Love In A Cup

Tea type
Black Tea
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Caramel, Chocolate, Marshmallow
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Edit tea info Last updated by Alphakitty
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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From Della Terra Teas

This Valentines day all the love you need is going to be in your cup with this tea! The delicious combo of black tea, marshmallow, caramel and chocolate combine here to fill your cup with ooey, gooey, delicious flavor. So, on this holiday that celebrates love, why not show that special someone, or even yourself that you can indeed have, Love In A Cup. You won’t regret it, your taste buds will thank you!

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate bits and flavor, caramel flavoring and bits, marshmallows

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38 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes


Sipping on valentines day themed teas and wearing a fuzzy sweater with hearts. A wonderfully cozy and awesomely festive evening!

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15575 tasting notes

not my favourite of the Della Terra black caramelly teas but not a bad cup. I for sure don’t need a lot of this one, but it is quite nice as an occasional dessert tea. :)

Edit: 1300 tasting notes! Woot woot!


yay for 1300!

Terri HarpLady

1300??? damn!


w00t 1300!

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6119 tasting notes

Gotta say that I’m pretty sad to say that this is a sipdown. This was really a very, very tasty tea. Quite sweet and marshmallowy, and I really think it would be a great addition to my travel mug rotation (which it was in, twice). I am guessing that this tea has been at least temporarily discontinued as it was a holiday tea, but I’m hoping it’s back next year! Yum yum yum.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I have a 2 ounce pack of this that I haven’t tried yet, though almost every time I go in the kitchen I open it to sniff. I think this weekend I will do a side by side comparison of this, Eight Candles & S’mores!


What? It’s being discontinued? I better savor every little bit I just got!


I would love to read a review comparing this, Eight Candles and S’Mores! I was wondering about the differences.


Tealizzy – actually, I see that it’s still around! I figured since Professor Grey was discontinued, they had maybe discontinued all holiday teas.

whatshesaid – I no longer remember what s’mores tasted like (though I have some left), but in my opinion, Eight Candles was similarly flavoured but did not have a strong enough base tea. It tasted much too fluffy/sweet with nothing behind it. Love in a Cup was WAY better for me. I think I liked S’mores too, so I’ll try it again soon to see.

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1792 tasting notes

OMG ever sort of get obsessed with an album or band for a while and just can’t stop listening? I can’t stop listening to Sigur Rós lately. I’m talking ~500 tracks over the past week.

DTT sent me a sample of this and am ever so grateful to try it.

I totally dig the scent of the dry leaf, like a Rolo cappuccino or something. But like with a lot of their flavoured blacks, at least for me so far, it ends up tasting far too sweet. On its own, I taste sugar, sugar, caramel (so basically a different sort of sugar) and a weaker base. I don’t know if it’s me or what, but it reminds me of some of their other flavoured blacks like Dubbele Chocolade or Cafe Vanilla. If I drew a Venn diagram there would be some serious overlapping.

Adding vanilla soy milk makes it better. The caramel is a little more pronounced but I don’t get any distinct marshmallow flavour.


I’ve been adding a little Irish Breakfast to their flavoured blacks, as I tend to prefer a strong black tea with flavour, and I feel like they are showcasing the flavours more. Works for me!


I’ve been doing that with DT’s Red Velvet Cake since I find it too sweet, so I should start doing that with these too. Glad it works for you. :)


I never think to blend teas that I have…ill have to remember that since I have a base at home that would work well in that type of situation

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818 tasting notes

Gave this tea one more chance this morning, and….meh. I really can’t discern any discrete flavors….just a whole lot of unidentified sweetness. I’m definitely keeping this one on the available swap list until it’s gone.

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4337 tasting notes

I wanted to try this one.. so this was an obvious choice amongst about 15 other samples from DT. I heard it was like Eight Candles.. which I also wanted to try but haven’t yet. But I thought of a caramel tea this morning and realized I had this to try. It’s marshmallows! Caramel squares! Chocolate! Sprinkles! It seems like the S’mores blend with caramel instead of graham crackers. As it was steeping the marshmallows melted into a foaminess at the top which kind of disappeared as I took the infuser out. This one is delightful. I made sure to get a few marshmallows and at least one caramel square in the infuser. The sugariness made the usual mellow DT black tea leaves even better. I think I noticed more flavor from the black tea itself in this blend. Maybe because the sugar from the ingredients brings the flavor of the black tea out better. LOVE it.

3 min, 0 sec

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292 tasting notes

I shared this one a lot, so I’m almost done with my 1oz bag already. It’s quite good for when I want something sweet, it’s a nice balance of flavors and it needs absolutely nothing added to it.

I have noticed that Della Terra blacks definitely benefit from a little shorter steeping time. DavidsTeas usually ask for a steeping time of 4 minutes or so, and that does NOT work for Della Terra.

2 min, 30 sec

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525 tasting notes

This tea smells amazing. I got some from AlphaKitty from our meet up swap a while back. I decided to go with a paper filter for this tea since I didn’t feel like cleaning sprinkle gunk off my filter basket today.
The resulting brew is okay, which is a bit of a let down after the amazing scent. I don’t really get chocolate but the marshmallow and caramel are totally there! It has a weird bit of latex aftertaste. And the black base isn’t my favorite, but it’s good enough. Needs a spot of cream to smooth the slight harshness over.


Don’t you hate when the aroma is so much better than the taste? I always try to will the tea to taste better, brewing it over and over in hopes that one day, maybe it will work. LOL!


I sure do! I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I simply don’t prefer flavored blacks. I’ll stick to straight Chinese black teas from now on. :)

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361 tasting notes

I got this chocolaty tea in a swap with TeaLizzy. I could smell it the second I opened the package and couldn’t resist making it right way. First off, my house smells absolutely amazing now. My mom just walked in to watch the bean while I take the little man to the doctor. He’s had a fever for about 4 days now. She asked me how i found time to make brownies. So, it definitely has a nice aroma.

As far as the flavor. I’m definitely enjoying the cup. I’m glad I got to try this as it’s sold out on the website. I don’t think I’d order it though. It’s actually too desserty for me. I’m not a huge fan of dessert, but I love dessert tea. Strangely enough, this one almost just seems like a dessert instead of dessert tea. So not great for me but any normal person would love this.

Thanks TeaLizzy!

Update: I gave my mom a sip of this and she went nutso. I just gave her the rest of my cup. So like I said, any normal dessert lover would love this.


I’m glad someone enjoyed it, even if it was your Mom! Haha! This one is a little too fake-y sweet for me, amazingly enough!


Yeah, me too. Not my mom though!

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513 tasting notes

Some days, life is just not fair. Take today for instance, I over leafed my cup, sweetened it nicely, set it to steep, and forgot about it… My precious Love in a Cup, it got bitter on me!! I hate when that happens! This tea is so, so good when it brews right, but it is downright fussy. Still, the taste when things go right is worth all the trouble it takes to brew it!

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