709 Tasting Notes


Oh my. Somehow I’ve forgotten how delicious you are, both hot and cold. Luckily, this morning, I was reminded. Juicy and fragrant. Black Currant awesome. This is the only tea I’ve managed to have yet today, but oh what a tea it was.


I can’t find this one anymore! I’ve always enjoyed it, though. :)

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Okay, preparing some of this on the stove tonight. I threw in some milk, some water, some random loose tetley I got in the grocery store for 50% off over a year ago that is definitely not the greatest, and of course some highland chai mix. Couldn’t say the proportions I used, it was all a fun experiment. Of course, I realized afterward that a tea ball might have been a better aproach than throwing it all in loose, but too late!

The loose tetley is really throwing me for a loop. The tea is all broken up like in the teabags and really looks like coffee grounds. Why did they make this? Why did I buy this? Will I ever use all of it???? Anyway, everything is steaming away on the stove. I’ve not a clue what I am doing, so it will be interesting.

In the pot, it has an exceedingly revolting look, but the smell is nice. Getting that warm gingerbread smell I get from The Tea Brewery’s chai latte. God, I hope it tastes like that! Okay, tea finally made and strained. Looks quite like the tea latte they make…it’s surprisingly thick, though that’s likely because of the milk. Smells really good, but also like I should have added more chai spice.

First sips are thick and creamy. I am not a fan of milk, but I do like this. I know the milk is there, but the chai spices are rocking it out. I think definitely a titch more chai next time, or maybe a better distribution of the components, but this is a definite win. <3!! (Also, it DOES remind me of their latte in taste. YAYAY!)

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

I love the mad scientist approach. It’s always so fun when things work out!

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
709 tasting notes

I’ve evnded up in the unusual circumstance of having this tea available both in bagged and loose. Honestly, the smell of loose (and my own preference for same) is the way I love to go, but these bags are perfect for work.

Since I’m stuck at Switchboard for the afternoon (and off and on for the next three weeks, gah) I figured a big mug of vanilla comoro was the way to go. I popped it in my travel mug, poured some hottish water on and am leaving it to steep. I would prefer to have some loose as this teabag doesn’t really flavour up enough for my 16 oz. mug, but it’s still got a lovely mild vanilla flavour. Sort of reminds me of cappuccino (sp?) but less strong.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

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It’s been a while, old friend. Sweet mandarin, nice flavours. Popped it in the travel mug this morning (lazy, I know!) since I over-slept and had no time for tea earlier. Lovely.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Kitchen Sink Green Tea by 52teas
709 tasting notes

Finally giving this a go. As we all know by now, every pouch of this is super different, so obviously I am commenting only on my pouch. The dry smell is of tea, but faint. Not much fruitiness, just a sweet mild vegetal tea taste.

Steeped, the liquor is a relatively pale yellow, looks like a mild tea. The steeped smell is reminiscent of the dry – sweet, mild, green tea, but also has fruit notes. All sweet. Exciting. I’m a little apprehensive, but only because I’ve been having a questionable relationship with greens lately.

The beau was in charge of water temp and steep time, but he assures me that he let it cool considerably after boiling. He is actually the one who recommended this tea for our evening tea, strange since he claims to not like greens at all. I think he was just drawn in by the ingredients list (aka: YES).

First sips continue to be mild. I get fruit taste at the end of the sip, much as I do in the smell. No way to tell what fruit I am tasting, but it is slightly reminiscent of very merry berry medley and blueberry cream cheese danish, so maybe a light blueberry flavour? Looking in the pot, the tea leaves are quite large and there are chunks of something or other here and there.

I can’t say anything specific about this tea really. It’s certainly nice, and probably a good way to get me back into my flavoured greens. I’m still getting mild green tea, with little to no vegetal taste and mild fruits. Not blowing me away, but definitely a nice cup to sip absent-mindedly.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I don’t remember if this was my choice or the beaus. Because of the peppermint, I’m tempted to say I picked it. Either way, it’s been in our cupboard for quite a while and not really seen the light of day. The bags come in individually wrapped packets, so they’re probably as “fresh” as they would be if you picked up a box at the store today.

I think I had it before and didn’t like it, but can’t remember.

First scent impression is of a lemony kick in the pants. I love lemon, so this is okay. I also like ginger and LOVE peppermint, so I’m ready for this. Let’s do it. First sips – lemon. I don’t really get any of the other stuff. Just lemon. Strong lemon, slightly tart. I’m getting a minor ginger burn at the end. The peppermint must have walked away when I wasn’t looking. My, I wish the peppermint were here.

Anyway, nice enoguh. Should have had some of this when I was sick, it would definitely help. It sort of has that lemon neo citron smell, if you know that stuff.

