772 Tasting Notes
Opened this one up this morning. Exploded it everywhere as usual while trying to pour it into the little container. My hand smelled like english toffee for a long time but since it’s a good smell, I didn’t bother to wash it off until I needed to.
Made as a hot sweetened latte and yum, this is good. It has survived the years well in my extra cold freezer and still tastes quite delicious. I am a fan.
Not quite a sipdown but almost. I have enough for a small cup left after making a 4-cup teapot’s worth for yesterday afternoon. Pretty delicious and exactly what I wanted at that point in time. And so much better than the Sunny C from earlier. I really miss Della Terra.
This came as a sample with my order from AQ2T and I’m enjoying it greatly. I don’t pick up much of the spiciness that others mention, except in the aftertaste. The base tea is exceptional, but then, I’m a big fan of yunnan black teas. The peach is very peachy and not artificial at all. I oversteeped it (forgot about it) and it’s stood up very well to that with only a tiny hint of bitterness. If I’m ever in the mood for a nice peachy tea, I’ll definitely consider this one.
This is the 4th and last tea to come in my Sips By teabox for April. It certainly smells chocolatey. Overwhelmingly so. Perhaps unsurprising but I was surprised nonetheless.
I added milk and sugar in an attempt to make it desserty and it worked pretty well. The first part of the sip is a bit bitterish though that may just be me and my extreme oversensitivity to bitterness. The last part of the sip and aftertaste are very very chocolate. Wow. All things considered, I’d probably use this as an additive to other teas than just straight but this is certainly an interesting experience. It doesn’t say if it resteeps so I’m going to try later after my meeting.
Flavors: Chocolate
I actually recommend looking into other cocoa teas. I’ve had some good ones that were very chocolately and rich, and interesting enough as a simple blend (usually mixed with mint leaf or vanilla bean). Also works well with freeze-dried strawberry if you can find a strawberry/cocoa blend.
I’m pretty satisfied so far. It’s by far the cheapest box I’ve found and usually they have so much tea in them that I get overwhelmed but these boxes have a reasonable amount and I’ve only disliked one of the teas so far (inevitable). I haven’t worked my way through this month’s box entirely yet but I’ve enjoyed it so far. I’m thinking of buying a year’s subscription for my mom for giftmas actually.
Oh, there are other tea subscriptions like this? I’ve seen a bunch that you could get from individual tea companies, but this was the first I’d seen where it was lots and lots of companies.
One that’s been around a bit longer is Amoda Tea, which is out of canada but they ship to the USA. Slightly less tea (3 per box). I did it for a while until I got overwhelmed by tea. I think you have a bit less control over what you get though. Worth looking into though, if you like that sort of thing.
Oh my, this is quite delicious. I needed a tea I don’t add milk to (as in, not a black tea, my favourite type) since the cafeteria that sells milk doesn’t open for another 1.3 hours or so. Voila, 52teas Golden Mulberry Genmaicha to the rescue! And oh, it is a rescue.
The first impression is that it is definitely a nice genmaicha. The roasty toasty rice flavour is definitely present and pleasant and then there is a subtle sweetness that hits at the back of my throat first and then spreads forward, I think it must be the mulberry? I don’t actually know what a mulberry tastes like, so I assume so.
I wonder if I can get a resteep out of this since I’m already more than half way through my mug in the minute I’ve spent writing this note. Let’s find out!
Flavors: Sweet, Toasty
Well, this one is definitely a multi-steeper what with the giant tea balls that the black tea is rolled into. The first steep, they barely unfurled. The coconut flakes are large and it was a difficult tea to scoop, I had to scrounge at the bottom to get some of the calendula petals.
The dry leaf smells fantastic and the steeped tea smells pretty good, although I think it could have used another tea ball in the mix in my little one-cup teapot. I added a bit of sweetener but no milk for this first steep. I would add milk but the cafeteria isn’t open yet for another hour and I’m not going to wait that long to drink this.
First steep: Well, it’s definitely coconut. I think a bit of milk would bring out the flavours more I think. Coconut milk probably but I don’t have access to that at work unless I bring my own. As I suspected, I think I underleafed this a bit. I added another little black tea ball for the next steep. Still, good but not as good as it could be, I think.
Second steep: Cafeteria was lacking in my preferred milk so I have 2% to add to it. Upsetting. I’m steeping this one for 4 minutes instead of 3 from the first steep in hopes of making the flavour a little stronger, the black tea was a bit lacking in the first steep, especially as it cooled down and the coconut got less intense. This second steep was much better, more flavourful and enjoyable. I’m going to try one more, I think.
Third Steep: This tea holds up to repeated steepings amazingly well. The black tea is a bit more subdued, but there is still a prominent coconut flavour to it. Very tasty. I think I’ll stop at 3 though.
I wish this weren’t a limited edition tea, it’s pretty amazing as a coconut black tea, imo.
Flavors: Coconut
I got this as a sample with my AQ2T order (is that how we’re condensing the name here?) and made it as a full pot. Drinking it with milk and sugar because…well cake. Reheated it as well as I forgot I was drinking it and it’s not that great at room temperature.
I can definitely see why it’s named as it is. I’m definitely getting vanilla cakey flavour out of it. One of those super sugary cakes that grocery store bakeries make. I wish it had a little thicker mouthfeel as part of what I like about cake is the spongeyness of it. But this is pretty okay. If I place another order with this company, I’ll probably get more of this. As it is, this is all of my sample and I shall drink it up.