2291 Tasting Notes
Sooooo I got a sample of this when I was in Victoria, and it was the first tea I could steep with hot water that I pulled out of the BIN OF DOOM (seriously, so many samples).
It’s really good! Of course, I have a bunch of milk in it, so YMMV. But I really like the flavour!
I’m sending the rest off to Sil, but this is definitely something I need to revisit.
(2.5 tsp, 16 oz, 195F, 3 minutes.)
A tea from Dexter. Thank you!
(I have a LOT of teas from Dexter. A lot I haven’t even tried yet!)
This one is roasty/carby/verging on chocolate-dirt for me. It’s totally drinkable, but I think that perhaps it’s just not my “thing”.
Thank you for sharing, Dexter.
I haven’t had this in a WHILE. So good. So roasty and nutty and amazing with milk.
Om nom nom.
The new mug and also potential tea samples have started to lift me out of my “Tea? Bah HUMBUG!” mood, so that is good.
Favourite, and I’ve been drinking it quite often and sadly I’m almost out! I like this one way more than the Apple and Pear Tulsi.
But, this is more of a review of a new mug I got today while I was out! It’s the Contigo “Snapseal” Huron in Radiant Orchid. Yeah. I can’t find it online either. It’s really close to the other snapseal mugs on their website, but it’s not exactly the same.
I got it because 1) Contigo, and 2) it’s wide enough for all sorts of steeper baskets. The one downside is that it doesn’t seem like the walls are as thick (ie: holding as much air between the layers) as the Contigo Autoseal mugs I have, so the mug is WARM! Really surprising, TBH. Not enough to burn, but enough to really feel it.
This mug is more of a “drink sooner” kind of mug. The Contigo Autoseals hold heat almost as well as my special, non-DavidsTea Timolinos (Seriously, I had one for about 10 years before I put it down while I was taking photos and forgot it on the ground! I just picked up another, they’re so nice. The originals have a mesh screen and no steeping basket.) so they are more “drink later” kinds of mugs.
I’d probably get another one of these just because it’s nice to have something my steeping baskets fit in, but seriously that heat leak is ridiculous. I wonder if they’ve fixed it in the redesign, or if they’re planning on addressing this in the future.
I have some of this and the rest is going into the box for Sil la la la…
I added milk, but IDK that I should have. I just LOVE milk in my tea. It smells nicely fruity, with low levels of rooibos woodiness.
It’s lovely, actually. Not sure I’d want a lot, but I am quite enjoying this large mug! Nice and fruity. Sweet-ish. Not too floral. I’m glad I picked up a sample!
Thank you, MissB!!!
“Best taken without milk.” Pfft, Harrods. You can’t tell me what to do.
2 bags in 16 oz for 3 minutes at 195F.
It doesn’t smell too black curranty, but I have hopes for this tea. If it disappoints, luckily I always have a black currant candy to satiate my craving. :D
Steeped, it smells really lovely. And of course I almost managed to tip my Very Full Octomug onto the floor. whew It’s safe!
I added milk to the tea.
And it’s delicious.
But I think I’ll still have a candy after. Because I can.
“Grandpa Style” in my new orangey-gold original Timolino (no, not from DavidsTea!).
Just 1/2 tsp and full of hot water.
IDK if I’ll refill it today.
But it’s good to be drinking tea.
Even though this one still isn’t a favourite, it’s better this way. Steeping for 4 hours brings out more flavour, although this tea is always a lot lighter than I expect.
New tea! Cold brewed for a couple of days because I forgot about it in the back of the fridge.
It’s yummy. I get a lot of strawberry from it, which is nice.
Also, hi! I’m not around much at all due to busy, but hi!