2291 Tasting Notes
Cold brewed this for 24 hours, and I’ve drank almost the ENTIRE pitcher today. In fact, I’ll probably just finish it so I can make more tea for tomorrow.
Fruity juice teas are awesome. Really awesome.
(25g packet in 2L water, ~24 hours. I’ve even been diluting the prepared tea down a bit with ice, and it’s still deliciously berry-juice-y.)
I got a packet of this as part of the 4/$10 deal. And I’m actually really glad I decided to try it!
So good. It’s like candy. Fuzzy peaches, only not really peach. Definitely more floral ripe nectarine.
I’ve been steeping it at 175F for 4 minutes and putting it over ice (to make 16oz). I even brought some to work with me today!
Yay tea!
may have to pick up a sample. finishing the samples i picked up last week and likely going to go back this weekend to pick up a few more. 4$ away from a free 50g.
I like this one but find I have to drink it hot…if it cools too much, I get the weird artificial taste, though it seems to be ok if iced. There is just that range between hot and iced that it gets strange.
I’ve had this iced a couple times over the last few days, and… it’s not as good as the one from Butiki. It really isn’t. I mean, it’s not a bad tea – I do like it. But it doesn’t have that magical fresh juicy pineapple flavour that Stacy managed to bring out.
So I need to find a different pineapple oolong, maybe for next summer. I’m going to need a break as I have 4 tsp left of this, and 1 tsp makes a LOT of iced tea because it resteeps so well.
Oolong with crushed freeze dried pineapple bits.
And pineapple flavour.
And maybe some flowery bits.
(I poured the tea brewed as below over a lot of ice. Multiple times.)
I still think this tea is weird.
It’s super warm here, and there’s a heat wave this weekend (it’s been the dryest June ever I think, all the berries in the forest are sad…), so I’m drinking iced teas.
The tea still tastes toasted, kinda like the rice in genmaicha, but I do like the mango flavour.
I used 1 tbsp in “some” hot water (to the top of the logo in my DavidsTea steeper thingamabob), over ice, and topped up my glass with cold water to make 16 oz. Also 1/4 tsp sugar.
I only have one serving of this one left, and I don’t think I’ll be buying it again. While I do like mango, the toasted tea flavour is not for me.
I got this for cold steeping, and omg. SO SOUR. Like, my teeth feel weird kind of sour.
Much better with some sugar, but I don’t want to add sugar to my “juice” teas.
So I won’t be getting this one again either, although I’ll actually finish the 50g or so that I bought. (Which was $2, so really not a big deal.)
Oh, this isn’t bad at all. Which is really surprising, TBH.
The pomegranate is heavy on the candy scent, which is why I picked this tea up. The sencha is sadly still quite vegetal and green, which isn’t my favourite, but the flavours come together pretty well.
I won’t be rushing out for more of this, but I don’t regret trying it. :)
Just no.
Dirt. Soap. Hints of butane.
(I even rinsed it.)
My brother (foolish as he is) blindly bought a 100g tin of this and then discovered he can’t tolerate matcha.
So I ended up with it. Yay!
I’m sipping on it cold, and I’m really enjoying it. 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp matcha, whirred into a little water, then topped up with ice and water to make about 1 cup.
I’ll have to do this more often!
This stuff is the man. We hoovered a big pitcher of it yesterday too. NOM.
I know, right? Berry teas are SO GOOD. I need to pick up more Grandma’s Fruit Garden, it’s berry-licious and available at a local shop.