390 Tasting Notes

drank Honey Bee by DAVIDsTEA
390 tasting notes

this blend gave me more than just an energy boost… it also gave me information and insight!

this is another of the blends i snagged for a return swap to Ysaurella in paris. it reminded me vaguely of a tea she sent me and i thought she might enjoy variations on a theme.

i had concerns actually trying it though…. i don’t tolerate the high levels of mateine in mate well and i am fairly certain i have the start of an allergy to rooiboos. HOWEVER there are exceptions to every rule. apparently i can handle the mate if it’s diluted and it appears i can tolerate rooiboos if it has a stimulant paired with it!

the tea, the tea: absolutely a bumble bee tea! warm, orange notes that aren’t bitter or overpowering. there is a fuzzy honey bee representation, and yet i do not feel as though i am drinking pureed bee, lol. it seems, somehow, to tap into my bee memory engrams. very cool!

thank you again to Ysaurella for giving me the excuse, and keychange for giving me the shove!

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Sugar and Spice by DAVIDsTEA
390 tasting notes

in am writing this most favourable review in honour of two friends: Ysaurella (who is the one ultimately receiving the sample) and keychange who wrote such a lovely impassioned review of this blend!

first thing’s first: keychange.
david’s teas was my first loose leafing source. i have mostly moved beyond them…. honestly i find them a tad too cutesy with names and sprinkles, etc. i could have taken that in stride to a certain extent… but, i began encountering discrepancies in the ingredients lists. a serious thing to be sure, especially for someone with allergies!

however, if no one gives us a second chance then it doesn’t matter if we get better. and if our efforts don’t matter, then why should we make them at all? bit by bit i have cautiously been trying david’s teas again.

they have a few blends that are superlative! bar none their blueberry jam is the best ever! true they have not been doing tea for 300 years like many of the apothecaries in france, but we all start somewhere.

never let us say that we are impervious to peer pressure— we all are under the right circumstances. my friends can absolutely influence me! so when shopping for some north american extras to tack into my return swap to the brilliant Ysaurella, keychange’s review of this tea came to mind!

what amused me most at david’s today was the gravity with which the diligent young manager absorbed what i was saying.

‘i have a tea buddy in france that sent me some beautiful damman freres and mariages freres samples…’

the young woman spluttered and coughed and managed to look both jealous and aghast at the same time, lol.

‘she what? wow. oh wow.’

as per keychange’s review…. indeed this is a very nice tea….. especially if you mix it with sweetened condensed milk! definitely a spice cake tea. although i can’t put my finger on it absolutely, i think it may be the carrot that persuades me that i am drinking cake! very nicely done.

why am i sampling Ysaurella’s samples? because i am not sending her anything that i haven’t tried, plain and simple =0)

a beautiful cold weather blend. don’t be afraid to let it steep for 7. thanks in part to keychange i am changing my david’s teas tune.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec

I feel so flattered that my review made you more excited to try this!


you and like similar teas and you are very eloquent with your writing… no doubt your thoughts held sway!


ah I am impatient now to taste this DT – I have to say until now I am not very impressed by the brand (except for their marketing !)


they can very hit or miss, it’s true. this one i think you may like because of the spicing! definitely a cake tea. and of course i’m sending you some blueberry jam. it is quite excellent…. there are others as well =0)

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i had to write another note about this tea. let me explain why.

i don’t know whether you would refer to this an act of accidental masochism or an act of personal tea terrorism. you know the person that leaves half a square of TP and doesn’t change it because they didn’t “technically” finish it? or the person (kid usually) that doesn’t make more juice because there’s a micro meter left and it wasn’t ACTUALLY empty? yeah. that was me with this tea.

i’m the only one that drinks it. i can blame anyone but myself. i left myself about a half a teaspoon of this beautiful tea. … ….. ……. i have a 16 oz mug. i was so mad!

i still look like i got punched in the eye, the doctor thinks it’s a bite now and i rush off to see him shortly….. i just needed some tea, THIS tea before the madness begins!

know what? 1/2 a teaspoon in my giant cup and it’s still brilliant. not weak or flavourless. brilliant.


