2291 Tasting Notes
Christina sent me this tea a few weeks ago, and as I was digging through my samples, it caught my eye.
Perfect. Uncaffeinated, new, caramel.
And it smells so much like Divine Temptation from Bayswater. Sweet nougaty goodness.
Anyways, it’s pretty good! I’m enjoying the flavour for sure, and the rooibos isn’t too woody. But if I were in the market to replace this, I’d just get something similar from Bayswater or Janet’s Special Teas. :)
Thank you!
OMG. So perfect with my rhubarb jam pie dough bites. :) (Just pie dough and jam rolled up and baked! So good.)
This chai is THE BEST. I’m almost out of this tin, and then I get to start on the tin Dexter so kindly sent me! If it stays cool for a few days, I’m pretty sure I’ll use up a lot of this.
It’s tempting to make an iced chai concentrate, but this tea is so expensive that seems kinda wasteful. Hmm.
there’s one at my place too…uh i just don’t remember if it’s this tea… missb picked it up. remember? :)
Oh, ok, I was not sure if there was a specific spice or something that made it different, and by different, I mean better. :P
Nothing specific! Sorry. :) (I mean yes, the tea is flavoured with rainbows and unicorn glitter! The best! ;) )
Made this with 1/2 tsp maple sugar and some cashew milk.
SO MAPLE, wow.
No, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly maple syrup. It’s flavour. So it’s more of the candy “maple” taste. And I like it a lot.
I think I like this one better than Bumbleberry, but the berry flavour isn’t quite as rich as the “Grandma’s Fruit Garden” tea I hold in my memories. :)
I’ll have to get some and compare.
Still, this is a good juice tea. Definitely sweet-tart berries. More sweet than tart.
Cold brew overnight.
This actually made a really tasty cold brew. I don’t usually cold brew anything but fruit tisanes due to flavour preferences.
But this was great! A little herbal, some berry flavour, and the tea base was pretty darn tasty. I think there’s blackberry leaves in here, so it was sweet and not at all weirdly tannin-y or anything like that. It was missing the vanilla flavour, but I was OK with that because I enjoyed the sage and sweet berryness.
I don’t think I’d get more of this tea (I bought it on a whim!) but I’m really glad I decided to try it cold brewed instead of hot.
I picked up a sample of this a while back at a tea meetup (WOO!), and for some reason (perhaps my general tea apathy) I hadn’t tried it yet. The sample was 3 tsp so I did the whole thing in my mug.
I quite like it! The leaves are really big, the chocolate is NOT fake at all, and the caramel is a nice accompaniment. It is a little watery, even overleafed, but I think that’s because I expect something that tastes like cocoa to be thicker.
I would definitely get more of this. I’m very happy with it. (Sorry Sil, none left for you. :( )
This was pretty good, but I’m not sure I’d call it “black forest”. At least, it’s not chocolate and cherries.
Still, Janet has a good taste for rooibos and this was pretty mild, and not too woody at all.
This is really, really floral. Jasmine, maybe? I was expecting a plain tea, as the name really doesn’t give anything away.
It’s not bad, but I don’t think I’d want more. The flowers almost give it a bitter tinge, although I only steeped 3 minutes at 195F.
Thanks for the sample, MissB, but this is one I don’t care for! :(
I just rinsed out my strainer. There are RICE BITS in the tea! How cool!