390 Tasting Notes
i love this tea…. go figure, it was made for me! but it’s not just the blend i love…. it was the whole process.
stacy is brilliant. we all know that, but working with her one on one that is absolutely reinforced. we tried tons of combinations. we were all over the map! she listened to every idea i had and added in her experience, what did we get? a delightfully NOT tropical coconut/baked banana praline invention that makes me feel like i’m eating dessert even though i have very proudly (and honestly!!!) been off sugar for 2 weeks now.
the banana level is deep, very reminiscent of when i make baked bananas with butter, lemon juice and a pinch of brown sugar. the hint of lemon is there, i swear. the coconut is beautifully balanced by the banana and praline. not to mention the taiwanese assam! i love that the blend has a brilliant tea to back it!
if you have dreams of tea i cannot recommend stacy lim highly enough. the person, the process and the result. she even allowed for my particular fondness of cream and sweetener (formerly known as sugar, lol). it’s great with, without. hell, it’s just great.
thank you so much stacy…. i have sent a bunch of it out, though only two know it’s coming, lol!
of course it gets 100%! oh, and in case you need the reference that stacy and i geeked out over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-q3_XoS2T8 …. believe you me, there were many, MANY discussions about dr. who tea names!
i don’t know what i expected from this tea…. but is is most certainly not what i got.
as a rule, things that are are harvested in canada in fall like the grapes for ice wine and winter like maple syrup are viscous and have an intense potential for sweet. playing off the word ‘frost’ i think that, paired with the colder weather, had me expecting something with an element of sweetness. i was entirely wrong.
while i smelled a light floral from the dry, the strangest thing i have ever encountered happened with the water added: nothing. well, almost.
i have an autoimmune disease that impacts my nervous system primarily. i have some abilities that could be called rather rare, though certainly not unheard of— like being able to smell the metal UNDERNEATH the plating metal. weird. i know.
this tea is cold. it smells like ice. yes, for me temperature can have a smell. screaming hot, steaming away, scalds my tongue….. and it is ice. pure ice. i have never encountered such a thing!
i don’t know if i like it… i don’t DISlike it, but i want a repeat performance. thinking that i might be having an early moment of dementia i wrenched the top off my tea cup in class today and shoved it under my lab partner’s nose. (she’s used to this by now)
‘what do you smell?’
‘i….nothing?’ (perplexed look) she grabbed the cup and took a more serious sniff. ‘how can it smell like nothing?’
‘it smells like ice to me.’
‘james, ice doesn’t have a smell!’
‘yes it does.’
Thinking about the Maple Pecan Oolong, I totally get where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t have phrased it the same way, but I do get it. Now I want to try the base tea on its own! :)
me too… mine’s a nervous system disease byproduct. i don’t get headaches, well, barometric if there’s a real swing….. but i can usually smell it, before it happens lol!!!!! although i get clogged up really easily from stuff too and i wind smelling nothing. sigh. everything is a coin toss: the up side, the flip side.
ooooh, very nice mandala! simply complex.
very smooth, reminiscent of a tie guan in, or yellow…… i really don’t think i would have guessed it was anykind of oolong had it not been on the packaging. robust but in a light hearted kind of way.
on a completely separate note, i wanted to thank your group for your product excellence. i had lunch with my mum today. often we don’t get on, but life has been a bit tough on her lately and the place where we meet always has great food but ghastly tropical flavoured bagged green teas. i brought my bag of yellow buds with me and made her a pot at the table. she loved it! she was very surprised at the steep time, the colour, the taste. i know things are going to be difficult in her life for a while longer, so i sent her home with the tea and told her i’d get her more when she ran out.
your company really is a class act. and while my mother doesn’t know you at all, on behalf of us both i will thank you.
i find these days i bounce between paris (mariage and dammann) complexity and manadala’s understated simplicity. but that’s like calling a circle simple to someone whose only ever drawn straight lines. thank you for the introspectively quiet circle.
most sincerely, james.
James, thank you so much for not only taking time to write the reviews, but for the kind words about our humble endeavor here at Mandala Tea. I am honored to have earned such accolades from you. This makes my day. Truly.
this tea is grand, i mean truly exceptional.
dry it reminds me of ripe strawberries and raspberry jello, but once the water goes in there is a premeditated tartness from the green base that negates any thoughts of jello whatsoever.
my unsolicited advice (as someone who thoroughly messed up their first attempt), believe the 3 minute recommendation on the bag. nina’s has been doing this long enough that they don’t recommend halfheartedly.
the green they have chosen is very smart indeed…. it has a sharp tang that is absolutely timed to the minute. the berries are balanced against a three minute time…. like a smartypants i figured more was better and went for 4 the first time and got no berries whatsoever. when correctly timed you get a perfect equation with perfectly (not over) ripe berries with a medium strength green tea. this is a flavoured green, there is never any doubt that it is a tea. with some flavoured blends the tea essence is lost, but not here.
very nice. little doubt i will buy again!
this tea has frustrated my intelligence. true i can be stubborn and do things in my own manner, but i have followed the instructions for this beautiful tea. i love the smell, i love the appearance….. but i get a mediocre taste!
