Okay. OKAY.
I re-organized my tea cupboard this afternoon. And much of my house. It looks a little nicer in areas. As a reward, the beau offered to make tea. I had intended to try this one out earlier (which spawned the tea cupboard re-orgaanization, which in turn led to cleaning everything else. Obviously I got side-tracked). So, I chose this one!
The dry smell is delicious – blueberry heaven. Now, I have two blueberry teas, which taste extremely different from each other. And this one smells (and tastes!) totally different again. I really like this. I don’t know that I get cream cheese or danish, BUT I do get the smell of homemade blueberry pancake mix, so obviously, there’s a bit of a dough aspect in there somewhere. I lit up like a kid at Christmas when I looked in the teapot and saw 5 ENORMOUS blueberries swimming in there. The tea leaves were also really large, and these factors only increased my excitement.
First sips are yummy. Big bold blueberry flavour, still reminds me of my pancakes. I get a hint of tea at the end of the sip and I am over-all very impressed. For a blueberry tea It’s high 90s. For a cream cheese danish, it’s much lower, but I’m rating it on how much I like it, not on whether it tastes like a pastry!
The beau says it won’t do a re-steep, but I might try it out anyway. Those blueberries look like they have oodles of flavour to release yet.
EDIT: big thanks to Meghann M for sending me this delight in my package of awesome. I’m slowly making my way through the ranks and have been delighted every step of the way!