558 Tasting Notes
Ahh, now this is bliss after my last few teas. I rolled a “2” this morning, but had no more “2” teas. (Yes, I used the entire sample bag of the rose in my tea last night, I wanted SUPER fragrant rose scent and flavor). When I returned from work my luck improved and I rolled an “8”. The single package labeled 8 was Maple Sugar by Tea Guys. Super excited to try this I was. (My try at yoda speak).
The leaves smelled amazing, and probably would have paired well with scrambled eggs and bacon, or some chocolate bacon chip cookies (I’ve only heard of these, never consumed/made them myself). This was a tasty sweet afternoon tea to enjoy as a pick me up. It tastes like I drizzled a bunch of syrup in with my afternoon basic black tea. I bet this would handle cream well. I have a bit left over so I will try it that way next time I roll an 8.
Thanks again to Rabs, for allowing me to try such tasty teas:) Now to decide which teas to bring to the in-law’s house for the evening. Showing them how to work their new phones!
Needed something sweeter and not as caffeinated as a black tea to cleanse my palate after the pleasantly surprising Rose White tea. This tea fits the bill, although it does still have caffeine, so I hope I will sleep alright, but I have no decaf/rooibos teas I felt like drinking at the moment.
Love the fruity berriness of this tea, wish it was a little less buttery. Elderberry is still my favorite 52 teas green tea. This is a close second, tied with Champagne Mojito Green. Short note tonight, just want to enjoy the tea.
My luck hasn’t improved by much, I rolled a two today. Feeling a little glum about that :( But at least there is only a single package left rated 1 (yes, there were two 1 packages in the box), so I can either roll that tomorrow, or something higher. Three cheers to a high roller tomorrow.
Oh, and here’s a link to a picture I took of the fancy decorated little tea packages I received for Geek Pride day!
Tonights tea is a white tea, full of beautiful miniature rosebuds that are highly fragranced. This artificial rose scent reminds me of how my grandma’s house always smelled. Especially her bathroom, as she had rose scented soap, bubble bath and the works in her bathroom. Ah, the happy childhood memories.
Surprisingly the wet leaves tone down the rosaroma and create a softer bouquet that is easier on the palate. The tea is quite calm, and floral, as one would imagine, but surprisingly, the rose tastes quite awesome! It’s not soapy, it’s not like anything earthy, it’s not sweet. I don’t have words to describe this other than I can smell and “taste” the roses within this tea. I am quite enjoying this. It would be a fine tea to serve to lunching ladies, or an afternoon tea for a queen. Phew, I thought this “2” tea might be quite awful, but I’m quite enjoying it’s relaxing and calming qualities. I wonder if my breath will smell like roses? Thanks Rabs for this purely relaxing tea.
Oh lordy, I’m so sorry about the low rolls! I’m glad that this one pulled it out in the end and wasn’t anything like the Tangerine Ginger. At least you’re almost through all the lowest numbers :)
Here’s a link to a picture of the beautiful leaves: http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr276/msmeghann82/IMG_0160.jpg
The wonderful Rabs sent me a package due to being one of the three finalists in her geek pride day give away. I must say, she has an excellent knack for packaging things. Everything was beautifully wrapped and neatly labeled. Thank you Rabs for putting on this contest, I am so excited to play the game!
After reading the instructions and noting that I must drink whatever I roll by the end of the day, I decided to try my luck.
First roll is: “1”
1 is the worst number in this game. I guess it shall be good to get it over with! (Trying to look at my bad look with a positive note). The tea to be tasted is Rishi’s Tangerine Ginger. A tisane…shoot, I could really use some caffeine as my husband and I have been running around all day and I am beat! Ah, well, thus it must be.
I’m a little scared of ginger, and these leaves smell like their is quite a bit of ginger present. But I do enjoy tangerine, and hope that this flavor comes through the strongest. Sniffing the leaves a little more, I am reminded a bit of sweet and sour chicken that was served two nights ago at the graduation party I attended. Not sure how this will play out in the wet leaves, or in the tea.
This tisane brewed up a deep crimson/blood orange color. I steeped it for 4 minutes at 205F. It smells mostly citrusy, but I’m still getting something that reminds me of chinese take out….
The taste is strong in the ginger department, almost a bit like biting into raw ginger and than following that ginger garnish with a blast of tangerine flavored hot water in the aftertaste. (Sorry if I seem to be tripping over my descriptions tonight, it’s been a long day). I don’t hate this tea, but it isn’t one I’d pick to drink again. It reminds me a bit of Teavana’s Wild Orange Blossom as far as the citrus taste goes, just add ginger to that and it would be about the same. I may try this tea iced next time, as there is enough for another large cup hot or an iced mug full. Maybe I’ll pair it with some fried rice :)
Thanks again Rabs for this fun tasting experience. I’m enjoying playing the game, and am hoping to do at least a tea a day :)
As it’s cooling I am getting a strong saltwater taste…like when you are slapped in the face with a wave while swimming in the ocean…eww!