Might get the beau to try it again, I think he would REALLY like this. I definitely think it’s okay, but I’ve got so many lovely loose teas that taste better, this will likely just be a work or illness tea.

EDIT: Upped the rating. Really came to enjoy it more and more as it cooled. Still lemon dominant and I maybe get a hint of mint in a chilliness at the end of the sip, if that makes sense. Gingerburn in the throat, but freshness at the same time. Quite nice!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Goji Pop by DAVIDsTEA
709 tasting notes

Upping the rating. Had a travel mug full this morning to start my work day. The sweetness of the fruits and berries mixed with the tart hibiscus is making my mouth dance. I think of it more as a summer tea than a spring tea, but that’s semantics. Mostly I just think of it as a delicious delight.

I don’t know anything about goji berries, but there is one really sweet juicy flavour, that I assume must be goji, since I don’t remember having it in any other tea. My only qualm with this tea is that it’s quite heavy, and therefore on the more expensive side. For now, it’s a lovely treat, and likely to be cycled with my regulars for take to work tisanes.

Boiling 8 min or more

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Gave the leftover tea a second steep this morning for breakfast. This came out more watered down, obviously, but had a rich blueberry flavour nonetheless. The black tea taste was essentially gone (not that it was strong on the first steep) but in my opinion, it really stood up well to the second steep. The beau was proven wrong, haha!

I do agree with another poster who said that it had the flavour of the bluberry filling you would find in a good danish. Yum!


This really sounds good…


It’s definitely one of those situations where I am sad to have found it only after it’s no longer available. AKA almost all the time with 52Teas.

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Okay. OKAY.

I re-organized my tea cupboard this afternoon. And much of my house. It looks a little nicer in areas. As a reward, the beau offered to make tea. I had intended to try this one out earlier (which spawned the tea cupboard re-orgaanization, which in turn led to cleaning everything else. Obviously I got side-tracked). So, I chose this one!

The dry smell is delicious – blueberry heaven. Now, I have two blueberry teas, which taste extremely different from each other. And this one smells (and tastes!) totally different again. I really like this. I don’t know that I get cream cheese or danish, BUT I do get the smell of homemade blueberry pancake mix, so obviously, there’s a bit of a dough aspect in there somewhere. I lit up like a kid at Christmas when I looked in the teapot and saw 5 ENORMOUS blueberries swimming in there. The tea leaves were also really large, and these factors only increased my excitement.

First sips are yummy. Big bold blueberry flavour, still reminds me of my pancakes. I get a hint of tea at the end of the sip and I am over-all very impressed. For a blueberry tea It’s high 90s. For a cream cheese danish, it’s much lower, but I’m rating it on how much I like it, not on whether it tastes like a pastry!

The beau says it won’t do a re-steep, but I might try it out anyway. Those blueberries look like they have oodles of flavour to release yet.

EDIT: big thanks to Meghann M for sending me this delight in my package of awesome. I’m slowly making my way through the ranks and have been delighted every step of the way!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Goji Pop by DAVIDsTEA
709 tasting notes

200th tasting note, brand new tea. Obviously the tea buying ban was temporarily lifted today. We had planned to go to Sawadee tea house, but ended up at David’s instead. The beau smelled this one and proclaimed we had to have it – and now we do!

Steeped a cup this evening. My tastes are still a little off (thank you, cold…) but I really enjoyed it. The hibiscus got a little too dominant for me, but paying better attention to the steep would really help with that. A dob of honey would probably do it too.

The smell is intoxicating, and the taste is delicious. Wish the hibiscus would back off a little bit, but it’s not too over-whelming. I found it on the middle of the sip, if that makes sense. Will try again soon when taste buds are re-aligned.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over those years. For the last few, I’ve been a fan of unflavoured Chinese blacks and shu puerh. I still drink other things, but that’s where I am.

I live in a rural area with my husband, cat, and soon to be firstborn. I love tea, reading, doctor who, knitting, crosswords, board games, the marvel universe, and lots of other things.

I’m not often rating teas numerically any more but I want to leave this to explain my past ratings:
I try to only log teas once or twice because I drink a lot of the same ones repeatedly. My rating is based on my perception of the tea at first tasting and is adjusted if anything notable occurs in subsequent cups. I may also factor in the price and customer service but try to note that when I can.

81 – 100: These are great teas, I love them, regularly stock them or savour them as unique treats.
71 – 80: These are solid. I drink them, I like them, I may or may not keep them on hand regularly. This is still good stuff.
61 – 70: Just okay. I can drink it, but it doesn’t stand out to me. Might be lower quality, not to my taste, or outside my comfort zone.
41 – 60: Not likely to keep drinking…hoping hubby will enjoy!
0 – 40: No thank you, please. Take it away and don’t make me finish the cup.



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