Finally giving this a go. As we all know by now, every pouch of this is super different, so obviously I am commenting only on my pouch. The dry smell is of tea, but faint. Not much fruitiness, just a sweet mild vegetal tea taste.
Steeped, the liquor is a relatively pale yellow, looks like a mild tea. The steeped smell is reminiscent of the dry – sweet, mild, green tea, but also has fruit notes. All sweet. Exciting. I’m a little apprehensive, but only because I’ve been having a questionable relationship with greens lately.
The beau was in charge of water temp and steep time, but he assures me that he let it cool considerably after boiling. He is actually the one who recommended this tea for our evening tea, strange since he claims to not like greens at all. I think he was just drawn in by the ingredients list (aka: YES).
First sips continue to be mild. I get fruit taste at the end of the sip, much as I do in the smell. No way to tell what fruit I am tasting, but it is slightly reminiscent of very merry berry medley and blueberry cream cheese danish, so maybe a light blueberry flavour? Looking in the pot, the tea leaves are quite large and there are chunks of something or other here and there.
I can’t say anything specific about this tea really. It’s certainly nice, and probably a good way to get me back into my flavoured greens. I’m still getting mild green tea, with little to no vegetal taste and mild fruits. Not blowing me away, but definitely a nice cup to sip absent-mindedly.