195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

lol at this post! especially at tea terrorism :-)

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this tea was such a welcome surprise! i got no sleep and woke up looking like i got punched in the face— a deep infection in the eye socket apparently. no driving, no school, all i can think is ‘really? seriously? dammit’. came out of nowhere. however i find this tea a lovely distraction.

i don’t have a a lot of experience with green teas, though i am amending that bit by bit. i think the name ‘macaron’ had me thinking of macaroons…(definitely not!). this blend is light and refreshing. i get unexpected notes of cilantro and a hint of basil, a soft fruit component….a dark berry that isn’t black berry or logan.

the green tea is lovely and light: no smoke or pungancy. to me this is a savoury tea… though as it cools i detect some cassis.

i’ve never had a savoury tea. how lovely. thank you ysaurella!

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I think I ordered this (for once, you didn’t make me do it). I’m excited to try it!


lol…. it’s a brilliantly complicated blend. very unexpected. i wonder if you’ll get the same savoury essence as i did?


We shall see! My package arrived in Italy on Friday, so maybe, just maybe…


that’s funny, to me the blackcurrant is the first thing I got an,d behind the candied violet.
For sure even if greens are not your cup of tea, this is an easy green for beginners, sooooo mellow…Glad you liked it


Wow, that sounds amazing. I love macaroons, but macaron with basil, cilantro, and fruit…heaven.

I hope your eye is fully recovered!


sigh…. i look less like a mutant, but it’s taking awhile to go. however!!! i am feeling much better since i got my exams done: one A- and one A+! i’ll take a mutated eye for those, lol.


yay, congrats!


Go you! That’s awesome. :)


i am noth relieved and amused…. relieved because they’re over, and amused because i have more projects than ever due and i bounced right out of them and into more, lol. public announcement:’ i am an academic trampoline artist! boing!’ sheesh.

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i loved this sample from ysaurella…. it’s funny, when i look at the amount she sent me for each tea it’s almost as though she anticipated that i would mess up the first attempt! because although i messed up all of the damman first steeps, i had enough left over to try again and add the extra that made it perfect, lol.

as i mentioned in a review yesterday i am happy with damman freres blends with 1.5 times the recommended amount.

once i got the amount right this blend was exceptional. i am a fig fan, big time. i have a fig tree in the front yard… though sadly it does not produce fruit for me.

if i could design an old growth forest i would do it with fig trees… that as they aged bore immense pear sized figs that were light and sweet and tangy. the fruit would be harboured under the canopy of broad leaves. my forest would be hectares long and acres wide.

all the houses bordering my forest would be equipped with windows that had built in wipers because whenever there was a wind storm the great soft figs would splatter against the glass and no one would be able to see! (welcome to my world?)the deer and cariboo would also leave your flowers alone in this imaginary place because the grounded figs would more than satisfy! (we have a ‘small’ deer population in our area, lol)

with the blend amount amended this tea gave me everything: i got sunshine in the summertime, the mild tang of an italian honey fig, a sense of juiciness, ripeness, i even (somehow) gleaned the light taste of seeds!

all fruit, no floral. not creamy, not astringent. this tea very accurately reflects a fresh fig. beautifully done.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

So adding this to the shopping list.


lol! you and i just keep egging each other on to break our budgets!


I know! So let’s absolutely keep it up! ;P


Sounds like a winner!


aren’t we both students? which means we are inherently broke? lol. meh, what studentaid doesn’t know won’t hurt them! how many students blow their loans on drugs and booze… tea can’t be that bad. i have a return swap that has to head out to ysaurella, after that we could swap! assuming i haven’t whittled everything down to a point where you see nothing that interests you!

i have silk road here too…. X0P


I like very much this one and I am happy you enjoyed it so much. To me it tastes a lot fig pastry more than fresh fig but I loved it as it is.

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C’est grace a ma chere ysaurella que j’ai eu la chance d’essayer cette beaute!

i have done it! i have worked out my algorithmic happiness with damman freres blends!

with each sample that ysaurella sent me of damman freres i have loved the smell of the blend, but each time the steep fell short!!!
as predicted, operator error…. and now i know how i like it.

