558 Tasting Notes

drank Orange Blossom by Rishi Tea
558 tasting notes

I made up a gallon of this iced and have been drinking it all day. A gallon didn’t actually use all that many leaves (just 4 tbsp) as the tea can handle a second steeping very well, so I just brewed it up hot 32oz at a time, added 32oz of cold water and voila: greatly refreshing citrus green tea. I love this tea iced as it is slightly sweet all on its own. Hot it is almost a bit bitter, but iced the lemongrass, lime and orange really come alive. I’m glad I bought a tin of this and that it was on sale for $8. I can see this being a staple in my fridge. Upping the rating because of it’s iced lovely ness.

Iced 4 min, 30 sec

I am awaiting my rishi order and this is in it Yay! I cannot wait to try it iced.


Way to score on that sale price!


Mmm…sounds like a wonderful iced tea.

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drank Arcadian Apple by Teavana
558 tasting notes

Had a Teavana barista brew up a glass of this as I was walking around the mall today. I felt like trying another of their flavored greens.

The tea brewed up a very pale melon green. I had them lightly sweeten it and it really tasted like candied apples, not caramel apples, but candied red apples, like a Yankee McIntosh candle, but in a drink form. It was a decent flavor, but I didn’t taste much of the green tea or white tea base at all. I think I’d enjoy having more of this tea.


It’s funny you should mention Yankee candles. There’s a new one Strawberry Buttercream and everytime I smell it I think (to myself of course) I WISH this were a tea! It’s smells yum!

Meghann M

Ooh, I’ll have to go sniff that one. I love scented things, tea, candles, lotions.


Candl-roma-therapy! If you’re not near a Yankee Candle, Cracker Barrel usually has a really nice selection of both Yankee and Wood Wick scents.

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Finished up the sample sent by AmazonV. I enjoyed this while it lasted, but do not see myself missing it down the line. So many rooibos blends, so little time :) I am happy I got to try this one (a few times). Glad I got to clear out a few samples today. May have to re-evaluate what I have in my cupboard.

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drank Spicy Chocolate by Kusmi Tea
558 tasting notes

I’m really enjoying this tea. I think I may have found a chocolate tea I actually like! The spice really works well with the chocolate flavor. This was a great desserty afternoon tea. I think I may have to place an order with Kusmi after trying a few of their teas (courtesy of Lori). The next sample I’ll try with cream and maybe a pinch of sugar.

Meghann M

2nd steep 30 seconds longer and added some cream and sugar. This tea holds up very well to cream and sugar. Brought out more chocolate and sweet notes with the cream. I have one more tsp left and hope I can order more of this on Friday (payday). Must get through a few more things in the cupboard (or move them to a TTB pile…in hopes that it will be my turn before they get too old!


Sounds terrific.

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drank Casablanca by Mariage Frères
558 tasting notes

This blend intrigued me, and thanks to TeaEqualsBliss, I have some to sample. I thought this might be to the liking of Golden Moon’s Vanilla Mint in that it was a mint/green/black tea blend. I like the added bergamot in this blend. The mint is the first flavor I notice, then the gunpowder, much lighter is the black tea, and then more of an aftertaste of minty bergamot. I like this tea. I hope the flavor continues to impress as it cools. I think this would be a delish iced tea. Need something to replace Tazo Zen.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Hmmm, bergamot. Didn’t notice that when I had it. I’ll have to try again. It reminded me of Moroccan mint. Hmmm…

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drank Vanilla Caramel by Bigelow
558 tasting notes

I brewed this tea on the lower end of the recommendations, 2 minutes, and it was quite strong black tea flavor with a nice sweet aftertaste. I think I’ll go back to my previous brewing method for this tea, around 1 minute. At a minute it is simply deliciously decadent. I used to drink this while living in france as my Afternoon tea with delicious tea cookies to dip in it. I think I drank the tea more for the cookies than the tea, but at least it brings back fond memories!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Used the last of this today as a strong brewed iced tea. Love the tart berry flavor and the energy it gives me. I will miss you RL Mate, I don’t think I’ll be rushing to buy more just yet.

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drank Hibiscus Apple by Argo Tea
558 tasting notes

Wow…can you say Sour Apple Punch (remember the pink straws coated with sour sugar sold in a pink and white wrapped box like licorice)? This tisane totally reminds me of that flavor. It is so sour it makes my mouth pucker. But I LIKE it. Weird, but it’s sweet in it’s own way, and it reminds me of candy my younger brother and I would always get (he’d get the blue I’d get the pink). Yum! I doubt this would be a tea I crave often, but I do love the tartness it has.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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This is quite a complex tea! The leaves alone smell so decadent. I know this was a great choice for a dessert tea, I just wish I had a dessert to pair with it. I taste milk chocolate, a bit of cedar/woodsyness, warmth from the vanilla beans. The aftertaste has something a bit like the coppery taste after biting my tongue, maybe it’s just earthy flavors I haven’t quite explored yet. I’d enjoy tasting this tea again, it has many interesting characteristics.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

I have finished a small tin of this tea and I still cannot peg some of the flavors….yet oddly I like it…

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drank Troika by Kusmi Tea
558 tasting notes

The liquor of this tea is a bright amber, almost copper color. Quite nice to see on this stormy day.

The aroma reminds me of bergamot with a slight caramel hint to it.

In taste Troika is much more lemon than bergamot to my tongue. When I slurp it it I taste a bit of honey mixed with the lemon flavor and a nice, mildly sweet black tea. I’m enjoying this blend, I like how mellow and not so in your face the flavors are. Which is strange, as I usually like in your face, but the mild citrus is enough for me to really enjoy this tea.

Many thanks to Lori for sending a sample of this my way :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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