I’m so sorry — but I laughed until I cried when I saw your first roll! Oh, the tears in my eyes! I hope that you get a 10 on your next roll! (Oh how I hate that tea — I had to toss my one and only cup of it). I feel like a true DM laughing at the adversity of the players ;) I can’t stop laughing — so sorry!
@Rabs, I had my husband take a sip after I made it through half of the cup. He kept wondering why I was making faces as I was drinking the tea. He thought it was quite horrible and barely managed to swallow it. It wasn’t awful piping hot, but the colder it got it tasted like seaweed/saltwater and citrus. Not so pleasant. That was definitely a well deserved 1 tea!
I went back and read my note on this — I had done it iced. Iced! I actually did make it through one cup, but it was after I watered it waaay down. Ah, the facemaking ::starts laughing again:: Remember, you’re only required to take three sips ;)
Ok, I’m starting to get the drift of the game… seems like each tea is coded to a number on the die, or maybe there’s more than one for each number? And you have to drink what it lands on?
@__Morgana__: I think that you’ve got the gist :) There are numbered envelopes that generally have one tea in them (sometimes more). You roll the die and you have to drink the tea in the envelope. 1 is the worst and the higher the number, then the “better” the tea. If you’re lucky then there are two teas in it and you get to chose the one you have to drink that day. I’ll be publishing the rules in about a week for anyone to do their own version — I just wanna give the winners a chance to play first :)
My super-extra-humongeous order from the Memorial day sale arrived Saturday! I got this tea, 5 other tins and one pouch. Reviews to come shortly. I’m impressed at how fast these came. I was expecting to wait longer because of the turnout for the sale, so thank you Frank and 52teas staff!!! I’m so excited to have my new teas! I was nearly out of Chai with chocolate it was so consistently needed by my tummy:)
The leaves of this tea look beautiful! Dried banana circles and large pieces of peach with long dark green leaves. This tea has a great banana taste, I had to hunt a little for the peach flavor, but it was present. Even the green tea came through. This has a bit of a juice flavor to it, it is quite delicious. Just a note that I did try it iced first:) I think it would be great hot as well!
I followed the instructions on the box and used 1 sachet in 16oz boiling water for 5 minutes topped with 16oz ice cold water to cool it down. I had a glass with two ice cubes (maybe I’ll make tea cubes, but I drank it fast). The tea is a bright crimson with strong hibiscus flavor. Their is a herbal coolness underneath it, and a bright lemongrass tongue. I wonder what the cooling herbs used are, they definitely made me feel refreshed. The flavor isn’t one I’d request often, but I can see myself getting through 5 quarts of this due to convenience this summer. It’s nice to have an herbal iced tea option in the house.
This tea arrived from Jillian with perfect timing! Made a cup of this to pair with a Lemon Ginger Scone that I picked up from Whole foods this morning. At four minutes steep time this brewed up a dark red amber liquor. The tea was a bit astringent and didn’t have much Raspberry or Bergamot flavor, but it did help was down the biscuity dry scone. I will have to try this with a shorter steep and more tea next time I brew it. I won’t rate it until I try it again. Thanks for sending this to me via the “take it away thread” Jillian.
I’ve decided I don’t like the mouthfeel that coconut gives teas. It’s so smooth it’s nearly oily. I love the way this blend smells, but it is too much like the Harney and Sons green tea with thai flavors that I already have. Meh. Not bad, not great, but drinkable.
The smell of the wet leaf (bag?) is of sweet strong berries. It smells like my favorite all fruit raspberry jam. Delicious. I hope the taste with the green tea is just as strong in flavor as it smells. I could sniff this all evening!
When slurped I get a bright berry forefront with a green tea calm as an aftertaste. It’s sweet without sugar. When sipped slowly it is a little less flavorful upfront, but still quite fruity. RoT greens don’t usually Pop me in the face with fruit flavor, but this is doing pretty well. I may try two bags next time. I just used 1 bag for 6oz and am getting decent flavor.
yum…and I have watermelon. Don’t really like watermelon but am in love with it this year. Weird how tastes change. Freezing some tonight! Tea smoothie/freezie tomorrow!
RoT acai berry is really nice and fruity, too. Haven’t tried any iced yet this summer, but now that I mention it…
May have to try their acai if the little coffee house I found carries it. I was impressed to find RoT in my town, usually have to drive 2 hours to whole foods to get it (Rishi is there to so makes it worth the drive once or twice a year).
I have to admit that chocolate bacon chip cookies sound interesting.
Hooray for a higher roll! I never thought of keeping more of the tea set aside for another roll — that’s a great way to extend the game if you’d like. Otherwise I consider a tea that’s been rolled for and open “fair game.” :)
hehe my favorite cookies