1.5 five times the recommended amount, with a 6 minute steep. precisely. each time. and i love them that way!

under these parameters i got all of the expected brilliance of this blend. i got creamed roasted chestnuts, almonds, hazelnuts… a very gentle floral contribution without perfume.

i liked this one with cream and sugar.


and now i know how to prepare it!

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Oh, I have to write this down, FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. tracks her Dammann Frères package obsessively


glad you liked this one


Good to know!


for the life of me i could not figure out what i was doing wrong…. but i have it nailed now, lol.

ahem, and i just got off the phone with my mother who has happily agreed ‘to support your granny tea habit’ (ie: give me money for tea from mariage freres and damman freres). granny? GRANNY??? grandmothers are great, don’t get me wrong, but 1) i’m a guy and 2) what part of tea is granny-ish? lol.


Your mom is pretty funny. :) Thankfully my mom is also really into tea. She didn’t even blink when I spent all my birthday money on tea!


my mom and i are very different people. last year she bought me a crate of wine… 14 bottles? thing is— if it’s not tea then i’m not a big drinker. not wine, not even water! i still have bottles left over!

it was a really nice thought… last year we went with her thought, this year i’d prefer to go with mine. sure, i’ll play the part of old man with mariage freres in my cup. lol.


Here’s hoping that wine will age well. Thankfully my mom knows I don’t drink much. She always offers, but then follows up with juice or tea options!


hahahahaha! yay mom! i remember when i was in first year uni thinking that drinking might be fun…. i think i did it once or twice? but both times i got to the ‘totally blitzed’ stage and thought ‘okay, i want to be sober now’. course it doesn’t work that way, lol. so aside from cooking with it and the odd glass i just abstain. not my style.

to each their own…. but for me— tea!

i would totally do a tea party with you and your mom! i talk with friends about it frequently. the reaction is always the same: they look at me like i’m nuts and then hear what i have and start booking time on their calendars. heh heh.


:D One of my friends did a tea party, cooked with tea, served matching teas, the whole works. I wasn’t feeling well so I didn’t get to go, but it sounded SO awesome.

My mom is an unflavoured tea person. Anything with a flavour, and she wrinkles her nose in disgust. :)

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drank Mandalay by Mariage Frères
390 tasting notes

what a dramatic day! i got 90% on my first heavy assignment (yay) and the touchscreen laptop provided to me by the province YESTERDAY died tonight! needless to say i am thinking all sorts of words that i can’t say here, lol. although it was warranted for every single eventuality….. i just really really hope i have by monday for school.

the tea! first time round was very ‘meh’, which surprised me. mariage freres is really not affiliated with that colloquialism in my head…. and yet that is what the tea evoked.

‘give it a few days…. try it again,’ i sagely advised myself. tonight: 1.5 tablespoons for 6 minutes in my 12 oz mug. the dry blend reminded me of a chai (sortof) so i treated it that way (cream and sugar) and it worked very well! reminds me very much of a flower scented chai… something exotic smelling.

not my favourite of the samples from ysaurella, but still very nice!

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Congrats on the assignment!
And hope they get your laptop figured out ASAP. I bought a brand new one as a birthday present a few years back (because up until then EVERY computer I’d had was a hand-me-down) and 2 hours after first turning it on, I got a line of dead pixels on the screen! It was disappointing! But Dell had a technician over to replace it within 2-3 days, so no hard feelings on my part. Anyway fingers crossed.


well that’s good news, mine’s a dell too. and ATBC (access technology BC) is a wicked taskmaster if their students are being impacted. and seeing as i can’t write….. yeah. my case manager will be chasing them down with cattle prods.

thanks for the congrats! this is the class that i continually worry i’m not smart enough to be in, heh heh. the other one i’m makes me worry about my memory!!! very big classes, both of them!



Well that’s a great start. :)

And I have a terrible memory, yet I still made it through my BA with a good GPA. I’m sure you’ll figure out what tricks work best for you. For me (and my psych major) I found that focusing mostly on the vocab was huge because if I could remember all the fiddly terms, the concepts behind would follow. Of course it all depends on your class.


I hope you have a few courses where you can show off your writing skills. :) I know you’ve blown a few of us away here with your reviews. I’m sure your profs will be so impressed/grateful to have something interesting and well written to read.

