772 Tasting Notes
First tea from my July 2018 Sips By Teabox.
Not too enthused with my box this month, 3 out of 4 teas are bagged, and one has a first ingredient of hibiscus but I thought I’d start out with the black teas since it just feels like a black tea kind of morning.
This is about what I would expect from a citrus black tea that isn’t bergamot. The lemon is pretty strong, though the lime is sort of overwhelmed by it. The tea base is pretty solid but nothing to write home about. The lemony taste lingers in the back of my throat in a pleasant way after every sip. I’ll enjoy this tea, but I don’t think I’ll be purchasing it.
A mug of this this afternoon just hits the spot. The mulberry is more subdued this time, I think because I only got a single mulberry in the dry leaf so the taste is mostly genmaicha with a tiny subtle hint of berry sweetness, mostly mid-sip. And I won’t notice if the green tea gives me a headache today because I already have a headache but I can’t take any painkillers that work because I have surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from Wednesday. Boo. Good tea though.
I steeped this tea a little hotter, a little longer, and more of it this time than last time. I have about one more serving left in the bag and I will be sad when it is gone but alas, it is coconut so it wouldn’t have lasted that long anyway.
Adding a little milk and sweetener makes this quite a nice cup of tea. I don’t think I got any calendula this time around but just the black tea and gigantic coconut flakes impart quite a bit of flavour. Since I know this has at least 3 steeps in it, I’ll likely be drinking it for the rest of the afternoon. It really is very goo and I’m again said that it is a limited edition tea.
I wanted to like this tea. I really did. It smells fantastic both in leaf and steeped form, so very very chocolatey. But then I taste it and all I get is chocolate and HIBISCUS and I have a hate/hate relationship with hibiscus so this is going to get given away. Too bad.
4th tea of my June Sips by teabox.
Tea #3 from my June 2018 Sips by Tea Box.
Oh my, this is quite the tasty tea. I didn’t expect much, ‘red berry’ teas usually don’t do a whole lot for me and greens are always hit or miss, especially bagged greens. Sayra (a company I’ve never heard of before, if nothing else Sips by is introducing me to a lot of new companies) hit this one out of the park. With NO hibiscus (yay), this is quite sweet, though I did cheat and add a bit of extra sweetener to bring out the fruit flavour more. And it is certainly red berries, I can definitively taste the red currant and cranberry and I have a deep love of goji berries. The green base is pretty weak overall, there in the background but not much character to it. The berries, however, are fantastic.
Tea #2 from my June 2018 Sips by Tea Box. Had to add this one to the database too, which is why it has no picture.
First steep is very robust. I steeped it much longer than I probably should have (got involved in something else and forgot about it for a few minutes). It’s a bit roasty and has a very deep flavour. No astringency or bitterness that I can pick up at all. Extremely smooth. Lingering malty-ish aftertaste. There’s something there I can’t quite identify but it’s nice.
Going to steep this for the rest of the work day. The recommendation is 4-5 times so I think these leaves have a lot of life left in them. The packaging leaves something to be desired though, with no way to re-seal after opening.
This is the first tea from my June Sipsby Tea Box. It’s been a long time since I had an unflavoured matcha and this one is so very very green. I think I got 2 servings, which isn’t bad.
Made as a slightly sweetened hot matcha latte, adding a bit of hot water to 1/2 tsp of matcha, letting the sugar melt, frothing with my milk frother stick and then adding 8 oz of hot milk.
This is good. Very umami, vegetal flavour. The taste lingers in the corners of the back of my throat. Like it’s attracted to my tonsils or something. Pleasant, but not spectacular. I think I prefer flavoured matcha, though I will have no trouble drinking the other serving of this. Though I think I will stick to the matcha latte format as I think it would be a little too strong in the traditional preparation.
As always, when I added this tea to the database, I was completely unable to add a picture. Apologies, it just doesn’t seem to work for me.
Flavors: Umami, Vegetal