709 Tasting Notes
Re-steeped last night’s leaves for my morning tea. The flavour had diminished quite a bit, but I kind of expected that, for a number of reasons. Luckily, the black tea base to this tea is really nice, since that is mostly the flavour I got this morning.
Had my first cuppa this loose today – My tea arrived! Made a pot for the beau, a friend and myself. It was very lovely, though the smell was stronger and more caramelly than the teabags I had before. A pound of tea, it turns out, s a very large measure indeed!
It is like deja vu! I just received my pound of this today also! I agree that the loose leaf smells much more of caramel than the bags.
It’s been a crazy week at work, with everyone dropping like flies. 2 people essential to our flow are out sick today…and I, as always, am in sick! :)
Covering for switchboard for the second afternoon n the row (I like overtime, but I really just want to go home ON TIME!). So, big mug o’ mint to get me through the afternoon. Good for my throat, too!
First time I’ve had this in months and months, I think. Possibly since I bought it – Today I threw it in the travel mug and let it sit for 4 hours (still finishing it up). It’s yummy both hot and cold, though I didn’t get much caramel taste, between my cold and the insane steep time. I got a strong pear taste, almost sharp. Yummy, and I look forward to having some again when I can taste properly.
Getting more of a rum and coconut taste from this right now, but my tastes are being played with by my cold. The coconutty edge doesn’t make me happy, but it’s definitely still drinkable. There’s also a stronger black tea taste – I am reaching the bottom of the wee bag I have at work, so my guess is that the component distribution isn’t so hot anymore. I also didn’t add the extra spearmint I often do. Maybe I should have, hmm.
Brought a big mug of this to work with me, to get me through my morning. i persist in getting a vanilla-ish lemon taste, not quite like a lemon meringue, as it lacks the sharpness I associate with true lemon. The rooibos background gives it a natural sweetness, and provides an enjoyable cup that requires no extra attention. Perfect!
are you currently brewing it warm or cold? Either way I love it too!
I brew everything warm, in general. We’ll see if I come around on iced this summer, but I didn’t really like anything cold last year. Dunno why.
This tea won an Iced Tea award at the World Tea Expo, worth giving it a try I think :)