558 Tasting Notes


What quick shipping! I received this in my mailbox today, and just had to open it right up. This smells so deliciously of cinnamon and sweetness. And yes, it does look Christmasy with the greenish leaves and pink peppercorns.

The flavor is very spicy, but not so much that it overwhelms the white tea base. The cinnamon is similar to the liquid red hots feel the Red Hot Cinnamon black tea had. I think I’m tasting a bit of apple in the swallow, but I’m not sure if I’m just wanting the sweetness I taste to be the apple, knowing that it should be in there.

Well, if it’s any attest to how good this tea is, I finished it before I was done typing this review:) I can’t decide if I want a second cup of this, or to move on to another new tea. We shall see.

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 15 sec

Yes! Another cup!:) Great review… although I’m a little worried about the red hots reference.


Oh, I hope my order’s in the mail (even though it didn’t include this one). How does it compare to the spiced pear?

Meghann M

Cofftea-it isn’t totally like red hots, but it’s a liquid cinnamon feel if that makes any sense. It tastes different than the powdery cinnamon taste I get from some chais and my pumpkin spice lattes. It’s silkier.

Jaime-Hope you get your order today! It’s spicier than the spiced pear, I think the spicing is a bit different too. I don’t get as much fruit from this one, and the base is a little deeper/more rich. The Apple Vanilla Chai has more flavor right off the bat but the pear is more subtle.

Meghann M

Jaime, would you like a sample of this one? I can set some aside for the next package I send…as I’m sure there will be one. I just mailed the Berry Chocolate Earl Grey today or I would have put some in there. I didn’t expect such fast shipping!


I’ll never say no to a sample of any of Frank’s teas! Sadly, my package hasn’t arrived yet.

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drank Boulder Blues by The Tea Spot
558 tasting notes

I like to alternate between black and green teas in the morning so as not to over-caffeinate myself. This was what I chose for my morning green. The leaves smell rather sweet, they are quite long dragonwell leaves.

In taste, I get a sweet rhubarb, but not much strawberry or pure vanilla flavor. The dragonwell base comes through strong in this one and the fruit is more of an aftertaste. I smell the vanilla and strawberry in the wet leaf, but just don’t taste it. This is a decent cup, I’m glad to have tried some. Thank you Jaime for sending some my way.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Good plan! I used to say caffeine never bothered me, but I had a stretch where I had 8 cups of 1st infusion black tea several days in a row and I did not feel good after a while.

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Ahhh…I needed this sweet rich black tea this morning. I really do enjoy caramel teas. This tin is slowly dwindling away :(

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Funny, I had the same thing this morning and said the same thing to myself. Good stuff that’s for sure.

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drank Strawberry Zabaglione by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Yum. Had a large mug of this this morning. Much thanks to Erin for sending me a sample of this tea. I wish I hadn’t waited so long to try and buy it…it is gone. But there is hope, sounds like a reblend may be in the works. See the discussions.


I’m hoping to grab some of it! The reviews sound amazing.

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Watched the temp more on this cup and got a mildly sweet green tea with a light tartness to the aftertaste. There might be the tiniest hint of apple. Glad to have tried this tea. Thank you Jaime for sending me some.

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This tea has so much watermelon scent. It comes through very strong in the leaf and in the steep. I don’t smell much raspberry, but I can taste it a bit in the tea. The watermelon flavor in this is such a real juicy sweet watermelon taste, it doesn’t taste like a tart watermelon candy, but just a sweet juicy flavor. I wish the raspberry was there a bit more, but it might distract from the buttery smooth taste of the tea.


This tasting note makes me VERY happy since I didn’t get hardly any watermelon from the watermelon black.


This note makes me want to order this tea as I sooo much prefer watermelon to raspberry…


I gotta get the watermelon blackberry. Blackberry beats raspberry in my book hands down.

Meghann M

There’s a watermelon blackberry? In stock?


Oh opps. I’m an idiot. It’s an ROT black blend. Sorry, I’ve had a headache all day and am not thinking.


mmm…This review makes me want this tea :P


lol…I didn’t even see what Lori said until after I wrote my comment!

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drank Wild Blueberry by Octavia Tea
558 tasting notes

I had to try this iced before sending the rest of it away in a swap. It really does well as an iced tea. The blueberry is very present and sweet in this. Very good!

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This smells so much like fruit loops! Take into consideration I just brushed my teeth, but got cold and wanted some tea. This tea smells and tastes like an herbal variation of fruit loops. I taste the lemon and rosehiosand chamomile. I’m happy it isn’t a sweet chamomile. I will definitely be getting a box of this soon!

Meghann M

Wow is this working well. Goodnight. Perfect tea for tonight as I wake at 3:30am for work.


‘Like’ that tea is good and working. ‘Extremely dislike’ waking up at 3:30 for work.

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drank Strawberry Zabaglione by 52teas
558 tasting notes

Thank you Erin for sending me some of this tea! You are awesome.

I love how this tea looks, smells and tastes. It’s certainly a winner in my book. The leaves are nice long black tea leaves with bright exuberant pieces of strawberry flair mixed in. I can’t believe how much strawberry was added to this tea. It is TOO good. I wish I had much more of this tea as I’m already wanting a second cup. (I had my first this morning on the way to work). It was a great morning pick me up. The flavor isn’t as creamy as my other strawberry love, Marco Polo, but it is much stronger on the strawberry (from what I can remember). Yummm….making another pot before I watch Biggest Loser.

PS-thanks to AmazonV for the multiple attempts at perfecting this tea and recording your steep times/temps. This helped me brew the perfect cup this morning!

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Now I am craving some Marco Polo….need to pick some up for sure.

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I can’t believe I am just now logging this tea after having it for months. I thought I had tried all of the Dammann teas from the mass tea order Doulton organized, but I guess I missed one.

I really love the quality of these french teas. The base is so rich and beyond words I have to describe it, but it really holds this mix of fruit flavors well. The fruits blend together more than stick out to be noticed individually. I really smell an apricot type scent, and taste a lot of peach/cherry flavors. This is a nice smooth hot tea. I shouldn’t have had a caffeinated tea this late, but I really wanted to try this one.

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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