Terri HarpLady

I’m with Cavo on that one!


have i ever told you that the front half of my hair is fire engine red? awesomely fake, awesomely brilliant too IMO….. now my face is too. ahem.

the vocab focus is a very good suggestion!

the first time round at uni i was a an english major on scholarship…. now i’m reder-er-er.


Oh, I hope your experience with ATBC is good. Mine was not so good.

The warranty was awesome though. I contacted Dell directly for replacement parts, and though they wanted to send a tech out ASAP, they agreed to mail new parts to me with return envelopes for the old ones. Worked so well for me.

So. Fingers crossed for you! And congratulations on your grade! That’s awesome. :)


oh no! it’s been good so far, but that could be down the case manager who is awesome. i would be very happy with a tech coming out ASAP. i was still learning how to use the new machine! not sure, but i think i have to go through ATBC when it looks like the whole machine has gone caput? i’m sure i’ll have answers tomorrow.

handed in lab #2 today… wow did i feel over my head! i hope i do as well as the one i got back today…. i worked way harder on this one! you would have laughed at us all in class today: comparing labs trying to feel LESS stupid! lol.


They told me my warranty was with Dell, so I contacted Dell. Hopefully your sadness gets resolved quickly!

That IS how university goes! :D Generally the students who are the most worried put in the most amount of work, and do the best. So keep working, talk to your profs/TAs about any questions, and you’ll do great! If you ever find you want an extra set of eyes to read over a paper, let me know. I do editing in my spare time, and actually LOVE reading papers.


that’s an awesome offer! thank you…. i’m generally pretty good at editing, what with the writing schtick, but sometimes it’s less about writing and more about the continuity and flow of information and logic. i may well take you up on your offer! be warned…. i might hit you with a human geography paper! lol.


That’s fine! I did a couple first year geography courses. :)


Mandalay is a very beautiful tea that’s a pity it didn’t really work for you.

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i bought this tea as the finishing touch for an upcoming project in my human geography class. the mission? choose a sub saharan country, identify a SPECIFIC aspect (ie the UN millenium goals, or an outstanding issue within the country).

our prof was clear: ‘choose something you’re passionate about.’ well that made it a bit tricky. i began to dig.

i really want to get a good mark on this, which meant advanced planning and study. i went to TED online and stumbled upon a brilliant ugandan speaker, andrew mwenda, who gave a talk entitled ‘aid for africa? no thanks.’ http://www.ted.com/talks/andrew_mwenda_takes_a_new_look_at_africa.html

he made the point that aid usually finances government corruption and that even when it doesn’t, poverty reduction is by no means the same as the creation of wealth. one of the ways to create wealth was to find a vendor with whom to do business.

the gears began to turn. mwenda’s lecture had convinced me that uganda was who i wanted to look at, but what did i want to look at? ‘choose something you’re passionate about’ echoed in my head— i began to look into ugandan tea farms!

if i’m not very careful here i’ll start to take you through my whole presentation! so instead i’ll move on to the tea and the estate that it came from.

this tea is unlike any other i’ve tried: absolutely no floral or fruit notes. instead it is a blend of sweet tobacco and wood notes reminiscent of honeybush crossed with the smell of balsam.

this tea pulls no punches! definitely high test. a certain amount of caffeine stick, but a remarkably smooth execution. definitely an unashamed booyah!

must admit the appearance of the tea threw me a bit, lol. the tiny curled leaves made me think very much of coffee grounds (didn’t quite know what to expect!).

nicely done mitiyana! the mityana estate has cleverly diversified. it produces resources for tea manufacturers like lemon grass, but also essential oils like rosemary.

my specific focus is looking at how fair trade practices have effected tea farming in uganda…. i haven’t been able to confirm whether mityana is fair trade certified or not, though i would lean towards not. when i know for sure i will update! (i’ll let you know what mark i get as well at the end of the semester too). i can tell you the prof seems rather thrilled that tea is going to be served!

FYI: i bought a ton to serve with presentation, but aside from that i am more than willing to share out samples!

you can get this tea through tweed and hickory, but i really wanted the kudos to go to the tea pluckers and farmers. uganda needs more press if they are going to create more wealth.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Tea and homework. Well done!

