558 Tasting Notes

drank Apple Mint by McNulty's
558 tasting notes

Enjoyed a few hot mugs of this today. Needed something with caffiene and love the smooth feel of this tea. Nice with just a pinch of sugar to really bring out the apple.

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Finishing off another sample Jaime sent my way today. This is very good hot without any additives. I really enjoy this line of teas. These are becoming a staple for night time drinking.

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Loving the smell of this tea as it steeps. I keep going back to sniff the cup (it is an 8 min steep time). The mango in this is sweet and wonderful. The chili isn’t there as a strong spice but gives a nice undercurrent of flavor. I’m really enjoying how green rooibos tastes. Another winner from Republic of Teas. Now if only while foods or world market would carry these raw bush blends so I didn’t have to place an online order. Thank you Jaime for letting me try some of this tea:)


MUST TRY! Reminds me of a mango chilli pepper tequila I had once.


I got this at my local Whole Foods store, so maybe the ones nearest you now carries it:)

Meghann M

If only my nearest Whole Foods wasn’t two hours away :(

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Wow. Holy medicinal papaya batman. I took one swallow ha hubby take one swallow and this pot went down the drain. I think it may have just been too much leaf but after that first sip it needed to go. I’m in the minority here, so by all means please try this tea.


I’m officially screwed up (but we knew that) the second I read your score, my brain went “7…!… MUST TRY!” LOL!

Meghann M

LOL. Sometimes I think that too.


The description sounds so promising. But I’m totally stealing the “holy medicinal papaya batman” line! I’m with Cofftea, must try!

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This is an herbal blend right up my alley. A nice sweet cup of raspberry with a slight apple sweetness to it. There is a bit of a tartness from the hibiscus but it is not overpowering the berry. Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending some my way.

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Sampled this while at the Teavana in the mall. Had it sweetened lightly (although by my standards, feels quite heavily sweetened). I like this blend, but there is just something in the spice mix that makes my throat tickle. Today it turned into a fierce tickle as I think I’m a bit rundown after working 7 days in a row. I think I may need to try these two teas individually next time so I can see if one is better than the other. Tempted to buy them both to mix, as the hubby really liked this, and this is the first of several chai like drinks I have been able to get him interested in. Much more tea to drink in the cupboard to clear out first though.


I really liked this sample when I tasted it in the mall the last time I was there… BUT, they wouldn’t sell me just 2 ounces of it, they required a full 4 ounces to sell me the blend. So, I walked away without it… I didn’t like it enough to buy 4 ounces.

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Enjoying the last cup from the sample Jaime sent me. Headed up to the mall today, so will definitely stop in to get a few ounces of this. I really enjoy all of the flavors in this tea/tisane. Such a great anytime drink!

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Steeped it at a hotter temp tonight for a minute longer to see what would result. It is much better at the 165 range. More spice presents itself at the lower temp. The higher temp brought more color to the infusion, but less taste. Maybe I’ll cold brew the leaves for tomorrow and see how that tastes.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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reposting this where it belongs, I had two samples on the counter, and this is the one I finished off, not da.ud.e’s xaeoxn.

Such a pretty tea to watch steep. The rosebuds are quite large, and there are quite long green and white leaves in this tea blend. The tea brewed up a nice amber syrup color. There is a slight molasses/maple taste/scent in this. It is so light in taste I can’t tell if it is flavor or just in the smell alone, but I swear it is there. This almost tastes like a caramel black tea, with a strong floral tone to it. My taste buds are acting very strange today as I know there is no black tea in this. Maybe it’s the combination of the mango and jasmine? I know it was in a bag all to itself awaiting sampling. I think I will have to do a second steep to see what other flavors come out of this.

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Giving up on stovetop chai for a few days/weeks/months. Stopped with hubby tonight and got a grande soy chai tea latte. I like it with the added water as that is how I would prepare it at home. I forgot how nice of a spice tazo’s blend is. Quite the tingle left in my throat. Mmmmm…this was just what I needed tonight!

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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