772 Tasting Notes


For a bagged chai, this is pretty decent. not too spicy for me, pretty warming. I start off the day with an Oregon Chai powdered drink so I’m comparing it to that because that is my favourite chai (I know I know) and this is not as enjoyable but I’m liking this one too. Only have the one bag from a sampler pack though and I won’t be getting more of it.

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Trying this again. Lower temperature, less matcha, more sweetener and it’s much better. I didn’t pick up as much of the weird unidentified fruit this time, so it was just tasty, although I was distracted while I was drinking it. Still, quite good. Bumping my rating.

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I was actually surprised to find this tea on Steepster already considering Queen Mary is a local teahouse but here it is! I made a giant pot of this today with way less than it said to (2-4 teaspoons per 8oz? jeez) and less time than it said (5 minutes as opposed to 7-10) and it came out delicious.

The dry smell is definitely orange creamsicle, very strongly. Since I like my creamsicles sweet, I added milk and sugar and it came out very creamy and a very delicious dessert tea. I’m glad I like it, rooibos can be hit or miss with me. I need more non-caffeinated teas though, since I’m newly caffeine sensitive and resenting it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Made a pot of this yesterday in my new big 4-cup (I think) teapot I got at the Queen Mary Tea Emporium when I was there last week. Very pretty, pansies, very british porcelain.

This is just as good as it has always been. Yunnan Gold teas are my favourite type of black tea and this one is no exception and is in fact a good exemplar. The dry leaf is so nice and pretty little curls and steeped, it’s delicious. I’m going to resteep the leaves today and have another pot. Mmm.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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The dry scent of this sachet smells like an interesting berry mixture. The steeped liquor smells like hibiscus. HIBISCUS. Very hibiscus. Not my favourite thing.

Aaand it tastes mostly like hibiscus too, with hints of berry flavours, especially in the aftertaste. Not a fan.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Google’s RNG said to drink this cherry matcha this morning (I have 4 to choose from at work since I drank my mint one up). I think I added too much matcha again, I need to watch that. I did used the lower temperature water and heated the milk up for the latte for only a minute instead of 1:15. Still, other than the very matcha-flavour heavy aftertaste, this is pretty good! I think the lower temperature is the trick to this one and I’ll have to keep using my kettle’s ‘white tea’ setting rather than the ‘green tea’ one.

I hope everyone’s having a good day on this evil Tuesday that should not exist because Tuesdays are evil.

140 °F / 60 °C

Also, this was my 666th tasting note. :)


LOL! Who knew the tea of the beast was cherry matcha!

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I have a sample box of sachets from this company and I decided that my first try would be the Organic Assam since that’s usually a fairly safe tea. I’m planning a resteep but this review is just for the first steep.

There’s nothing really special about this Assam. It’s good. Bold and fairly heavy flavour that I typically associate with Assam black teas. This would probably be a fairly good “It’s morning, I need tea” kind of tea but there’s nothing that really stands out. I enjoyed it and I’ll have to see if I need to edit this note for the second steep but otherwise it’s just decent.

ETA: Not worth resteeping. Much weaker and no new flavours.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Grape Matcha by Matcha Outlet
772 tasting notes

Well, this is certainly an interesting flavoured matcha. I’m not sure I like it very much but it is indeed grape flavoured. The flavour has held on fairly well considering how old it is and how long it lived in my freezer before now. Still, I’m not too sure about it but I have almost 30 g to figure it out.

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Sipdown of my work stash. I still have more of this at home. I may bring it to work to continue drinking it here. Most of my after work tea has to be uncaffeinated since I became sensitive to caffeine anyway.

I think I overleafed this a bit since I just dumped the rest of what was in the bag into my little teapot without measuring it. It’s definitely stronger than before and the base tea is very dark tasting compared to normal and the coconut is a bit overwhelming. I’m not enjoying it as much as I normally do. I needed tea though, after an upsetting meeting. I only have to redo everything I spent the last week doing, no big deal :p


Update, I only have to redo HALF of everything! Score!

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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