drank Coconut Mango Colada by Tea Forte
15588 tasting notes

Wheeeee! Sip down! (208….)And now it’s time to have some water and caffeine free options for the rest of the night. I think my kidneys would like a break lol. Snuck one of these from the great Canadian travelling teabox as Lala has been kind enough to share and I know I like this one. Mostly I just wanted to end my sip downs for today on a flavoured note! Now to have some enchiladas for dinner and bake some pumpkin spice muffins!


Everything about this post sounds delicious- coconut mango colada, enchiladas and pumpkin spice muffins!? Can I come over for dinner? LOL


Haha :)

Terri HarpLady

I want enchiladas! of course, I’m allergic to milk/cheese ;p


Haha you poor unfortunate soul….. That’s always what I think lol


Terri, if you can find it I like Daiya shreds. And I do consume regular cheese as well, so I feel confident recommending it. :) There’s also this awesome enchilada recipe I found – I make the sauce with corn starch, so I mix everything up and cook it then add corn starch mixed with a little water, and wait for it to thicken. I also like mixing some sauce into the filling. http://www.budgetbytes.com/2013/04/black-bean-avocado-enchiladas/

Terri HarpLady

Daiya is the best soy cheese, although I haven’t been eating that lately either. Or cornstarch. Or corn tortillas. or or or or or…

Terri HarpLady

food sensitivities suck!


Oh, boo. Not really any grains at all? Because there are rice tortillas by Food for Life, and you can use tapioca in the sauce. :) If I were to do it paleo, I’d use loads of sauteed veg and maybe layer with shaved sweet potato to make a casserole. Of course, I’ve never had real enchiladas so for me there’s no nostalgia attached.


Actually, that sounds REALLY good, and I have all the ingredients. I think I know what I’m cooking tomorrow.

Terri HarpLady

Let me know how it turns out!


you guys make me giggle :)


Aah! My avocado was icky. Will try to make on the weekend.


I love everything on your menu,
But have to say enchiladas & pumpkin spice muffins are an unlikely combo ; -)
This tea is yummy

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Everything about this post sounds delicious- coconut mango colada, enchiladas and pumpkin spice muffins!? Can I come over for dinner? LOL


Haha :)

Terri HarpLady

I want enchiladas! of course, I’m allergic to milk/cheese ;p


Haha you poor unfortunate soul….. That’s always what I think lol


Terri, if you can find it I like Daiya shreds. And I do consume regular cheese as well, so I feel confident recommending it. :) There’s also this awesome enchilada recipe I found – I make the sauce with corn starch, so I mix everything up and cook it then add corn starch mixed with a little water, and wait for it to thicken. I also like mixing some sauce into the filling. http://www.budgetbytes.com/2013/04/black-bean-avocado-enchiladas/

Terri HarpLady

Daiya is the best soy cheese, although I haven’t been eating that lately either. Or cornstarch. Or corn tortillas. or or or or or…

Terri HarpLady

food sensitivities suck!


Oh, boo. Not really any grains at all? Because there are rice tortillas by Food for Life, and you can use tapioca in the sauce. :) If I were to do it paleo, I’d use loads of sauteed veg and maybe layer with shaved sweet potato to make a casserole. Of course, I’ve never had real enchiladas so for me there’s no nostalgia attached.


Actually, that sounds REALLY good, and I have all the ingredients. I think I know what I’m cooking tomorrow.

Terri HarpLady

Let me know how it turns out!


you guys make me giggle :)


Aah! My avocado was icky. Will try to make on the weekend.


I love everything on your menu,
But have to say enchiladas & pumpkin spice muffins are an unlikely combo ; -)
This tea is yummy

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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