Terri HarpLady

Beautiful project!


Hear hear! Well thought out to follow your passion. BTW I’ve been waiting for some Ugandan Tea to arrive at Happy Luckys Tea House. I tasted it and was surprised at the complexity for a tea that looked like a CTC but didn’t taste like one.


agreed about the complexity! not sure what i was expecting, but something i was prepared to buy again was not it. i will try to contact the company directly to see if i can buy some directly. this is one of the fairtrade farms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqbTWvaG4Y4

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drank Violette by Dammann Frères
390 tasting notes

this sample was a bittersweet gift from ysaurella.

my grandmother was the dearest person in my life. i remember being a very little boy staring at a bowl of purple sculptures on the glass table in the livingroom— tiny, delicate…. she popped one into my mouth! light, perfumed, crunchy and sweet. the flavour of violets will always make me think of her.

she died almost two years ago, and i will always miss her. finding bits and pieces that take me back to snapshots of memory is something significant to me. this tea is a direct link to her: not because she’d like it, lol! she was a purist tea-wise… assam, unflavoured, no sugar. in a pinch, lady grey. but we’re talking about my memories here!

lovely. and i must have some.

ysaurella, thank you so much.

candied violets, perfectly captured. seamlessly executed.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Aimee Popovacki

davids sugar and spice reminds me of my croatian grandma who passed four years ago now.. she always had gingerbread lebkuchen cookies.. and it reminds me so much of christmas time and eating them in her kitchen! its lovely :)


isn’t it amazing how scent and taste can give us a piece of the past? i haven’t even checked how much it costs…. doesn’t matter. it will be in my cupboard…. FOR christmas. i’ll have a cup of this blend and something with marzipan and smile nostaligically.

Terri HarpLady

Anything with Roses reminds me of my gramma, because she always smelled like them.


i think that grandmothers must be very special creatures… they stay with us even after they are gone.


for sure Grandmas are exceptional, I miss mine so much.
I’am happy you liked this one so much, this is clearly a blend linked to childhood.
I prefer it plain but you can even add some milk to it, it works as well.


lol, i did a resteep with milk….. much better without!!!


What a beautiful tribute ♡

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drank Nosy Bey by Dammann Frères
390 tasting notes

of the lovely samples that the indomitable ysaurella sent me, thus far this one has been my least favourite. i didn’t get the expected flavour…. but apparently my son did!

he’s become quite the loose leaf afficionado and will often swagger in and walk off with my mug of tea (!!!) or pull dramatic faces declaring that it tastes off. my wife sips her coffee and laughs.

with this particular cup he piped up:‘is the tea from france here yet? is that it?’ and he slurped some up, going on and on about how perfect it was. lol.

not quite my cup of tea… but absolutely our 14 year old’s!

i have enough for another cup, but honestly, i think it will vanish before i can try my hand at it again… blake was that big a fan!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

hummmm sounds weird you didn’t get the aromas for this one really, it is very perfumed, a refined peach and vanilla, a very sweet and mellow tea.
If some remains you can try it at 95°C or even boiling anyway I’m happy your son loved it !


hmmmm, no i didn’t get vanilla or peach….. strange. i do have a bit left— hotter you say?


Glad you have tea drinking company at home!


indeed! my daughter is the one that came home with teavana and david’s teas menus, and my son and i were the ones that latched on! it’s remarkable to me the differences between our tastes too… i don’t know if it’s an age thing? an individual thing? he cannot abide verdant’s laoshan black, i cannot abide pekoe tasting teas, each which the other loves! lol. in any case, if you can find something with family to bond over then that’s a grand thing =0)


yep try it hotter it may help beacuse that’s really weird you don’t get the vanilla and peach except if the sample has been corrupted by others or arrived opened.

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’It’s chaos, be kind.’~ michelle macnamara

“I said: what about my eyes?
He said: Keep them on the road.

I said: What about my passion?
He said: Keep it burning.

I said: What about my heart?
He said: Tell me what you hold inside it?

I said: Pain and sorrow.
He said: Stay with it. The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi





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