip. A great morning tea. It does an excellent job of helping me shake off the sleepiness and get moving.
this sounds great! I haven’t tried pear tea yet, but it sounds great, especially with cinnamon… do you recommend any decaf pear-cinnamon tisanes or teas?
If you like rooibos you might want to check out Design-a-Tea. You can choose your base tea (rooibos is the only caffeine free option) and then your flavors. I requested a Pear Spice tea from them that was pretty tasty, but I used their black tea base.