1 minute, 1.5 minutes…. 4 minutes. hotter, colder. nope.
it is so highly sought after, and there is no more to be had this year at least and with every steeping i am wasting my supply.
i will rate this one… i do not believe it is a failing on my part or my other teas would be impacted. very sad…. i really did want to love it as others do….
It makes me sad that you are having issues with this tea.:((( I LOVE it. I knew it was discontinued, and I’ve heard a rumor that Garret isn’t sure he will ever be able to get more. That also makes me very sad :(( I’m hoarding what I have. I don’t even know how I steep it. I would have said that you can do anything to it and it just works.
Do you like Teavivre Black Pearls?
i was curious, so i looked up the history: nina’s paris, (named after the founder’s wife mme nina diaz) was founded in 1672 as the furbishers of fragrance to versailles. it shows.
this tea is red, and round. it actually creates a spherical shape in my mouth. i am not referring to the natural process of swallowing here, i feel the flavour in a spherical shape, over my tongue and against my cheeks.
this blend is an exercise in just enough and not too much; had the raspberry been stonger it may have evolved from a balanced tart to sharp or bitter, but it did not. the red currant adds the round component i think, as well a classic element. the caramel is very quiet… three fingers brushing one time lightly between your shoulder blades after a long day. soothing.
this tea is lovely. i was surprised at first when i learned that the french tea apothecaries were also frequently parfumeries, but it makes perfect sense now. how the two vocations could ever be separate is a foreign thought to me now because it is. so. logical.
while she did not send me this tea, i really must thank ysaurella for playing the part of brilliant catalyst for this part of my tea journey. our swap caught me so offguard i think my heart may continue to dwell in parisien tea houses.
nina’s paris is one of two companies where caramel even registers with me…. the rest i can’t detect at all. this blend was so very well done!
I was enamored with the sense of being transported by the tea to the Orient Express for some reason. Nina’s reminds me of elegance…brocades velvet, polished wood, leather, perfume, plumes and jewels. Bowls of fruit, flowers and silver samovars.
Well, my grandmother was born in San Francisco in 1883. (Not great-grandmother). My mom singing Opera when I was young had some effect on my being a dreamer and a string of exotic travelers in need of lodging in the 1950’s…friends of my linguist Aunt. In other words, I’m old.
Haha! I still remember dancing with my grandfather at the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill in S.F. on my 13th birthday…1961. A scene out of Mad Men, evening gowns and furs.
Jaaaammmmmmeeeeessss! How much do I have to pay you/what combination of favours would let me snag a teeny teeny sample of this from you? Feel free to say "there’s nothing you can do, keychange, and I’ll politely eff off.
I adore this tea. I plan to give it to my future son-in-law as a wedding gift soon, as it is precisely the flavor profile he likes, and the name is perfect! It reminds me of a tea he and my daughter bought for me when they were in Budapest. It is exquisite.
struck by the sheer terror of midterms after nearly 2 decades i behaved very badly and broke into my birthday tea with the intention of piping this mate directly into my brain if need be for my exam yesterday.
the exam the night before had been a NIGHTMARE. because of the impairments i do my exams on a PC….. which halfway way through my psyche exam timed out, drop kicked me and ERASED all of my answers.
… …. …… they called a tech from the library and shuffled me to a different spot to keep working. they did not shuffle me far enough….. i heard every groan of despair.
‘the bad news is your work is gone and i can’t get it back…’ and thus a debate about what to do. i’ll admit it, i had a brief (although polite) moment where i lost my cool.
‘FOLKS! the option is exactly ONE! i need some quiet and i need to get the exam done. PERIOD.’ and i did, because there was no other choice. especially with an exam the next morning first thing.
thus, with the advent of a new exam and a palpable frisson of fear STOMPING through my heart, i broke into my birthday tea and grabbed this mate hoping it would turn me into a genius and that i wouldn’t have a repeat of the night before. it was a risk folks…. i have mentioned several times that i don’t tolerate mate well. it usually curdles my stomach and makes me jittery.
seeing as i’m sure you are all waiting with baited breath i will tell you about exam 2: my prof will hate me. i wrote and wrote and wrote. i am expecting an A, but i’ll settle for an A+, lol.
my glitches with mate? apparently only with ones from this continent.
this tea has marshmallow notes that soften a beautiful balance of fruit and flowers. very light in colour as well in taste. it is complex, but not complicated, and not the least bit imposing. beautiful, smooth, cleared the fuzz out of my head in record time. i will absolutely buy mate from mariage and dammann.
by far the best mate i have ever had. by leaps and bounds! and i will keep one in the house for as long as i’m a student.
agreed! hopefully i’m not completely cracked though and i did as well as i think i did on exam #2!!!
