558 Tasting Notes

drank Elderberry Green Tea by 52teas
558 tasting notes

I’ve found myself craving this tea. This is the first green tea I’ve ever craved. I actually opted for a mug of this over a mug of my usual strong black tea in the morning.

I have played around with the steeping parameters, and found I like it best around 170F for 2:30. I haven’t gotten the purplish green cloud of color I had the first time around, but I think my water was hotter than I intended that day. I’m happy to have a whole bag of this tea to enjoy.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Had this today steeped in boiling water for 8 minutes with a few crystals of german rock sugar. I enjoyed this better unsweetened. The flavors masked themselves a bit too much with the sugar. I do like this tea though!

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drank Earl Grey by Lupicia
558 tasting notes

Sad to see this sample from Ricky go. I think I may have to order more once my 6oz stash of Teavana’s Earl Grey Creme is gone. (was my first Teavana purchase and bought way too much). I like this Earl Grey from Lupicia so much more, it is just the perfect amount of bergamot flavor, not too floral/perfumey nor too weak. I will miss this!

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drank Valentines by Adagio Teas
558 tasting notes

I tried this tea at 3 minute steep with boiling water and a splash of cream. It didn’t work for me. Got a dark orangish brown cuppa creamy looking tea, but the flavor just wasn’t speaking strawberries and chocolate to me. I think adagio’s ceylon base is alright, but I prefer other strawberry flavored blends to this one. Thanks Doulton for letting me sample this. I know it’s been quite some time since I reviewed a tea from the wonderful samples you sent my way. I may try this with a longer steep to see if more flavor comes out. I just get afraid of bringing out the bitter ceylon taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This is one of the very few of Adagio’s flavored blacks in which I don’t get the bitter ceylon taste. I was afraid of that too, when I first tried it. I think it’s because it contains strawberry, and I never get the bitter ceylon taste from that, either.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Not a huge fan of Valenties either.


Meghann M, is 3 min normal for your black teas? An extra 2 min may help.

Meghann M

I usually do blacks between 2-4 minutes. I don’t like the bitterness I get at 5 minutes. Especially with Adagio’s flavored teas. The only one that’s held up is Oriental Spice in a stovetop chai method. Just my preferences.


Oh ok. Then my suggestion won’t work for you. That’s fine, I wouldn’t want to risk you making it worse since just the opposite was my intention:) I don’t like my blacks (which are mostly limited to chai and some other dessert teas) less than 5 min.

Meghann M

I’ll probably try 4-5 min next time (since their are a few samples left) to see if any of the flavors come out. Although I don’t know if I should brew shorter to get more flavor less tea? I don’t really get this blend.

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drank Elderberry Green Tea by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Thanks, Frank & 52teas for shipping so quickly. I received this tea two days after I ordered it! Amazing! I just haven’t been able to review it until today.

The dry leaves are quite large and long sencha leaves. The scent of the dry leaves is a bit tart and quite blueberry like. Once brewed the aroma is more mellow, berry and almost a little floral with a light tartness. The liquor is quite darker than I imagined. It’s almost as if a blue/purple food coloring was added lightly to the green tea. I haven’t brewed a sencha before, so I’m not sure if this is the leaves or something to do with the flavoring. I’m loving the smell of this!

I have no words to describe elderberry with, but the flavor reminds me a bit of the brightness of fresh, ripe blueberries. The elderberries really compliment the flavor of the sencha. The sencha is very strong, but the flavors blend, the mesh so well, it is a wonderful dance on my tongue. I’m really enjoying this.

I did brew it on the higher end of the temperature range, 180F, for 2:30 minutes. I think I will try this at 170F and 160F to see how it compares. I think the length of the steep is just right, as I’m not tasting any astringency.

Nice work 52teas! I’m loving this blend.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I’m becoming more and more tempted to try this!


you make this tempting, but i think there will be much >.< faces if more tea arrives before i drink some space in

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drank PBJ Rooibos by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Finished off the sample AmazonV sent me with a little sugar added this time. I get the tiniest hint of peanut butter on the last part of the sip with the sugar added. It definitely made the strawberry jam jump out more. Upping the rating a couple notches for finding the peanut butter. Even if it might just be in my head.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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Allowing myself to drink a cuppa tea before heading to bed after a long night’s work. All the college kids are back for the summer and it’s going to be a long week of re-training. But they’re all good kids.

This tea is a sample sent from Lori. Actually surprised I haven’t reviewed it as it was a sample I was excited to get from her. The name reminds me of a scene from Practical Magic (found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stQ31X8COWw&feature=related ). I didn’t even know the muppets did a skit with this.

These leaves are beautiful. I was surprised at how large the coconut shavings were. These were no ordinary shavings used in baking coconut, no not in this tea! This tea brewed up a beautiful lemon lime green. The aroma is very coconutty with a bit of citrus sneaking in as well. It reminds me of Harney and Sons Bangkok Green tea (minus the ginger). There is almost a buttery note to the scent as well.

As far as the taste goes, it is a lightly flavored, buttery green tea. I taste the bright, citrusy lime in the forefront, then the buttery green base with a hint of coconut at the end. The coconut is very strong in scent and as I sip it I get more from the scent of the coconut than the taste of the coconut. Does coconut make the tea taste buttery and smooth, or is that the actual tea itself? This texture I’m tasting was similar in the Harney and Sons tea mentioned above, which also had coconut in it. I do like how smooth this blend is. Nothing stands out too sharply. I really enjoy the lime flavor in this tea. It doesn’t overpower the green tea, but blends with it rather nicely. I’m glad to have enjoyed a mug full of this.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Well, there could be worse songs to have stuck in my head ;) And I’ve only ever known the Muppet version (teahee!), but then again I’m a Muppet nut. :D


I might actually have an MP3 of the Muppet version. It was a college favorite. :)


Wonderful and accurate and detailed review…

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This tea sampled by me courtesy of Lisbet. Thank you for sending me some samples :)

I wanted a rooibos this afternoon because my allergies are really acting up and I’m curious to see if one cup a day does enough to ease the allergies a bit. So here it goes.

This tea smells strongly of Rooibos (sour wood) and has a heavy scent of nutty liquour mixed in with it. The taste is similar to these toffee nut cookies we have at work. Cookies which I used to love, until they changed the recipe to this current recipe which is missing something, but I can’t quite figure out what it is that is missing. This tea is like that. Something is missing from the flavor.

I didn’t really get the white chocolate flavor out of this, but their was toffee. The rooibos itself really overpowered this tea, too much for me. I don’t want to finish the cup, but I will. I think. It is just so sour. Sour and nutty are an odd combo.

This sample did spike my curiosity in Specialteas in that I have ordered a few samples to try for myself. A few other Rooibos blends sounded interesting.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Yeah, I mean I thought the taste wound up being oddly coffee-like. The first cup really appealed to me and then… plegh! :) I couldn’t deal with it.

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drank Almond Biscotti by Teavana
558 tasting notes

Having a big mug of this this morning, with a little cream, no sugar. Love the sweet nuttyness of this in the morning. Great tea all day for me. See previous notes for more details.

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drank White Peach by Harney & Sons
558 tasting notes

Found this in the depths of my cupboard. Enjoying a large mug of this before bed. Love the strong peach flavor in this white tea. Enjoying what I’ve tried of H&S so far. Raising a few points for it’s calming effect and flavor strength tonight.

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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