Oh god, reading this reminded me of all the horrors of writing adapted exams in the accessible tech labs at school. The computer would crash; the screenreading software would turn out to be a demo 40 minutes in; I’d lose my work and want to throw things. Good for you for keeping it together, because that’s legitimate melt down teratory. i’m glad the second one went better, but uggh ugggh ugh.
oh no! there’s this hope that someone gets what you’re saying when this junk happens, but then you feel bad when they really really get what you’re saying.
i have been talking back and forth with my prof, the disabled student resource center has yet to report anything to her. all i keep screaming in my head is ‘SERIOUSLY??? GET IT TOGETHER!!!!’
Oh geez. In my befuddled state I thought your terrible experience WAS a nightmare! Kudos for making it through. You might want to actually mention to the centre that your prof needs to know about this kind of thing ASAP. I would have thought they would have been phoning your prof and cancelling and rescheduling your exam for when they had their act together.
Well, and the suggested remedies are never anything you’d want to deal with. Re-write the exam? Are you effing kidding me? go through that again because they’re inept and don’t ensure a method to back up stuff?
my dear keychange…. we should discuss who the owner of the page that we are both on is, lol. shared custody do you think?
i find myself at a cross roads with this puerh. on one hand there are aspects that i find vastly superior, on the other i find some elements disconcerting.
i really like the fact that it isn’t musty as some puerhs i’ve tried lately are. there’s a healthy but not overpowering astringency that balances the flavours out so that i am certain i am drinking tea and i haven’t been whacked in the mouth with a moss pillow.
what i find odd are the smell and taste. it smells like popcorn, and it tastes like sticky rice. makes a certain amount of sense, it’s a rice shu…. but sweet rice in my tea cup is new for me and i don’t know what i think of it yet!
thank you very much to tao tea leaf for the sample. i always enjoy an opportunity to try.
no numbers, not yet. i’ll try another steep and see if i can come to a conclusion!
this is THE WHACKIEST tea!
visually it’s quite lovely with the long umber tendrils curling among the black fingers of tea. kombucha….. i like the calorie free fizzy drink…. how would i like it in tea though?
for me this is a very honest tea. what i smelled is what i got…. which is great because the smell was awesome! the kombucha (which is a bacteria heavy fermented tea product btw….. i had to look it up) gives a great twang without any hint of bitterness which is perfect up against the pineapple and mango!
decisions decisions….. do i ship this off to ysaurella when the time comes? lol. just kidding.
that’s the thing this is such an original tea that the mango is just part of one layer. even if you don’t like it it may be nice for you to try one of david’s teas hits, lol.
oops, nope, not for me. i got apple oatmeal and no cinnamon whatsoever. i will refrain from a number, but this was a full out miss from the david’s teas hit or miss tendency. i’m afraid it wasn’t even an apple cider. just apple powder in water…. i actually returned it.
Sounds delicious!
it was alot of fun. at a certain point stacy said ‘it needs a fruit balance’. i disagreed. i finally conceded with ‘bananas’ to which she disagreed but agreed to make up a batch with prejudice (LMAO) then she wound up loving it and so did i. which is amusing because i usually have a hefty banana bias. it was awesome.
I might have to request some of that sometime.
absolutely! i have an immense amount, lol!
That sounds delicious!
truly my friends…. PM me your addresses, i’ll shove a sample in an envelope and shuffle it your way. i have a ton of tea, no swaps, but you are more than welcome to try it. i have zero problem buying some US stamps and sending a sample your way. obviously same for my fellow canadians. =0)
that does sound really good!
OMG, a River Song tea. Are the bananas from a grove in Villengard, by chance? Heh. PS I want to try some, and apparently we live in the same city? How’s that happen? :P
I JUST NOTICED THAT 30 SECONDS AGO, lol. yay powers of observation. well, we’ll just have to meet up so i can hand you over a sample. not sure about the origins of the bananas, but i can tell you this much….. if stacy has access to a TARDIS or an atypical presentation of time and space in any way whatsoever then i want in!
Yep. Anyhow, it won’t be in the next week, since I am traveling stateside to visit friends, family, and go to Long Island Who. :P But after that, for sure.
This blend was soooo much fun to make! This was the first time working with someone where we just let the flavors go wherever they wanted to go. The only two requirements were coconut and complex flavors. We even tried a lime, rose, coconut. In my head that one sounded so good but in reality it tasted like musty curtains.
HAHAHAHAHA….. that is an awesome taste metaphor!!! i have sent a bunch out. i will be sending more. appropriately my dear you are brilliantly appreciated and not just by me! xoxo
I’ll PM you too in a bit but we also live in the same city. Maybe I’ll snag some off of Heather :P
whichever is easiest for you =0)
We can plan something when I get back. :)
i might just love you a lot for making this tea.
I don’t even know how I got to this tasting note but this tea sounds amazing
i’m not sure if i get to say thank you or not….. my wishlist our con-joined fussing, stacy’s work? lol!
justjames..i want it all. I’m so excited for our swap heh
me too!! am i waiting for nina’s to arrive? or am i sending today/tomorrow?
Send it whenever lol. I’m in no rush. Like i said, I don’t need Nina’s :) stacy teas on the other hand…
This sounds amazing!
it’s quite excellent! stacy is amazing =0)
Can’t wait til I can try some.
Stacy will be selling it soon, it sounds like. :) Then we can all get our fix.